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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #104 港區國安法後的23條立法/The Enactment of Legislation on Article 23

Writer: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Updated: Jan 6, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #104 港區國安法後的23條立法 The Enactment of Legislation on Article 23
FILE PHOTO: Spying © Envato


關於基本法23條立法,港府已表明今明年擬定立法。目前看似膚淺地把‘沒有集會遊行’或 ‘區議會少了直選因素’ 當作由亂治港或由治至興的公關標誌來大肆宣傳。在此價值觀被扭曲了。其背後掩蓋的是不斷強化和鞏固的,不經由民意考驗的既得利益朋黨大聯盟的權力。






With regard to the enactment of legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Government has made it clear that legislation will be enacted next year. At present, it seems to be superficially publicizing 'no assembly and demonstration' or 'fewer direct elections in the District Councils' as a public relations symbol of ruling Hong Kong from chaos or from rule to prosperity. Here, values are distorted. Behind it is the ever strengthening and consolidation of the power of the crony coalition with vested interests, which is not tested by public opinion.

After the double blow of the anti-amendment incident in 2019 and the new coronary pneumonia in 2020 (obviously, 2020 is the bottom of Hong Kong's history), the series of political measures initiated by the Hong Kong government up to 2023 have not yet improved or solved the serious livelihood problems in Hong Kong. This is inappropriate for people with abnormal mindsets who separate national security from people's livelihoods (cronies who love to call themselves 'elites'). However, the primary relationship between politics, the economy and people's livelihoods is that politics and economics are all about people's livelihoods, and therefore, the quality of people's livelihoods is always the only benchmark for political and economic activities and any policies.

The rich and powerful (bureaucrats and capitalists) and experts (academics, consultants, etc.) often say that the general public does not have the power and the title of the establishment, so they suggest not paying attention to the social system, policies and events that you are not in charge of, and that we should specialize in them and take over for them. However, there is a dialectical contradiction. It is the general public, the so-called "meat on the chopping block", who are most affected and jeopardized by their policies. Therefore, it is the general public, who are the most victimized, who have the least room for manoeuvre, who have the least rights and titles, who should be the most concerned about the social system, policies and events.

As a whole, the Basic Law is a constitutional document that binds the Central Government's acts in relation to Hong Kong, not the acts of the Hong Kong Government, which is the sole landlord of Hong Kong. As a matter of fact, constitutions and laws in general are also documents that constrain the behaviour of the government. For example, the Employment Ordinance, with which the working class in Hong Kong should be most familiar, literally regulates the conduct of both employers and employees, but what it restricts is the conduct of the Hong Kong Government towards the conduct of both employers and employees at the same time. It is the Hong Kong Government that regulates A and B. Therefore, what is written in A and B is the meaning of how the Hong Kong Government, the subject of regulation, reacts. The latter is the essence and foundation of legal provisions.

Even the general system of everyday language is different from the system of legal language. For example, in the so-called legal language, 'continuous employment' is not the same as 'continued employment' in ordinary language. The latter does not necessarily satisfy the inherent requirements of the 418 (four consecutive weeks of 18 or more hours of labour per week) of the applicable employment ordinances of well-being. At the end of the day, such discrepancies and differences are sufficient to affect the general public's level of problem solving. This explanation binds the Hong Kong Government's definition in the first place.

In the context of the above proposition, the reference to the Basic Law by Hong Kong government bureaucrats in the face of the new national policy (look at the reaction of Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah to the impending application of the Hong Kong National Security Law) means that they are resisting the central government. The first thing they are afraid of is the question of their own jurisdiction, because to any bureaucrat, jurisdiction is the most important political issue. In fact, just from this point alone, we can see the true nature and stance of the Hong Kong Government and its bureaucrats. In other words, how the Hong Kong Government and the public relations clowns in the Legislative Council refer to the Basic Law is a clear flag.

The Enactment of Legislation on Article 23


Article 23

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies.


The basic structure of the subject is the corresponding offence clauses of the British Hong Kong era which are still in force, the article 23 draft legislation withdrawn in 2003, and the coverage of the national security law in Hong Kong. The least important of these is international comparison, which tends to obscure the inherent logic of Hong Kong. Without understanding the logic inherent in Hong Kong, international comparisons are superficial and run the risk of falling into the formalism of copying foreign practices. This is a matter of priority.



While the act of "subversion" in article 23 targets "subversion against the Central People's Government", the act of "subversion" in the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" targets "subversion of state power", which implies that the offence of subversion not only covers subversion of the State Council, but also targets subversion of the National People's Congress (NPC), other departments of the Central People's Government, and other local authorities, and includes subversion of the Government of the HKSAR, which is a much wider scope than that of article 23.

As for the remaining 5 clauses of article 23, including treason, sedition, political activities of foreign political organizations in Hong Kong, theft of state secrets, and liaison between local political organizations and foreign political organizations, they are not included in the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law".


所謂七宗罪(叛國,分裂國家,煽動叛亂, 顛覆中央人民政府,竊取國家機密,禁止外國的政治性組織或團體在香港特別行政區進行政治活動,禁止香港特別行政區的政治性組織或團體與外國的政治性組織或團體建立聯繫)的三大分類是,內亂,外謀,以及對外勾結


港區國安法(顛覆國家政權,分裂國家)+至今仍然有效的港英時代的相應罪行條款覆蓋的範圍(叛國,煽動叛亂,竊取國家機密, 禁止外國的政治性組織或團體在香港特別行政區進行政治活動,禁止香港特別行政區的政治性組織或團體與外國的政治性組織或團體建立聯繫)=23條立法 (2023年現在)



This sums up the difference between the 2003 Article 23 Bill and the Hong Kong National Security Law. The 'toothless tiger' version of the old Bill is obviously fatally flawed. However, the most overlooked is the fact that amendments to the Hong Kong-British-era offence clauses, which are still in force today, were dealt with in the old Bill. Therefore, when the article 23 bill was overturned in 2003, the subsequent 20 years of silence and procrastination confirmed that one side of the Legislative Council had an excuse to regard that failure as an excuse for not even amending the corresponding offence clauses of the British-Hong Kong era, which are still in force today. Politically, this is the point that highlights the voice of the vested interests in Hong Kong. It is because those British Hong Kong era national security provisions are sufficient to deal with social incidents, and it is a political move to deliberately discard them and delay amending a subject that is no longer applicable. This has been fully confirmed and questioned during the colour revolution in 2019.

The three major categories of the so-called Seven Deadly Sins (treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, theft of state secrets, forbidding foreign organizations or bodies of a political nature to conduct political activities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, forbidding organizations or bodies of a political nature in the HKSAR to establish ties with organizations or bodies of a political nature in a foreign country) are, internal strife, external conspiracy, and collusion with foreign countries.

Here, members of the public need to know that, apart from the scope covered by the Hong Kong National Security Law and its overlap with Article 23, the corresponding offence provisions of the British Hong Kong era, which are still in force today, do not overlap with the scope covered by the Hong Kong National Security Law. In practice, this is tantamount to Article 23 legislation. That is to say:

Hong Kong's national security laws (subversion of state power, secession) + the scope covered by the corresponding offence provisions of the British Hong Kong era that are still in force today (treason, sedition, theft of state secrets, prohibiting foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Hong Kong SAR, and prohibiting the establishment of ties between Hong Kong SAR's political organizations or bodies and foreign political organizations or bodies) = Legislation of Article 23 ( 2023 now)

So, the three areas of law are three in one and form the complete direction of the legislation of Article 23. This is what is meant by synthesis. That is to say, the richness that can be established in the new conditions that did not exist in the old draft in 2003.

Indeed, Article 23 will stand alone as a complete piece of legislation and will be complementary to the Hong Kong national security laws and the corresponding British Hong Kong-era offence provisions that are still in force today after the amendments.

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #104 港區國安法後的23條立法 The Enactment of Legislation on Article 23

至今仍然有效的港英時代的相應罪行條款 Corresponding offence clauses of the British Hong Kong era which are still in force today:


刑事罪行條例 第一部規定叛逆,叛逆性質的行為,襲擊女皇(需修訂詞彙:君主,女皇,聯合王國,英國等舊政體)


(1)任何人有下述行為,即屬叛逆 ——



(c)向女皇陛下發動戰爭 ——






(2)任何人叛逆,即屬犯罪,一經循公訴程序定罪,可處終身監禁。 (由1993年第24號第2條修訂)

[比照 1351 c. 2 U.K.;比照 1795 c. 7 s. 1 U.K.; 比照 1817 c. 6 s. 1 U.K.]

Part I of the Crimes Ordinance provides for treason, acts of a treasonable nature, assaults on the Queen (need to amend terms: monarch, Queen, United Kingdom, etc. of the old regimes).

Treason (Crimes Ordinance )

(1)A person commits treason if he—

(a)kills, wounds or causes bodily harm to Her Majesty, or imprisons or restrains Her;

(b)forms an intention to do any such act as is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests such intention by an overt act;

(c)levies war against Her Majesty—

(i)with the intent to depose Her Majesty from the style, honour and royal name of the Crown of the United Kingdom or of any other of Her Majesty’s dominions; or

(ii)in order by force or constraint to compel Her Majesty to change Her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon, or to intimidate or overawe, Parliament or the legislature of any British territory;

(d)instigates any foreigner with force to invade the United Kingdom or any British territory;

(e)assists by any means whatever any public enemy at war with Her Majesty; or

(f)conspires with any other person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a) or (c).

(2)Any person who commits treason shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life. (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 2)

[cf. 1351 c. 2 U.K.; 1795 c. 7 s. 1 U.K.; 1817 c. 6 s. 1 U.K.]



任何人明知而企圖 ——

(a)勸誘中國人民解放軍人員放棄職責及放棄向中華人民共和國效忠;或 (由2012年第2號第3條代替)

(b)煽惑上述任何人 ——




[比照 1797 c. 70 s. 1 U.K.]

The Crimes Ordinance (formerly the Sedition Ordinance) covers sedition as a crime of international proportions.

Incitement to mutiny

Any person who knowingly attempts—


to seduce any member of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army from his duty and allegiance to the People’s Republic of China; or

(Replaced 2 of 2012 s. 3)


to incite any such person—


to commit an act of mutiny or any traitorous or mutinous act; or


to make or endeavour to make a mutinous assembly,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for life.

[cf. 1797 c. 70 s. 1 U.K.]


官方機密條例保護針對港府機密的間諜活動和非法披露行為,但不涵蓋中央政府的機密。這致命漏洞至今未改。此外,該條文也需要修辭。所謂間諜和諜報被過於電影化,其實,任何末端的通訊機構設下的各地區有大人流的地方所暗藏的截取通訊站(intercepting points)來監控市民也是日常諜報活動。科技公司,社交媒體公司隨時都截取其用戶的通訊,個人資料及聯絡網也是基本的間諜活動。手機也是隨時都監控和截取通訊的諜報工具。那官僚個人用戶的資料也是隨時都可被截取的。

Theft of state secrets:

The Official Secrets Ordinance (OSO) protects espionage and unlawful disclosure of Hong Kong government secrets, but does not cover central government secrets. This fatal loophole remains unchanged. It also needs to be amended. The so-called espionage and spying is overly cinematic. In fact, the interception points set up by any end of the communication agencies to monitor the public in areas where there is a large flow of people are also daily espionage activities. Technology companies, social media companies intercept their users' communications, personal data and contact networks at any time and it is also a basic espionage activity. Cell phones are also spying tools that monitor and intercept communications at all times. Bureaucrats' personal user information can be intercepted at any time.


(1)任何人如為有損聯合王國或香港的安全或利益的目的而作出以下作為,即屬犯罪 ——






(4)在不損害第(3)款的一般性的原則下,就該款而言 ——

(a)任何人曾在香港或其他地方 ——







在本條中,外國或台灣特工 (foreign or Taiwan agent)包括 ——




[比照 1911 c. 28 s. 1 U.K.;1920 c. 75 s. 2 U.K.]


(1)A person commits an offence if he, for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong—

(a)approaches, inspects, passes over or is in the neighbourhood of, or enters, a prohibited place;

(b)makes a sketch, plan, model or note that is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be directly or indirectly useful to an enemy; or

(c)obtains, collects, records or publishes, or communicates to any other person, any secret official code word or password, or any sketch, plan, model or note, or other document or information, that is likely to be or might be or is intended to be directly or indirectly useful to an enemy.

(2)In any proceedings against a person for an offence under this section, it shall not be necessary to show that he was guilty of any particular act tending to show a purpose prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong and, notwithstanding that no such act is proved against him, he may be convicted if, from the circumstances of the case, or his conduct, or his known character as proved, it appears that his purpose was a purpose prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong.

(3)In any proceedings against a person for an offence under this section, the fact that he has been in communication with, or attempted to communicate with, a foreign or Taiwan agent in Hong Kong or elsewhere, shall be evidence that he has, for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong, obtained or attempted to obtain information that is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be directly or indirectly useful to an enemy.

(4)For the purpose of subsection (3) but without prejudice to the generality of that subsection—

(a)a person shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be deemed to have been in communication with a foreign or Taiwan agent if he has, in Hong Kong or elsewhere—

(i)visited the address of a foreign or Taiwan agent or consorted or associated with a foreign or Taiwan agent;

(ii)been found in possession of the name or address of, or any other information regarding, a foreign or Taiwan agent; or

(iii)supplied to any other person, or obtained from any other person, the name or address of, or any other information regarding, a foreign or Taiwan agent; and

(b)any address, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, reasonably suspected of being an address used for the receipt of communications intended for a foreign or Taiwan agent, or any address at which a foreign or Taiwan agent resides, or to which he resorts for the purpose of giving or receiving communications, or at which he carries on any business, shall be deemed to be the address of a foreign or Taiwan agent, and communications addressed to such an address to be communications with a foreign or Taiwan agent.


In this section, foreign or Taiwan agent (外國或台灣特工) includes a person who— (Amended E.R. 6 of 2020)

(a)is or has been or is reasonably suspected of being or having been employed by a foreign state or Taiwan either directly or indirectly for the purpose of committing an act, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong; or

(b)has or is reasonably suspected of having, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, committed or attempted to commit such an act in the interests of a foreign state or Taiwan.

(Amended 23 of 1998 s. 2)

[cf. 1911 c. 28 s. 1 U.K.; 1920 c. 75 s. 2 U.K.]

禁止外國的政治性組織或團體在香港特別行政區進行政治活動 Foreign organizations or bodies of a political nature are prohibited from conducting political activities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:



社團事務主任在諮詢保安局局長後,可拒絕任何社團或分支機構註冊或拒絕予其豁免註冊 ——



The Societies Ordinance still upholds the registration system and the Registrar of Societies may refuse registration. Even the Societies Ordinance has all along prohibited political activities of foreign organizations and political association (collusion) between Hong Kong societies and foreign societies.

Societies Ordinance 5A(3)

The Societies Officer may, after consultation with the Secretary for Security, refuse to register or to exempt from registration a society or a branch—

(a)if he reasonably believes that the refusal is necessary in the interests of national security or public safety, public order or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others; or (Amended 10 of 2008 s. 4)

(b)if the society or the branch is a political body that has a connection with a foreign political organization or a political organization of Taiwan.

禁止香港特別行政區的政治性組織或團體與外國的政治性組織或團體建立聯繫 Prohibiting political organizations or bodies of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies:


Prohibiting organizations or bodies of a political character in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from establishing ties with organizations or bodies of a political character in foreign countries:

As mentioned above, the Societies Ordinance covers offences in this area.

最後要知道所謂國安在建制中到底是什麼意思? 中港的國家安全的法律概念(過於狹窄)如下:


國家安全 (national security)則指保衞中華人民共和國的領土完整及獨立自主。 (由1997年第118號第3條代替。由2008年第10號第3條修訂)


Finally, we need to know what so-called national security means in the establishment. The legal concept of national security in Hong Kong and China (which is too narrow) is as follows:

Section 2(4) of the Societies Ordinance:

national security (國家安全) means the safeguarding of the territorial integrity and the independence of the People’s Republic of China. (Replaced 118 of 1997 s. 3. Amended 10 of 2008 s. 3)

(Amended 75 of 1992 s. 3)


In short, apart from revitalizing individual national security provisions by making separate amendments to the Crimes Ordinance, the Official Secrets Ordinance, and the obsolete subject matter of the Societies Ordinance, the single-type legislation of Article 23 will facilitate law enforcement. Even the national security laws of Hong Kong, with the existing British-Hong Kong era national security provisions (as amended), could constitute a rich body of Article 23 legislation, and could maximize the complementary relationship that has never existed before. However, it must not be forgotten that, apart from the Hong Kong National Security Law, the national security provisions of the British Hong Kong era are all effective, but they have not prevented social incidents. In particular, the part in the Societies Ordinance, therefore, the most important thing is not the wording, but the fact that we still cannot see how to effectively monitor, detect, expose, proscribe, arrest, testify and penalize offenses, the innovative and concrete enforcement mechanism and methods. This is the most important material subject of the national security system. Without the latter, the provisions alone would be as good as nothing. It is most likely that the legislation of Article 23 will be realized on the basis of the existing enforcement mechanism and methods of the Hong Kong National Security Law.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #104 港區國安法後的23條立法 The Enactment of Legislation on Article 23

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