#FilmReview #DeathWish #影評 #虎膽追兇

This film basically stands for self-defence and NRA (National Rifle Association) policy. When you get violent rogues' attack in your property or anywhere else, calling police is necessary however police would arrive after everything done by the rogues. It is too late to help yourself and your family. This is the core thought of this film. I agree with self-defence in this way. Every citizen should have a gun for self-defence.
For self-defence, US democracy is especially respected. DIY spirit is highest individualism and anti-bureaucracy. The weakest citizen is just to have everything rely on the state. As the result, there would be a weaker society in this neoliberal world. Everybody should learn Paul Kersey which played by my favourite US actor Bruce Willis!
In technical aspect, I have to refer to brilliant assault sequence in which the wife of protagonist Lucy Kersey positioned in warm and light tone area in the kitchen and the rogue hiding behind the wall is in cool and dark tone. This shot is memorable and artistic cinematography done by Director of Photography, Rogier Stoffers. Cross cutting in this first assault sequence is full of tension and it is the best composition in this film.
Casting is also tuned with plotting that some audience would doubt Frank Kersey which played by Vincent D'Onofrio could be a possible conspirator on the murder of Lucy. Why? Because world's audiences are familiar with the antagonist Hoskins which just played by the same actor Vincent D'Onofrio in Jurassic World (2015).
This is a pure story-driven film and not a shooting game of 107 mins. I'm confident to announce that this film is best of Bruce Willis since Die-Hard film franchise (1988-2013). I agree with self-defence and its DIY spirit of America. This is what we need to learn in this remarkably meaningful blockbuster of 2018!

#selfdefence #NRA #NationalRifleAssociation #DIY #USdemocracy #neoliberal #PaulKersey #BruceWillis #LucyKersey #RogierStoffers #DirectorofPhotography #Crosscutting #FrankKersey #VincentD39Onofrio #Hoskins #JurassicWorld2015 #107mins #bestofBruceWillis #DieHard #DieHardfilmfranchise19882013 #blockbusterof2018 #America #filmreview #Eiga #MadeinUSA #cinematography #ShootingGame #featurefilm #filmmaking #好萊塢電影 #好萊塢 #antagonist #filmscreening #Blockbuster #DIY #USfilm #USA #AmericanCulture #Gun #Shooting #HongKong #Cinema #Film #MasterPiece #DeathWish2018 #虎膽追兇 #布斯韋利士 #猛龍怪客 #DeathWish #DieHard1988
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