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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #101 蔡天鳳人肉湯慘案揭示地產霸權泯滅人性

Writer: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

FILE PHOTO: Forensics © Envato


▪️ 本篇涵蓋從2023年2月16日起到2月28日為止的本港主要社會議題(真政治在於公共利益/國策和資本的衝突上,而非在‘鬼打鬼’的愛國騷/顏色政治劇場節目上)。如KADOORIA蔡天鳳人肉湯慘案;俄烏戰事一週年;疫情及其防疫措施趨勢等。一律不論及對本港社會民生問題不起得實際顯著決定性作用的任何議題。我們的重點始終在於既得利益勢力(所有香港媒體都是同一既得利益集團的輿論操縱工具)如何欺騙市民,並且誘導什麼樣傾向的輿論。防止迷失是讀取媒體消息的基本目的。

This article covers the major social issues in Hong Kong from February 16 to February 28, 2023 (the real politics is on the conflict between public interest/state policy and capital, not on the patriotic show /color political theater program). For example, the KADOORIA Abby Choi human flesh soup tragedy; the first anniversary of the war between Russia and Ukraine; the epidemic and its trend of epidemic prevention measures, etc. We do not care about any issues that do not have a decisive effect on the livelihood of our society. Our focus is always on how vested interests (all the media in Hong Kong are tools of the same vested interests) deceive the public and what tendencies they induce in public opinion. Preventing disorientation is the basic purpose of reading the media.

➖「國安」議題:有一個不能搞錯的決定性的客觀演變是,所謂顏色革命的戰術和形態經歷疫情期間而已有了重大的優化。萬一國安單位的認知依然如故,尚未察覺其變化,就將會在重點國策上重演‘動態清零國策被和平演變掉’的挫敗。最新的形態是逐一顛覆關鍵性的國策及其相關制度(措施),以最終達致整個政權的變質和瓦解。在此過程上,內外資本勢力獲得衛生官僚,學者(政府顧問)及媒體的聯合下,不再直接追求短時內顛覆,而極力避免了直接違反國安法的敘事(分裂主義)。與大量巨魔/示威者(炮灰)的組織工作比起來,具針對性地透過學者(政府顧問)滲透和演變掉瞄準的國策十分有效和安全,因此這足以說明為何美國駐港澳總領事梅儒瑞(Gregory May)2023年1月25日在一個美國智庫組織戰略與國際研究中心(CSIS)網上研討會(紫荊黨也參與)上特別強調了‘中美學術交流重要’。在歷史上,所謂‘建制派’‘愛國愛港’的壓力團體團結香港基金/VISION2047大老之一,最古老的買辦階級代表馮國經曾資助港美中心來建立美國有系統地滲透本港通識課程以準備大量‘未來’示威者也跟這個政治佈署的戰略方向仍然相一致的。‘學生’首先意味著學者(教職)。滲透教育界意味著滲透教師,滲透教師也意味著滲透學生,滲透學生也將會是滲透教師,是因為教育機構的最終社會目的是產生出教師。此兩者是辯證法矛盾,在思考上不可分離。就整體而言,本港政治的穩定性的長遠關鍵領域仍是教育界。不幸的是,經歷三大政治事件,即2018年中美貿易戰(仍繼續),2019年反修例風波(已結束),2020年新冠疫情(仍持續)後,本港還沒有實際有效政策去彌補這個漏洞,所以人家已明言還是在這個領域會繼續下功夫。甚至,上述新優化和平演變方式完全避免和超越了目前國安法的國安定義。不過,這是有關手段和途徑本身,而非目的。其目的(動力)就是尚未全面開放給外資勢力的內地金融財富。最近,在2023年2月23日華爾街日報報導的‘中共凝讓2003年撤銷的中央金融工作委員會(Central Financial Work Commission)恢復’一事有趣(China to Shake Up Financial System as Xi Jinping Installs Key Associates)。若成真,則會有利於中國防範外資政治攻勢。這屬於積極正面的消息。 簡言之,顏色革命的方式已過氣,十分陳腐,透過特定專業領域的官僚,政府顧問,學者,媒體和平演變掉關鍵性國策成了最安全,更有效的,甚至更低成本的顛覆作戰方式。

The "national security" issue: One decisive objective evolution that cannot be mistaken is that the tactics and form of the so-called color revolution have undergone significant optimization during the epidemic. In the event that the perceptions of the national security establishment remain unchanged and the changes are not detected, a repeat of the 'dynamic zeroing out of the national policy ZERO-COVID by peaceful evolution' will be a setback in key national policies. The latest form is to subvert the key national policies and their related systems (measures) one by one, in order to finally achieve the degeneration and disintegration of the entire 'regime'. In this process, the internal and external capitalist forces, united by health bureaucrats, academics (government advisors) and the media, no longer directly pursue short-term subversion, but rather try to avoid a narrative that directly violates national security laws (separatism). This explains why U.S. Consul General Gregory May's January 25, 2023 webinar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a U.S. think tank (with the participation of the Bauhinia Party), indicated a measure that so effective and safe compared to the organization of large numbers of trolls/protesters (cannon fodder). It is to infiltrate and peacefully change the targeted state policy through academics (government advisors). Thus, Gregory May, Consul General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macau, highlighted the 'importance of U.S.-China academic exchanges' in the webinar. Historically, the so-called 'pro-establishment' 'patriotic' pressure groups united with one of the oldest comprador representatives of Our Hong Kong Foundation/VISION 2047, Victor Fung, the oldest comprador class, to fund the The Hong Kong-America Center to establish systematic U.S. penetration of local liberal arts programs. The course to prepare a large number of 'future' protesters also remains consistent with the strategic direction of this new political deployment. 'Students' means, first and foremost, academics (teaching positions). To infiltrate the education sector means to infiltrate teachers, and to infiltrate teachers means to infiltrate students, and to infiltrate students will be to infiltrate teachers because the ultimate social purpose of educational institutions is to produce teachers. These two are dialectical contradictions that cannot be separated in thinking. As a whole, the key area of long-term political stability in Hong Kong remains the education sector. Unfortunately, after three major political events, namely, the US-China trade war (which continues), the anti-extradition law amendment bill movement (which is over), and the new coronavirus epidemic (which continues), Hong Kong has yet to have an effective policy to close this loophole, so relevant people have made it clear that they will continue to work in this area. Even the above-mentioned new and optimized peaceful evolutionary approach completely avoids and transcends the current national security definition of national security law. However, this is about the means and the way itself, not the end. The end (the driving force) is the financial wealth of the Mainland that has not yet been fully opened up to foreign powers. Most recently, in the February 23, 2023 Wall Street Journal report, 'China to Shake Up Financial System as Xi Jinping Installs Key Associates.' If true, it would be good for China to defend itself against foreign political attacks. This is positive news. In short, the color revolution approach has gone out of style, and the peaceful change of key state policies through bureaucrats, government advisors, academics, and the media in specific areas of expertise has become the safest, more effective, and even less costly form of subversive warfare.

➖俄烏戰事一週年議題:與香港較有關的新聞為普京就俄羅斯人民對寡頭財產被海外政府沒收一事的看法以及中國提出來的結束俄烏戰事的12點提議。從2022年10月10日起積極攻打民用能源設施的軍事手段表明了俄國在某種程度上放棄了信息戰(尤其針對戰爭犯罪指控),而只有以軍事行動決戰的路了。每日可確認的戰場的膠著狀態也已不是什麼重點。百病纏身的香港社會為全國最脆弱的一環,根本承受不了任何政治衝突,尤其是中美衝突。然而,當港府開始為資本瘋狂撤除防疫措施的十月,俄國寡頭之一,莫爾達紹夫(Alexey Mordashov)炫耀的超級遊艇「諾德」(Nord)從2022年10月5日起停泊香港,然後2022年10月20日離港一事引發了短暫的避風港風暴(中美衝突)。李家超在第一時間跳出來抽水,硬對抗美國的抗議完全合乎想要成為全國政治焦點的港府政務官團隊的政治短視利益以及此事淪為了吃兩家茶禮的本港內外資本的政治商機。這本身就是為何本港社會的最大利益在於避免中美衝突以及任何政治爭抝上,以免中央政府陷入本無必要的政治困境和麻煩。於是,財政司陳茂波的‘去政治化’(雖有不同的解讀)的論點大致是香港社會的最大安全所在。中立主義,這美國國防部真正嫌惡的意識形態,絕不意味著反俄,嫌俄,也不意味著如俄羅斯般的八方美人,寧願甘受帝國主義的‘政經分離’政策的多面人。簡言之,本港社會毫無物質條件去積極引發和承受中美衝突的。香港本身不是主動搞政治衝突的適當主體。這就是‘去政治化’的現實主義立場的合情合理的根據。那麼,香港該全力從事的正是集中資源和智慧儘早解決本身的種種社會民生問題。本港所謂‘政治問題’絕大部分都是為了阻礙解決民生問題而被港內運作的內外資本勢力協力塑造出來的偽命題,包括‘鬼打鬼’的港獨大幻影。結局,莫爾達紹夫(Alexey Mordashov)炫耀的超級遊艇「諾德」(Nord)只給居港俄羅斯群組帶來了金融制裁。「諾德」(Nord)本身也後來去不成南非,默默暫留在印度洋小國,而最終被迫回俄國了。整個事件揭示莫爾達紹夫(Alexey Mordashov)在俄烏戰事和美國及其衛星國制裁俄國之際環遊世界本是不當的,結局也根本沒有合乎俄國本身的任何利益。出乎意料,在2023年2月21日普京並沒有庇護俄國寡頭,反而正視和論及俄國人民不同情蘇聯瓦解之際搖身一變成為寡頭的人們及其海外財產的命運(No sympathy for tycoons losing palaces and yachts abroad – Putin)。普京的談話完全解釋和確證了莫爾達紹夫(Alexey Mordashov)炫耀的超級遊艇「諾德」(Nord)在港引發的避風港風暴純然是政治空洞的,也並不代表整個俄國人民的民意,反而背道而馳。此外,中國在2023年2月24日發表的12點提議(關於政治解決烏克蘭危機的中國立場)是香港社會也可以直接採納的。明顯,俄烏美歐都沒有接受,也不會履行,但這些提議都是對中國自己的政治意義大。即中國自我確保和規定了在俄烏戰事上的戰略位置和行動範疇,以免被捲入歐洲戰役,是因為一旦中國軍事參與俄烏戰事,那擴大的戰爭規模就是捲入了亞洲國家的第三次世界大戰。中國全面地顧及了俄烏歐美已提出的憂慮和主張,同時也積極確定了中立立場。結盟帶來的自動化選邊站完全不合時代了。如今,真正的中立國才能發揮最大的‘夥伴’功能,是因為它少了衛星國典型的政治偏見和自我束縛。12點的第一點是最重要的。有些親俄勢力感冒了,不過,它本身同時也留有相反解讀的空間,即含所謂新領土。反正,12點提議對中國自己的外交意義獨大。香港不搞反俄反烏反沙反以是正確的,是因為中國與俄國,烏克蘭,沙特阿拉伯和以色列的關係都良好。於是,對解決本身社會民生問題毫無助益的‘政治’矛盾應當被積極排除在外,是因為如此表明沒有內在關聯。 最後,中國是否選邊站?美國認為中國站在俄國一邊,這個說法是成立的,是因為習近平仍然拒絕澤連斯基的會面要求。何況,對美國而言,不站在美國一邊就是顯在或潛在的敵人。此外,俄國在2月27日再度回應中國的12點提議並且以‘沒有和平解決的條件’為由婉拒了。就整體而言,中國的12點提議對中國本身很有意義。

The first anniversary of the war between Russia and Ukraine: The more relevant news for Hong Kong is Putin's comments on the Russian people's views on the confiscation of oligarchs' property by overseas governments and the Chinese proposal to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. The military approach of aggressively attacking civilian energy facilities from October 10, 2022 shows that Russia has somewhat abandoned information warfare (against allegations of war crimes) in favor of a military duel. The stalemate in the battlefield, which can be confirmed daily, is no longer a point of discussion. Hong Kong's ailing society is the most vulnerable in the country and cannot afford any political conflict, especially between the United States and China. However, in October, when the Hong Kong government was frantically removing preventive measures for capital, one of the Russian oligarchs, Alexey Mordashov's vaunted super-yacht Nord, which was to be berthed in Hong Kong from October 5, 2022 and left on October 20, 2022, triggered a short-lived sanction-haven storm (the US-China conflict). John Lee Ka-chiu jumped in at the first opportunity to siphon off a hard-line protest against the U.S. It was entirely in the political short-sighted interest of the Hong Kong government's Administrative Officer team who wanted to be the focus of national politics, and the matter degenerated into a political business opportunity for the local and foreign capitalists who 'enjoy the tea ceremony of the two warring families'. This in itself is why it is in the best interest of the Hong Kong community to avoid a conflict between the US and China and any political haggling that would put the central government in an unnecessary political predicament and trouble. Thus, the Financial Secretary's argument for 'depoliticization' (although it has been interpreted differently) is generally where the greatest safety of Hong Kong society lies. Neutralism, the truly repugnant ideology for the U.S. Department of Defense, does not in any way mean anti-Russian, nor does it mean a multi-faceted Russian-like eight-sided beauty who would rather be subjected to an imperialist policy of 'political and economic separation'. In short, Hong Kong society is not materially equipped to actively provoke and endure conflicts between the United States and China. Hong Kong itself is not the appropriate subject to actively engage in political conflict. This is the logical basis for a 'depoliticized' realist position. Then, what Hong Kong should do is to concentrate its resources and wisdom on solving its various social and livelihood problems as soon as possible. Most of Hong Kong's so-called 'political problems' are pseudo-propositions created by internal and external capitalist forces operating in Hong Kong in order to obstruct the solution of livelihood problems, including the grand illusion of the independence of Hong Kong. In the end, the super-yacht Nord, which Alexey Mordashov flaunted, only brought financial sanctions to the Russian group living in Hong Kong. "The Nord itself failed to go to South Africa and remained in the small Indian Ocean country for a while, and was eventually forced to return to Russia. The whole episode reveals that Alexey Mordashov's trip around the world at a time of war between Russia and Ukraine and worldwide sanctions against Russia by the United States and its satellites was inappropriate and did not end in Russia's own interests. Surprisingly, on February 21, 2023 Putin did not shield Russian oligarchs, but instead faced and spoke about the Russian people's lack of sympathy for tycoons losing palaces and yachts abroad gained after the Soviet Union collapsed (No sympathy for tycoons losing palaces and yachts abroad - Putin ). Putin's remarks completely explain and confirm that the political storm in the harbor caused by the super-yacht Nord, which Alexey Mordashov boasted about, is purely political and empty, and does not represent the opinion of the entire Russian people, but runs counter to it. Moreover, China's 12-point proposal (China's position on the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis), published on February 24, 2023, can be adopted directly by the Hong Kong community. Obviously, Russia, Ukraine, the United States and Europe have not accepted and will not fulfill them, but these proposals are of great political significance for China itself. That is, China has self-assured and defined its strategic position and scope of action in the Russian-Ukrainian war, so as not to be involved in the European war, because once the Chinese military is involved in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the expanded scale of the war will be the third world war. China has comprehensively addressed the concerns and claims already raised by Russia, Ukraine, Europe, and the United States, while actively asserting its neutrality. The automatic side selection brought about by the alliance is completely out of date. The first of the 12 points is the most important. Some pro-Russian forces have caught a cold, but at the same time it leaves room for the opposite interpretation, i.e. the inclusion of so-called new territories. Anyway, the 12-point proposal is of great significance for China's own diplomacy. Hong Kong is right not to be anti-Russian, anti-Ukrainian, anti-Saudi and anti-Israeli, because China has good relations with Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Thus, 'political' conflicts that do not contribute to solving their own social and livelihood problems should be actively excluded because they show that there is no intrinsic connection at all. Finally, is China choosing sides? The U.S. views that China is on Russia's side is valid because Xi Jinping still refuses to meet with Zelensky. Moreover, for the U.S., anyone not siding with the U.S. is an obvious or potential enemy. Moreover, on February 27, Russia again responded to China's 12-point proposal and politely rejected it on the grounds that 'there are no conditions for a peaceful settlement'. On the whole, China's 12-point proposal is meaningful to China itself.

➖KADOORIA蔡天鳳人肉湯慘案以及土地房屋議題:這2023年2月21日發生的慘殺碎屍事件的主角都是炒樓投機份子。這也就是屬於所謂上流‘炒樓’寄生族內發生的悲劇。在2019年7月名媛蔡天鳳為了避免辣椒税(避稅)利用前夫/2013年的黃金投資詐騙犯鄺港智的家翁(前警察,2005年的強姦犯)的業主名義購買值約7,280萬元何文田加多利山豪宅盤KADOORIA低層單位(對事件參與者而言非居住單位,而是炒樓投機用的單位)是慘殺碎屍案的禍根。後來當蔡天鳳要套現轉售該炒樓單位時,要分錢不果,前夫一家反對蔡天鳳套現。這財產紛爭就是前夫一家殘殺碎屍的直接原因。其實,危害者與受害者都不是社會典範。避稅和慘殺碎屍。地產黨當中,東方日報極力避免報導蔡天鳳避稅一事以及地產炒樓的牟利模式(地產霸權)對本慘案的社會作用(正論:謀財害命喪天良 治安崩壞道德亡)。反而,東方日報將地產炒樓和抽象的道德淪喪分離開來論述。先有抽象的道德淪喪,再有所謂表面上的財產紛爭?這是資本典型的‘本末倒置,顛倒是非’的敘事方式。社會存在決定社會意識。先有投機炒樓的本港上樓寄生族的‘經濟’生態,再有由此衍生出來的財產紛爭和超乎尋常的殘酷殺人念頭(如此強烈的謀殺念頭體現的是其貪欲的異常狂亂程度)。就整個事件而言,這事件揭示了地產霸權泯滅本港社會的人性及其民意基礎的上流‘炒樓’寄生族身上因而衍生出來的典型殘忍性格。一般市民不能忘記的是,仍有不少所謂‘名流/名媛’屬於上流‘炒樓’寄生族。在其身上統一了媒體及奢侈品塑造出來的華麗的表面和背後無底洞的貪慾及獸性。有一個問題,即警方在尚未偵破可協助前夫從東涌潛逃內地的走私集團之際,早就在2月26日排除了情婦以外的其他涉案者的存在可能性(警方相信所有與案有關人士已被捕。蔡天鳳案|頭顱有硬物造成的洞疑為致命傷 警再拘前家翁情婦)。




另外,在政宣上,明日大嶼是為了引導輿論到北部都會區的工具。相反相成。在原則上,有戰略性地避開顏色政治議題的兩大本港反對派智囊綠色和平和本土研究社在2023年2月16日發表了《問題島途:從全球大型填海工程看明日大嶼計劃的危機》。不過,1982年的天水圍事件建立的地產霸權模式是叫政府以高價回購地產霸權廉價取得的囤積新界土地。於是,積極叫政府回購地產霸權囤積的土地是地產霸權最要的。在此,不能陷入以肯定北部都會區來反對明日大嶼的圈套。而且,該報告的缺點是經驗主義濃厚。即A失敗了,B失敗了,所以C也會失敗。不一定。目前,明日大嶼和北部都會區都已失去了氣勢,停滯不前,死氣沈沈,是因為進出口貿易也不振(上月出口貨值為70年最差 中小企代表稱去年廠商訂單普遍跌逾三成),本港處於衰退期。港府也很久不再把它們吹捧成解決土地房屋問題的萬靈藥了。反正它們都是為資本/投資者畫出來的大餅而已。有關北部都會區的炒樓也大不如期。

➖KADOORIA Abby Choi human flesh soup tragedy and land and housing issues: the protagonists of this tragic murder and mutilation incident that occurred on February 21, 2023 were all speculators in property 'business'. This is also a tragedy that happened within the so-called upper class 'property speculation' parasites. In July 2019, in order to avoid chili anti-speculation tax (tax avoidance), the celebrity Abby Choi purchased a low-rise unit (not a residential unit for the participants, but a speculative unit) of KADOORIA, a luxury property in Kadoorie Hill, Ho Man Tin, worth about $72.8 million, in the name of her ex-husband's/ 2013 gold investment fraudster Kwong, Kong Chi Alex's family member (a former police officer and 2005 rapist). The root cause of the murder is that when Abby Choi wanted to sell the speculative unit for cash, her ex-husband's family objected to her cashing out. This property dispute is the direct cause of the ex-husband's family's brutal murder and mutilation of her corpse. In fact, neither the victim nor the perpetrator is a model for society. Tax avoidance and murder and mutilation. Among the real estate party, the Oriental Daily News tried to avoid reporting on the tax avoidance of Abby Choi and the social effects of the real estate speculation model (real estate oligarchy) on this tragedy (thesis: the murder of people for money and the death of morality). On the contrary, the Oriental Daily News separates the property speculation and the abstract moral degradation from the discussion. The abstract moral degradation first, and then the so-called superficial property disputes? This is a typical capitalist narrative of 'putting the cart before the horse and reversing right and wrong'. Social existence determines social consciousness. First there is the 'economic' ecology of the local upper class parasites who speculate on properties, then there are the resulting property disputes and the extraordinary cruelty to kill (such strong murderous thoughts reflect the extraordinary level of greed). As a whole, this incident reveals the typical brutal character of the upper class 'property speculators' parasites who have destroyed the humanity of Hong Kong society and its public opinion base. What the general public cannot forget is that there are still many so-called 'celebrities' who belong to the upper class 'property speculation' parasites. In their bodies, the media and luxury products unify the glamorous surface and the bottomless pit of greed and bestiality behind it. One problem is that the police ruled out the existence of anyone other than the culprit mistress on February 26, before they had detected the smuggling ring that originally planned to help her ex-husband abscond from Tung Chung to the Mainland (the police believe all those involved in the case have been arrested. The police believe that all the people involved in the case have been arrested.)

In fact, this case can be used by the real estate party as an excuse to demand the withdrawal of the spicy anti-speculation tax, but Paul Chan stressed again on February 27, 2023 that it would not be withdrawn. The main points can be summarized as follows:

The sky-high price of a property is still the same as the sky-high price of a property even after devaluation.

Therefore, the withdrawal of the spicy tax depends on the trend of the average property price in Hong Kong which is still over the rainbow. Although the pepper tax (a tax on property speculation, intended to curb property speculation) can slow down the rise in property prices, it is not in itself a solution to the land and housing problem. On the whole, the pepper tax is a part of maintaining the status quo. There is no doubt that Paul Chan is right to insist on the pepper tax in general.

Moreover, in terms of political propaganda, Lantau Tomorrow is a tool to lead public opinion to Northern Metropolis Development Strategy. In principle, the two major local opposition think tanks, Greenpeace and Liber Research Community, which strategically avoid color political issues, published "Uncertain Fates- A Study of Problems faced by Reclamation Megaprojects Worldwide" on February 16, 2023. However, the model of property hegemony established by the Tin Shui Wai incident in 1982 was to tell the government to buy back the hoarded New Territories land acquired cheaply by the property oligarchs at a high price. Thus, actively asking the government to buy back the land hoarded by the property oligarchs is the most important thing for the property hegemony. Here, one cannot fall into the trap of opposing Lantau Tomorrow by affirming Northern Metropolis Development Strategy. Moreover, the shortcoming of the report is the strong empiricism. That is, A has failed, B has failed, so C will fail too. Not necessarily. At the moment, both Lantau Tomorrow and Northern Metropolis Development Strategy have lost their momentum, are stagnant and dead, because the import and export trade is also sluggish (last month's export value was the worst in 70 years SME representatives said that last year's orders generally fell by more than 30%), Hong Kong is apparently in recession. The Hong Kong government has also stopped touting them as a panacea for land and housing problems for a long time. They are all just pies for capital/investors anyway. The property speculation in the northern metropolitan area is also not as expected.



香港警察也在2023年2月26日做出拘捕行動了(涉街頭非法行乞9人被捕 當中7人持雙程證)。除了水貨客(代運走私品的謀利行為)以外,乞丐黨也本來都在預料之內的‘復常’敗象。乞丐黨的存在最大打擊的是香港社會對貧困的同理心。


在2023年2月27日,有關防疫措施,有了不少變化。口罩令從2月23日延長兩週到3月8日後,傳來了2月28日李家超宣布解除口罩令,預料快在3月1日起廢掉它(消息指港府明宣布解除口罩令 醫院等地仍須佩戴 料3月實施)。 此外,醫管局也宣佈了從3月1日起將放寬公立醫院探訪限制以及探訪時以快測試取代核酸檢測。重點是,如同在2月27日起解除戶外口罩令前,不少內地遊客早就在戶內外都不戴口罩而沒事,沒差別的澳門,香港現在解除口罩令也只會有表面的象徵意義而已,在當局隱瞞疫情之下,市民會繼續戴口罩,而‘復常’公關已對跌跌不休的股市/樓市毫無實際效果。恆生指數因人民幣對港幣貶值,而終於在2023年2月27日跌破2023年1月3日的兩萬點大關(20,145.29)了。除了澳門從2月27日起解除口罩令外,2月25日澳門特首訪港會見李家超(李家超歡迎澳門特首訪港),李家超將在3月初訪澳門,日本和韓國將從3月1日起解除對華航班限制和防疫要求都是促進港府提早解除口罩令的環節和刺激(【日韓旅遊】日本、韓國3月1日起撤銷對港航班限制 日本將放寬內地旅客入境檢疫措施)。可望有關防疫措施的矛盾將會終結。



The Hang Seng Index kicked off the new week at its lowest level in seven weeks, below 20,000, which is more than 10% lower from the January high.


另外,值得一提的媒體歪風是,本身不敢直接積極反對口罩令的媒體及其躲在背後的編輯則利用大學助教之類(本身不是什麼政府顧問)的社交媒體帳號的貼文也當作新聞來安全地服務資本。如口罩令|薛達:戴口罩防疫作用已大減 倡交回大眾自行決定

不過,東方日報的問題是嚴重缺乏媒體中立主義以及負責人不記名的不負責任報導及評論形式,如香港將成「防疫孤島」 薛達:戴口罩作用很低。如上所述,這種廉價政宣並沒有影響港府的決策

而且,該報可取得的信息不如港府官僚事前透露給TVB的信息的準確度。在2023年2月27日晚間TVB已掌握的解除口罩令信息包含3月1日的具體日期(據悉最快周三起室內外及乘公共交通工具毋須戴口罩 進出公院等仍須戴),不過,東方日報連正論上也沒有把握這個信息(撤口罩全球最遲 慢動作錯失機遇)。

有關說法‘世界上最後一個在所有公共場所都必須佩戴口罩的地方’是與早前在2月25日向陳茂波刁難的英語人士的說法一模一樣(開心香港 市民指戴口罩難開心 陳茂波:口罩令或今季內解除)。這也說明了這些都是屬於一樣的資本勢力的政宣安排。明顯,美國和資本要撤除本港口罩令。要補充一點的是,為何香港特別需要戴口罩和整個防疫措施?是因為人口密度極高的大港口城市。其實,連取材自立百病毒的好萊塢電影Contagion (2011年)也這麼解釋香港疫情的。


The epidemic and its prevention measures: At present, the arrival statistics show that the number of Mainland arrivals is still fluctuating, hovering between 40,000 and 80,000 after February 17 (43,104 Mainland arrivals) (the number jumps up on a single day when multiple Mainland tours are successfully grouped together). On February 27, the number shrank to 48,226. Obviously, the spending pattern and perception of mainlanders towards Hong Kong have also changed, and the pattern of mainland tourists coming to Hong Kong before the anti-extradition law amendment bill movement officially started on March 15, 2019 is no longer valid. So far there has been no influx of mainland tourists, but the negative phenomenon brought about by full customs clearance has emerged, with the emergence of company-run beggar gangs (the mode of operation of coordinated companies that profit from illegal beggars). Not only by TVB actively reported the problem in this month's feature,

The camera team went straight into the "beggar army" base camp and confronted the person in charge|TVBUSA|MUNICIPAL

but the Hong Kong police also made arrests on February 26, 2023 (9 people were arrested for illegal street begging, 7 of them with two-way permits). In addition to the parallel traders (smuggle goods for profit), the beggar party is also originally expected to be a failure. The existence of the beggar party is the biggest blow to the Hong Kong society's empathy for the poor.

The return of the parallel traders

Admittedly, both the parallel traders and the beggar party are typical failures that worsen the conflict between Hong Kong and China.

On February 27, 2023, there were a number of changes to the epidemic prevention measures. After the mask order was extended for two weeks from February 23 to March 8, it was announced by John Lee Ka-chiu on February 28 to lift the mask order, and it is expected to be repealed soon on March 1 (news that the Hong Kong government announced to lift the mask order, hospitals and other places still have to wear it, and it is expected to be implemented in March). In addition, the Hospital Authority also announced the relaxation of restrictions on visits to public hospitals and the replacement of nucleic acid testing with rapid testing during visits from March 1. The important point is that, just as many mainland visitors did not wear masks indoors and outdoors long before the lifting of the outdoor mask order from February 27, there is no difference between Macau and Hong Kong, the lifting of the mask order now will only have a superficial symbolic meaning. The 'resumption' of PR has no real effect on the tumbling stock market / property market. The Hang Seng Index has finally fallen below the 20,000 point mark (20,145.29) of 3 January 2023 on 27 February 2023 due to the devaluation of the RMB against the HKD. In addition to the lifting of Macau's masking order from February 27, the visit of Macau's Chief Executive to Hong Kong on February 25 to meet with John Lee Ka-chiu (John Lee Ka-chiu welcomes Macau's Chief Executive to visit Hong Kong), Lee's upcoming visit to Macau in early March, and the lifting of flight restrictions to China and specific epidemic prevention requirements in Japan and South Korea from March 1 are all links and stimuli to promote the Hong Kong government's early lifting of the masking order ([Japan and Korea Tourism] Japan and South Korea to lift flight restrictions to Hong Kong from March 1). It is expected that the conflict over quarantine measures will end.

When the Hang Seng Index is sluggish, the media both inside and outside the country subjectively blame the US domestic economic data, such as the inflation rate and the rate of interest rate hikes by banks, as a rule. However, the Hang Seng Index is highly correlated with the trend of the Renminbi exchange rate. When the RMB appreciates against the HKD, and the HKD depreciates, the Hang Seng Index rises with it. This is clear from the consistency of the volatility chart. In other words, the ups and downs of the Hang Seng Index are the product of pure monetary policy. Most of the investors in Hong Kong are also Mainlanders.

Hang Seng Index on February 27, 2023: 19,943.51

Hang Seng Index

The Hang Seng Index kicked off the new week at its lowest level in seven weeks, below 20,000, which is more than 10% lower from the January high.

This is the result of the Hong Kong government's frenzied withdrawal of epidemic prevention measures to speculate on the stock market, which was set off by Chuang Shuk-kwan's 'Living with the Virus' advocacy on September 24, 2022. This caused another wave of downward fluctuations in economic adjustment from January 27, 2023 (HSI 22,688.90 points) to the present. Obviously, the previous crazy trend of stock speculation was overheated and overbought, and the stray financial market overtook the far less expected condition of the real economy. During this period, the Hong Kong government itself did not make any specific economic development policies, only public relations instead of actual policies. Remember, the relaxation or lifting of preventive measures is not a policy.

It is also worth mentioning that the media, which dare not directly and actively oppose the Mask Order, and their editors who hide behind it without names, use the posts of social media accounts of university teaching assistants and the like (who are not government advisors) as news to safely serve their capital. The masks are a good way to protect the public from the epidemic.

The problem with Oriental Daily News, however, is the serious lack of media neutrality and the irresponsible form of reporting and commentary by those responsible for anonymity, such as the fact that Hong Kong will become an "island of epidemic prevention" Xue Da: the role of wearing masks is very low. As mentioned above, this cheap political propaganda did not influence the Hong Kong government's decision making.

Moreover, the information available to the newspaper is not as accurate as the information revealed to TVB by the Hong Kong government bureaucrats beforehand. In the evening of February 27, 2023, TVB had information about the lifting of the mask order, including a specific date of March 1 (it was reported that masks would not be required indoors, outdoors, or on public transport from Wednesday at the earliest, and would still be required in public hospitals), but the Oriental Daily News did not even grasp this information (''the slowest action in the world to remove masks missed an opportunity'').

The statement 'the last place in the world where masks must be worn in all public places' is exactly the same as the statement made by the English-speaking person who made things difficult for Paul Chan earlier on February 25 (Happy Hong Kong People say it's hard to be happy wearing masks Paul Chan: Mask order may be lifted this quarter). This also illustrates that these are all political propaganda arrangements belonging to the same capitalist forces. Obviously, the US and capital want to lift the mask order in Hong Kong. One thing to add is why Hong Kong needs to wear masks and the entire epidemic prevention measures? It is because it is a large port city with a very high population density. In fact, even the Hollywood movie Contagion (2011), which is based on the Nipha virus epidemic outbreak in South East Asia, explains the Hong Kong epidemic in the correct way.

There are two major questions: Is the epidemic over or not? Will the central government and the Hong Kong government, in the face of a future global pandemic, adopt a coexistence approach or a dynamic ZERO approach from the outset?

🔻 NEWS / FACTs 【事實關係】



In addition to the personnel moves, the Communist Party is also planning to resurrect its Central Financial Work Commission, a policy-setting body that existed between 1998 and 2003, according to people familiar with the matter. Ding Xuexiang, Mr. Xi’s chief of staff and one of the party’s top seven leaders, and Li Qiang, China’s new No. 2 leader and the premier in waiting, are possible candidates to oversee the commission’s operations, they said.

Established in the wake of the Asian financial crisis to oversee China’s financial system, the commission had supervised policy and personnel matters at the central bank, financial regulators, as well as China’s state-run financial institutions. If the commission is restored, the people said, it will largely serve a comparable function of consolidating all financial regulatory matters under a single authority.

Wen Jiabao, who was at the time a vice premier and member of the party’s elite Politburo, led the commission from its inception until its dissolution. People at the time regarded the appointment as a test of Mr. Wen’s capabilities, given his lack of experience in financial affairs, and a potential sign he was being groomed for the premiership. Mr. Wen ended up serving as China’s premier from 2003 to 2013.















“As for the details, they should be the subject of careful analysis, taking into account the interests of the parties,” Peskov noted, describing it as “a very long and intense process.”

The spokesman, however, cautioned that Moscow sees “no preconditions for a resolution of this whole situation in a peaceful direction,” adding that the Russian military operation in Ukraine continues, as “we move towards achieving the set goals.”

“None of the ordinary citizens of Russia felt sorry for those who lost their capital in foreign banks. They didn’t feel sorry for those who lost their yachts and palaces abroad,” Putin stressed.

He recalled “imbalances” faced by the post-Soviet economy when Russia began to build the country again from scratch by aligning with the West.

“We were considered as a source of raw materials,” Putin said, stressing that it took Russia years to break this trend. Meanwhile, instead of expanding production and creating jobs in Russia, the wealthy "elite" spent money on luxury goods like yachts, mansions, and the education of their children abroad, Putin pointed out.





















🔻 COMMENT 【評語】


All in all, the Abby Choi human soup tragedy is a major incident within the property speculators, the upper class parasites of Hong Kong. It reveals how poisonous and dehumanizing the economic ecology of Hong Kong's property oligarchy is.


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