Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

1. 地產霸權乃「愛國愛港」的賣國賣港勢力:最近港媒普遍引述的‘全球化新自由主義耶穌會’美國政府的IMF的建議本屬於等待董事會批准的職員評估而已,但身為美國情報界‘轉播台’(參看港媒如何報導了最新美國國家情報總監的參議院軍事委員會上的報告,好像報導好萊塢明星的宣傳一樣)的一般港媒把它改裝成好像IMF董事會最終已批准出來的報告書來報導了。這一點本身就是欺騙香港市民的印象操縱。這只要不報導一些具體細節就可得逞的。這一舉措本身也就反過來證實了本港媒體正是由美國政府及其情報界左右的傳聲筒。
此外,該訪問團的職員評估其實是相當於美國對日本要求的年次結構改革方案/ 年次改革要望書 / Annual Reform Recommendations from the Government of the United States to the Government of Japan under the U.S.-Japan Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative(2001年至2009年,由鳩山由紀夫政權廢止,成了該短命革新政權的革命性愛國政績之一)或是俗稱Japan Handler之一,理查德·李·阿米蒂奇/Richard Lee Armitage(1945-)的阿米蒂奇報告(INSS Special Report "The United States and Japan: Advancing Toward a Mature Partnership")。簡言之,要求港府和中央政府做出更多新自由主義‘改革’的‘指手畫腳’之舉。
就總體而言,鄧小平開啟的政治路線的結論是僅為維持主權架構而如此未來無限期地保留中外反動勢力統治地位的道路。這同時將會持續是本渴望解放的被統治階級的長遠苦難和民生問題的永續。很會安排政治局面的本港地產黨‘幸運地’,有計劃地被中共固定下來了其統治階級地位。不流血地維持主權架構,那就得保留既有的既得利益集團。不過,只要維持既得利益集團及其剝削生態(Exploitation in ecology),本來可望解放的民眾就得不到解放,甚至隨著時間流逝,民生和民心自然而然地難免惡化和敵對。進一步,這個政治土壤淪為既得利益集團透過媒體和網紅矇騙和政治利用民眾的溫床。目前以賦予擴大的政治權力來強化‘完善’的只不過是前者(維持既得利益集團及其剝削生態)而已。中央以強化本港既得利益集團來排除同一個既得利益集團為此政治收穫而與所謂外部勢力攜手並肩製造出來的幽靈(本身往往就是被誤導,被利用的社會群組)。如上所述,中央政府,其香港研究,資訊和情報必定有問題,明顯欠缺不受任何本港既得利益集團人脈和收買影響的獨立自主完成的具體研究。只有做好獨立自主完成的,具體情況的具體研究,才能實施所謂全面管治權,如果真的要決心全面管治的話。這正是不屬於任何既得利益朋黨大聯盟的香港市民‘大明朝的老百姓’的心思。無論在政治義務上,美國必定會照樣歇斯底里地做出表層的公關反應,而23條立法對美國將會毫無障礙,是因為所謂商界(資本)正是最佳外國代理人,最安全,最佳滲透途徑,最佳政治金融網絡。因此IMF也鼓勵了港府繼續‘高端人才’輸入計畫來方便和優待他們跨國公司本來享受種種特殊福利的駐在人員來港。只要有這麼個港府,歐美就還需要什麼正宗顏色革命嗎?他們在本港政治上,主要的重點仍是維護既得利益。美國IMF與地產霸權站在同一邊。

The real estate oligarchy is "be patriotic and love Hong Kong" traitorous forces: recently the Hong Kong media generally quoted the 'globalization neoliberal Jesuit' U.S. government's IMF proposal which is in fact only a staff assessment awaiting board approval, but as the U.S. intelligence community’s 'relay station ' (See how the Hong Kong media reported the latest report of the US National Intelligence Director for United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, as if reporting on the Hollywood stars) the general Hong Kong media has modified it to report as if the IMF Board has finally approved the report. This point itself is to deceive the Hong Kong public as part of impression manipulation. This can be accomplished by not reporting some specific details. This in turn confirms that the local media is a sounding board for the U.S. government and its intelligence community.
In addition, the mission's staff assessment is in fact equivalent to the Annual Reform Recommendations from the Government of the United States to the Government of Japan, which the U.S. has requested from Japan. Under the U.S.-Japan Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative (abolished by Yukio Hatoyama's Democrat administration in 2009, it had continued from 2001 to 2009, abolishment of it became one of the revolutionary patriotic achievements of that short-lived revolutionary regime) or commonly known as one of the Japan Handlers, Richard Lee Armitage (1945-)'s -The INSS Special Report "The United States and Japan: Advancing Toward a Mature Partnership." In short, more neo-liberal 'reform' 'finger-pointing' by IMF and the US government to the Hong Kong government and the central government. Obviously, what the public needs to observe is that those who accept this and stand with it are undoubtedly the so-called 'external forces', the real traitors to the country and to Hong Kong.
The "be patriotic and love Hong Kong" sellout force is that the IMF-backing-real estate party whose own capital self-interest is in line with the IMF's 'reform' demands. If the real estate party is really patriotic and loves Hong Kong, then the US government and its IMF are the real patriotic and Hong Kong-loving forces of China. Politically, they have completely unmasked the true nature of the 'patriotic and Hong Kong-loving' theatre. The main theme of Hong Kong politics is how the U.S., under the operation of the "be patriotic and love Hong Kong" theatre, can resist the influence and competition from the Chinese Communist Party in the long run, sometimes creating (and handing out) villainous roles for the real estate party (such as the umbrella, Mong Kok fish balls, the anti-extradition law amendment bill storm, and the ghostly separatist phantoms of Hong Kong independence), while maintaining its own vested interests.
Then, when the CCP disintegrates one day (at least, at the speed of the cosmic universe as when it disintegrates the dynamic zero state policy, and most unfortunately, when there will be 'no working class to stand up to stop the CCP's disintegration, the capitalists on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have finally waited for that day'), they will be able to continue to cooperate with the real estate party to control the political and economic lifelines of Hong Kong. (Once the CCP collapses, they will change their political slogans and postures, just as they did when they returned to China, but the current political and economic system of the ruling class in Hong Kong will remain largely unchanged and will only continue.) In other words, at a deeper level, the US allows and highly accommodates the so-called 'pro-establishment' faction and the Hong Kong government. Then, the so-called electoral reforms, the recent DC 'reforms', and the 'improvements' are also the prizes that the real estate party wanted to extend the power of capital and take full control of Hong Kong politics. The villainous role created for this purpose is the so-called opposition, treating the opposition as scapegoats and at the same time treating them as political bargaining materials between the ruling class and the central government in Hong Kong, so as to force the Chinese Communist Party to rely only on the crony alliance of the real estate party, always listening only to them, always referring only to the real estate party think-tanks, such as New World and Li & Fung (Hong Kong-America Center incident, the mastermind behind the Liberal Studies course) of the Our Hong Kong Foundation and US-CSIS ideologue, Liu Zhaojia's 'study', which gave the real estate party political monopoly to exclude the so-called opposition created by the same real estate party and the US themselves for this prize.
On the whole, the conclusion of the political line initiated by Deng Xiaoping is the path of preserving the dominance of reactionary forces of China and abroad for such an indefinite period of time, just to maintain the sovereign structure. At the same time, this will continue to be the perpetuation of the long-term suffering and livelihood problems of the ruled class, who aspire to liberation. The real estate party in Hong Kong, which is very good at arranging political situations, is 'fortunate' to have its ruling class status systematically fixed by the CCP.
To maintain the sovereignty structure without bloodshed, the established vested interest groups must be preserved. However, as long as the vested interest groups and their exploitation in ecology are maintained, the people who are expected to be liberated will not be liberated, and even as time passes, people's livelihood and public sentiment will naturally deteriorate and become hostile. Further, the political soil becomes a hotbed for vested interests to deceive and politically exploit the public through the media and public figures. It is only the former (the maintenance of vested interests and their exploitative ecology) that is being strengthened with expanded political power to 'perfect'. The Central Government is strengthening the vested interests in Hong Kong to exclude the ghosts (often misguided and exploited social groups themselves) created by the same vested interests working hand in hand with the so-called external forces for this political gain.
As mentioned above, the central government, its Hong Kong research, information and intelligence must be problematic, obviously lacking in any Hong Kong vested interests group of people and bribes to complete independent and autonomous specific research. Only a specific study of the specific situation, done independently and autonomously, can implement the so-called right to full governance, if it is really determined to do so. This is exactly what the 'people of the Ming Dynasty' of Hong Kong, who do not belong to any crony coalition of vested interests, have in mind.
Regardless of political obligations, the U.S. will certainly make the same hysterical public relations response, and the Article 23 legislation will be no obstacle to the U.S. because the so-called business community (capital) is the best foreign agent, the safest, the best channel of penetration, and the best political and financial network. So the IMF has encouraged the Hong Kong government to continue the 'top talent' importation program to facilitate and favor the entry of their resident staff who are already enjoying special benefits from multinational companies. With such a Hong Kong government, do Europe and the United States need any more authentic color revolutions? Their main focus in Hong Kong politics is still to protect their vested interests. The US IMF is on the same side as the real estate hegemony.
The authorities have consented to the publication of this statement. The views expressed in this statement are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF’s Executive Board. Based on the preliminary findings of this mission, staff will prepare a report that, subject to management approval, will be presented to the IMF Executive Board for discussion and decision.
2. 地產美元體系(Real-estate-dollar system):LERS(香港聯繫匯率制度; 美元與港幣固定匯率制; 1983-, 1998, 2005-)是體現本港政經親美的‘自由女神像’。IMF的首要目的是維護這個‘不戰而勝’的戰利品。在外交上,屬於基辛格所謂‘蛋糕’。完全排除表面的公關和政宣,光是從LERS來看,至少在中國境內,沒有任何‘政權性機構’比港府更親美的。IMF及其美國政府=美國情報界把LERS視為決定香港國際金融中心地位的核心價值。換言之,一旦廢止了在政治上這個相當於石油美元系統(petrodollar system)的地產美元體系(real-estate-dollar system),整個美國政府就會把它宣布為‘香港不再是個國際金融中心了’。港府對美國的自信(美國不會徹底搞砸香港)是因為美國已贏盡香港經濟,只要港府維持1美元=7.8港幣的美元與港幣固定匯率制,他就不敢搞砸自己的戰利品。
香港勞動者遭受的是1/7.8港幣的貶值,7.8倍的剩餘價值的剝削。這個新自由主義金融貨幣政策正是港府賜予美國政府的戰利品,極大優惠,絕對親美的證據。因此,IMF的目的只是維護香港聯繫匯率制度就好了。在原理和利害關係上,美國根本不需要發動什麼真心的顏色革命來推翻維護此美國戰利品的港府的。對美元使用者而言,根本不存在本港高樓價的問題,是因為不動產的港幣價格固定地變為1/7.8港幣而已。何況,皮毛的辣招稅。對IMF而言,所謂辣招本身也是可以不理的,是因為有1美元=7.8港幣的美元與港幣固定匯率制(對美元,整個香港的價值等於1/7.8港幣)。誠然,IMF理它就是為了本港政治,為地產黨助威。在這個1美元=7.8港幣的美元與港幣固定匯率制上,本港最大得益者正是地產霸權,地產黨。就單一項目,穩定使用美元,至少可保證以1/7.8港幣成本建設,並可以賺盡7.8倍的天價樓宇利潤。 從此反觀,地產霸權絕不可能非親美勢力。
Real-estate-dollar system: LERS (Hong Kong Linked Exchange Rate System; US Dollar and Hong Kong Dollar Fixed Exchange Rate System; 1983-, 1998, 2005-) is the embodiment of Hong Kong's political and economic pro-American 'Statue of Liberty'. The IMF's primary objective is to preserve this 'non-battle' trophy. In diplomatic terms, it is what Kissinger calls 'the cake'. The IMF and its U.S. government = the U.S. intelligence community see LERS as a core value in determining Hong Kong's status as an international financial center. In other words, once the real-estate-dollar system, which is the political equivalent of the petrodollar system, is abolished, the entire US government will declare it as 'Hong Kong is no longer an international financial center'.
The IMF (the driving force behind the global neo-liberal color revolution, IMF = US government) has been polite to the Hong Kong government, and has taken a strong attitude of protecting its vested interests. For the working class, the fixed exchange rate system between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar of US$1 = HK$7.8 means that a luxury flat with a high price of HK$7.8 million is the same as a cheap flat with a price of HK$1 million for a US dollar user. An hour's labor of HK$78 for a Hong Kong worker is worth only HK$10 to a US dollar user, far less than the minimum wage of HK$40. It turns out that one hour of local labor at HK$78 can be turned into the labor of 10 people, and the surplus value can be exploited to 10 times the value of Hong Kong dollar capital. This means that to a US dollar user, all local labor, products and services, and even all property, expressed in Hong Kong dollars, is only worth 1/7.8 of a Hong Kong dollar. Also, the cost of capital denominated in US dollars is only 1/7.8 of a Hong Kong dollar.
The Hong Kong workforce suffers the depreciation of 1/7.8 of the Hong Kong dollar and the exploitation of 7.8 times the surplus value generally. This neo-liberal financial and monetary policy is the very 'spoils of war' that the Hong Kong government has bestowed on the U.S. government, extremely preferential and absolutely pro-U.S. evidence. Therefore, the IMF's purpose is only to maintain Hong Kong's linked exchange rate system. In principle and at stake, the U.S. does not need to start any sincere color revolution to overthrow the Hong Kong government that defends this U.S. war chest.
For US dollar users, the problem of high property prices in Hong Kong does not exist because the price of real estate in Hong Kong dollars is fixed at 1/7.8 Hong Kong dollars. Not to mention, the skinny on the spicy stamp duties. For the IMF, the so-called spicy stamp dutie itself can be ignored, because there is a fixed exchange rate system between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar of US$1 = HK$7.8 (for the US dollar, the value of the whole Hong Kong is equal to 1/7.8 of the Hong Kong dollar). Admittedly, the IMF is doing it for the sake of Hong Kong politics and cheering for the real estate party. The biggest beneficiary of the fixed exchange rate system between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar, where US$1 = HK$7.8, is the real estate hegemony / oligarchy, the real estate party.
For a single project, the stable use of the US dollar guarantees that at least 1/7.8 of the cost of construction will be used to make 7.8 times the profit of the sky-high price of the building. From this point of view, the real estate hegemony can never be non-pro-US forces.
The LERS continues to function smoothly, providing a solid anchor to the economy and the financial system, allowing the latter to perform its role as an international financial centre. Financial linkages with Mainland China continue to deepen, including through the expansion of various Connect schemes, reinforcing Hong Kong SAR’s status as a key financial gateway vis-à-vis Mainland China.
The LERS remains the appropriate arrangement for Hong Kong SAR as an anchor for macroeconomic and financial stability. Several factors, including the mechanism’s transparency, ample foreign reserves, a prudent fiscal policy framework, robust financial regulation and supervision, and the economy’s flexibility, ensure the credibility of LERS.
3. 美國IMF與地產黨的撤辣要求和負資產威脅論相一致:眾所周知,世界銀行和國際貨幣基金組織都是惡名昭彰的全球推動新自由主義顏色革命的美國政府觸手,都等於美國政府,總部也都位於美國華盛頓。重點是,此次IMF職員評估證實了本港地產霸權/地產黨和美國IMF之間的利害關係之政治一致性。就時序而言,最近地產黨和港府有過辯論,因此此次由本港地產黨請IMF助威的。足認IMF是地產霸權的保鑣。2023年4月27日,立法會地產界代表龍漢標要求港府撤辣,這等於他和地產霸權推銷的是以促進炒樓來解決炒樓造成的本港房屋高樓價問題。簡直是厚顏無恥,瘋狂貪欲。
炒樓問題消失的一天將會是本港終於解決好高地價,高樓價,高租金,高物價問題的一天。IMF和地產黨,現在該日已到了嗎? 回答一目了然。
甚至,2023年至4月底觀察到了,頭3個月已連續記錄了樓價上升,本港樓價處於上升趨勢之際(不論其升起速度,‘放緩’的升起也是升起),更不適合所謂撤辣主張。明顯,IMF的結論是政治性的,忽略了這個事實。正如地產黨,地產建設商會執委會主席梁志堅(九龍倉;最近搞出了其天星小輪船長連續23日工作後5日休息制度下,過勞猝死事件)所說,樓市將會在今年年底向好,那就更不需要主張撤辣吧? 他和其他地產黨員華懋集團執行董事兼行政總裁蔡宏興都明顯只為‘投資者’炒樓投機份子的私利暴利說話。此外,最可笑的是,港府的2022/2023印花稅收大幅減少30%之際,IMF=美國政府和地產黨進一步要砍掉港府印花稅來源也是不得時宜的政治主張。更不算什麼解決辦法。
The U.S.=IMF is consistent with the real estate party's demand for withdrawal of stamp duties and the threat of negative equity: it is well known that both the World Bank and the IMF are the tentacles of the infamous global neo-liberal color revolution of the U.S. government, both are equivalent to the U.S. government, and both are headquartered in Washington, D.C. The important point is that this IMF staff assessment confirms the political alignment of the stakes between the local real estate hegemony/ oligarchy /property party and the U.S.=IMF. In terms of timing, there has been a recent debate between the real estate party and the Hong Kong government, so the IMF was asked by the local real estate party to provide support.
On April 27, 2023, the representative of the real estate sector in the Legislative Council, Louis Loong Hon-biu, asked the Hong Kong government to withdraw the spicy measures, which means that he and the real estate hegemony are promoting property speculation to solve the problem of high property prices in Hong Kong caused by property speculation. It is simply to the brazen, crazy greed. Has property speculation disappeared? This just only need to look at the current high land prices, high property prices, high rents, high commodity prices have disappeared or not, will know the answer. The IMF and the real estate party, has that day arrived? The answer is clear. Even, 2023 to the end of April, the first three months have recorded a continuous rise in property prices, Hong Kong property prices are in an upward trend at the time (regardless of its rate of rise, 'slow' rise is also a rise), the more unsuitable for the so-called withdrawal of chilly measures. Obviously, the IMF's conclusion is political and ignores this fact.
As the real estate party, the chairman of the executive committee of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong, Leung Chi-kin (Wharf; recently, there was an incident in which the captain of the Star Ferry died suddenly of overwork under their corporate labor system of working for 23 consecutive days and then taking five days off), said that the property market will improve by the end of this year, so there is no need to advocate the withdrawal of spices, right? He and other real estate party member Chinachem Group Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer CHOI Wun Hing Donald obviously only speak for the selfish profiteering of 'investors' speculating in property. Moreover, the most ridiculous thing is that the IMF = the US government and the real estate party are making untimely political arguments to cut the source of stamp duties for the Hong Kong government at a time when the government's 2022/2023 stamp duty revenue is being reduced by a whopping 30%. It is not a solution.
Recently, the real estate party has reintroduced the withdrawal of spices, saying that there will be no more property speculation? If speculators really no longer existed, the average price of a high-rise property would have fallen to an affordable level for the grassroots. The reality is still the opposite, the fact that high property prices confirm the existence of property speculation. Although the spicy measures themselves are not a positive way to solve the housing problem, but a negative way, and it can only hope to slow down the pace of speculation, Financial Secretary Paul Chan has repeatedly and correctly used the fact of high property prices itself to refute the real estate party. The point is that the real estate party has been rightly refuted by the fact of high property prices.
While the housing market corrected in 2022, a further adjustment in the property market could still pose risks to the economy. On the back of weak economic activity and rising interest rates, residential property prices declined by about 16 percent by end-2022 from the peak in September 2021, before recovering in early 2023. Financial stability risks have been mitigated by existing macroprudential measures, which help limit potential nonperforming loans as well as banks’ potential credit losses once defaults materialize. However, a further market adjustment in the face of rising mortgage rates could suppress private consumption through higher debt servicing burden and negative wealth effects.
Housing-related macroprudential measures should be maintained and can be recalibrated in the event housing-related stress materializes. As the principal objective of these macroprudential measures is to safeguard financial stability, any relaxation of loan-to-value (LTV) and debt service-to-income (DSTI) requirements should be commensurate with the extent that housing-related downside risks (e.g. house price declines and rising interest rates) have materialized.
Stamp duties need to be adjusted if the systemic risks arising from speculative demand dissipates. Amid the economic normalization and the reopening of the border, the authorities should carefully monitor the systemic risk arising from speculative demand by both residents and non-residents and stand ready to adjust relevant stamp duties. In particular, the Buyer’s Stamp Duty and New Residential Stamp Duty, which are assessed to be capital flow management and macroprudential measures (CFM/MPMs) under the IMF’s Institutional View on capital flows, could be phased out once systemic risk from non-resident and speculative demands dissipate.
財政司司長陳茂波表示,去年本港樓價累計跌逾15%,但由於是自高位回落,目前樓價水平仍然高企。加上政府早前實施的樓宇需求管理措施,旨在令未置業的香港市民在供求仍然偏緊的情況下有優先機會,因此政府經研究後,認為目前不適合撤銷任何樓市辣招。 陳茂波在一個電台節目上重申,去年4.5萬宗成交中,有90%市民是首次置業,大部分是中小型單位,政府因而決定調整相關從價印花稅稅階,減輕市民負擔。 他又提到,去年樓市受經濟疲弱及加息等拖累,成交量跌至4.5萬宗,前年經濟較好時有約7.5萬宗,平均而言,去年交投量仍然維持2013至2020年每年約6萬宗成交的水平。由於經濟逐步向好,相信樓市正在企穩。

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