Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

🔻 IMPORTANT 【重要】反猶太主義危害國家安全
以色列-哈瑪斯戰爭以來香港媒體充斥著反猶太主義 The Hong Kong media has been full of anti-Semitism since the Israel-Hamas war
▪️ 雖然在本港反猶太主義目前唯限在媒體領域,港媒普遍站在宣揚消滅以色列國的哈馬斯恐怖主義一方,而尚未有能力和趨勢取得群眾,惡化到示威,遊行,甚至群組衝突的地步(唯一發生的反猶太示威是政治投機,而不算數的。即2023年11月4日自稱為「一眾推動反戰的香港人」的組織「反戰動員」6名成員於週六到以色列駐港總領事館樓下,默站3分鐘悼念和宣讀聲明,「譴責以色列政府屠殺巴勒斯坦人」,要求立即停火和反對美國軍事介入),整個香港社會並無訴諸於行動的反猶太主義的氣氛,但是除了欲消滅以色列的阿拉伯國家群及伊朗繼續支援反猶太恐怖主義,顏色革命及美國民主黨的全球大金主索羅斯支持美國,法國,德國等地反猶太學運之下,香港市民和本港猶太社區都不應該漠視地產商和索羅斯控制的港媒繼續煽動反猶太主義。對於照樣利用和剝削國際事件的本港資本(商界意味著地產商,地產商控制本港媒體和建制)和建制中的惡勢力,包括不負責任的賣文偽學者之敗類在內而言,以色列和哈瑪斯的戰爭(‘以巴衝突之說’,其實不是以色列本身的說法,是因為以色列官方和市民都只把位於以色列國內兩大巴勒斯坦飛地,約旦河西岸和加薩兩塊地區內的恐怖主義組織視為威脅。該問題根源在於哈瑪斯及其阿拉伯金主國和伊朗的目的是整個消滅以色列,不容猶太人和阿拉伯人在當地共處的不是以色列,而一直都是屢次侵略以色列的阿拉伯國家群及其支援的恐怖主義組織群),這一戰爭題材被當作間接地打擊和違抗本港經濟轉型的意識形態之爭。
以色列在內塔尼亞胡擔任財政部長後在2003年起推動的基於市場經濟的高科技主導經濟轉型仍為中國高質量發展及其新質生產力的外國雛型。這理所當然地也為面臨經濟轉型期的香港提供一個規模相等社會之間的成功模式。就從半社會主義轉為市場經濟的改革層面而言,以色列當時被稱讚為中東的香港。因此,五千年歷史的中國人和四千年歷史的猶太人之間,以色列和香港,以色列和中國都有不少共同之處。那麼,地產商控制的港媒,不勝枚舉,如信報,香港01,東方日報等都日日藉由以色列和哈瑪斯戰爭來攻擊和抹黑以色列和猶太人其實是在抹黑和攻擊以色列提供給中國香港的未來經濟轉型模式。而且,以色列和本港猶太社區的科技和經濟實力都有助於香港的未來經濟轉型。為此香港根本不需要以任何方式攻擊以色列和猶太人,甚至最不需要在以色列和哈瑪斯戰爭上搞選邊站。換言之,客觀地來看,站在欲消滅以色列的阿拉伯石油國家群,伊朗以及哈瑪斯恐怖主義勢力一方的媒體及其御用賣文者都愚蠢地在索羅斯的手裡起舞而已。最笑死人的還是那些‘反帝國主義’者們正站在帝國主義者索羅斯的立場煽動反猶太主義,此一撕裂社會的種族歧視的歪念。那些傢伙到底是什麼樣的‘反帝國主義’者呢? 此外,反猶太主義危害當地社會及其國家安全的重大理由是,猶太社區對當地社會,尤其是經濟金融的重要地位。猶太社區的撤資,撤離就必然會帶來經濟危機以及至少必定加深目前的經濟衰退。香港社會也不列外。因此,對香港社會而言,目前媒體煽動的反猶太主義是毫無必要的。
1. 港媒把哈瑪斯‘恐怖主義組織’一律統稱為‘武裝組織’是政宣,洗腦的鐵證。如此間接地宣揚欲消滅以色列的阿拉伯恐怖主義。
2. 恐怖主義一方散播的辯解:‘反對猶太復國主義,而不反對猶太人。’ 這是個形式邏輯矛盾可解釋。譬如,反對中國的必定是反中國人。同樣,反對猶太國的必定是反猶太人。反對中華民族復興的必定是反中華民族。反對猶太民族復興的必定是反猶太人。所謂猶太復國主義是已實現了的猶太民族的復興願望。猶太復國主義的最終成就是在1948年以色列國的成立。它是已經完成的民族主義願望。
3. 以色列仍然面對的是阿拉伯國家群及伊朗支援恐怖主義來欲消滅以色列的國家安全問題,而非土地問題。以色列的領土是在20世紀初,一戰後從土耳其人和阿拉伯人地主們合法購買得來的,後來擴張的部分是阿拉伯國家群侵略以色列而屢次戰敗的結果。不過,聯合國和美國迫使以色列以土地換來和平的詬病仍然無法熄滅阿拉伯恐怖主義的威脅。
4. 所謂兩國論,一邊逼使以色列接受兩國論,一邊逼使以色列遵守一個中國政策是個雙標。以色列國內的主權需得到尊重,就兩岸而言,以色列開始推銷兩國論的話,就必定會反對嘛。不過,兩國論原為英國在一戰時的各自向猶太人和阿拉伯人承諾以換來戰爭支援的土地方案(英國給猶太人的1917年的《貝爾福宣言》Balfour Declaration以及英國給阿拉伯人的1915-1916年的《麥克馬洪-侯賽因通信》 McMahon–Hussein Correspondence),後來聯合國分割巴勒斯坦的決議,1947年的聯合國大會第181號決議主要是由阿拉伯國家群反對和拒絕,是因為他們阿拉伯人要的是整個巴勒斯坦,這包括後來以色列全境。問題是,以色列在阿拉伯恐怖主義繼續威脅之下,外國逼使以色列接受兩國論的結局必定就會是阿拉伯恐怖主義消滅以色列的真正的‘種族滅絕’。在所有不同種族合法取得公民權的民主國以色列,若真的有意搞針對阿拉伯人的種族滅絕,則應該在其境內的非巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯居民都已被遭受所謂種族歧視的。不過,這根本沒發生過。甚至,以色列當地人的共識是哈瑪斯本可避免其加薩平民遭受戰火的,但阿拉伯國家群都拒絕把公民權頒授給與恐怖主義難免有關的當地人,至少可以不把他們當作人肉盾牌。對哈瑪斯的恐怖主義襲擊,人肉盾牌戰術,和集體綁架等,一律視而不見是不公正的,明顯偽善的。甚至,完全漠視以色列的重大國家安全憂慮則是決定性的片面性所在。中國的立場傾向阿拉伯石油國群一方,而以色列的立場正遭到忽視。這樣的偏向外交不會是成功的。不過,中國對以色列-巴勒斯坦問題上採取的兩國論其實是相對溫和的,是因為那些香港的反猶太主義媒體及其惡勢力完全肆無忌憚地站在欲消滅整個以色列的阿拉伯恐怖主義勢力的一方。這個就是港媒的劣質‘水平’。
5. 在美國主要大學的外國捐款及其職業學生份額的排名顯示那些索羅斯支援的‘反戰’反猶太,反以色列學運的口號是顛倒事實的,即最大金援國都不是以色列,而是那些‘反戰’反猶太,反以色列學運的來源國。同樣,把種族滅絕的口號也倒過來針對以色列使用也就是顛倒黑白的典型手段。再加上,所謂‘侵略’,‘殖民’的口號也就是是非顛倒。原本從巴勒斯坦土地被趕出去的是猶太人。原住民返回原居地不算什麼侵略和殖民,甚至,從1948年以來屢次侵略進攻以色列的則是阿拉伯國家群及其支援的恐怖主義勢力,2023年10月7日的哈瑪斯恐襲以及2024年4月13日伊朗空襲以色列都是最新的例證。不過,阿拉伯石油國,伊朗,索羅斯之類控制的媒體和政府都單方面只指責以色列的反擊而已。這也是典型的反猶太主義操縱。根本缺乏全面性。
6. 港媒及其反猶太賣文者的特色之一是它們根本不提供任何歷史知識,而只喊口號和斷章取義,移花接木,黑白顛倒的名詞而已。‘種族滅絕’,‘猶太教’,‘極右派’,‘殖民主義’,‘帝國主義’,‘侵略’,‘殖民’,‘猶太復國主義’,‘戰爭犯罪’,‘猶太金融寡頭’等等,可笑的是,雖然這些資本的走狗們本身並非極左派,但那些陰謀論道具都是極左派傳統愛用的政宣工具。其中,根本缺乏該供給公眾全面知識,整個來龍去脈和觀點的媒體責任。簡直是無王管。
▪️ Although anti-Semitism in Hong Kong is currently confined to the media, which is generally on the side of Hamas terrorism in advocating the destruction of the State of Israel, it does not yet have the capacity or the trend to gain the masses and deteriorate to the point of demonstrations, rallies, and even group conflicts (The only anti-Semitic demonstration that took place was a political speculation, not counting the 6 members of the organization which called itself "a group of Hong Kong people promoting anti-war", who went to the downstairs of the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong on Saturday, November 4, 2023, and stood silently for 3 minutes to pay tribute and read a statement "condemning the Israeli government for the massacre of the Palestinians" and calling for an immediate ceasefire and opposing the US military intervention), and the whole Hong Kong society does not have the anti-Semitic atmosphere for action. However, apart from the fact that the Arab countries and Iran that want to destroy Israel continue to support anti-Semitic terrorism, the color revolutions and the US Democratic Party's global big money-maker, Soros, support the anti-Semitic movements in the United States, France, Germany, etc., the people of Hong Kong and the Jewish community in Hong Kong should not be indifferent to the continued incitement of anti-Semitism by real estate developers and the Soros-controlled Hong Kong media. For the local capital (business means real estate developers, who control the local media and establishment) and the evil forces in the establishment, including the irresponsible scum who sell literature and pseudo-academics, who continue to take advantage of and exploit international events, the war between Israel and the Hamas ('Israeli-Palestinian Conflict' is not an Israeli term, but a term used by the Israeli authorities and the public to describe the war is Israeli-Hamas War). Israel's official and public perception of the terrorist organizations located in Israel's two major Palestinian enclaves, the West Bank of the Jordan River and Gaza, is that they are a national security threat. The problem is rooted in the fact that the aim of Hamas, its Arab money masters and Iran is to destroy Israel in its entirety, and that it is not Israel that disallows Jews and Arabs to coexist there, but rather the cluster of Arab states that have repeatedly invaded Israel and the cluster of terrorist organizations that they support. For Hong Kong reactionaries, the subject of the foreign war has been treated as an ideological battle that indirectly strikes at, and defies, the economic transformation of the territory.
Israel's high-tech, market-economy-based economic transformation since 2003 under Netanyahu's tenure as Finance Minister continues to serve as a foreign prototype for China's high-quality development and its new quality productivity. It is logical that it should also provide a successful model for Hong Kong, which is facing a period of economic restructuring among societies of comparable size. Israel was lauded at the time as the Hong Kong of the Middle East in terms of reforms from semi-socialism to a market economy. So there is a lot in common between the 5,000-year-old Chinese and the 4,000-year-old Jews, between Israel and Hong Kong, between Israel and China. Then, the Hong Kong media controlled by greedy real estate developers, such as the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the Hong Kong 01, the Oriental Daily News, to name but a few, have been using the Israel-Hamas War as a pretext to attack and discredit Israel and the Jews. In fact, they are trying to discredit and attack the model of the future economic transformation that Israel is offering to Hong Kong, China. Moreover, the technological and economic strengths of Israel and the Jewish community in Hong Kong are conducive to the future economic transformation of Hong Kong. For this reason, there is no need for Hong Kong to attack Israel and the Jews in any way whatsoever, and there is even the least need for Hong Kong to take sides in the war between Israel and Hamas. In other words, objectively speaking, the media and their royal paid writers who are on the side of the Arab oil states, Iran, and the Hamas terrorists that want to destroy Israel, are foolishly dancing in the hands of Soros. What's funny is that the 'anti-imperialists' are fomenting anti-Semitism, a socially destructive and racist idea, on the side of the imperialist Soros. What kind of 'anti-imperialists' are those guys? In addition, a major reason why anti-Semitism jeopardizes local societies and their national security is the importance of the Jewish community to local societies, especially economically and financially. Withdrawal of the Jewish community, will inevitably bring about an economic crisis and will at least certainly deepen the current economic recession. The Hong Kong community is no exception. Therefore, for the Hong Kong community, the current media-inspired anti-Semitism is unnecessary.
There are a few important points that need to be clarified:
The fact that the Hong Kong media collectively refer to the Hamas 'terrorist organization' as 'armed organization' is hard evidence of political propaganda and brainwashing. This is an indirect way of promoting Arab terrorism to destroy Israel.
The defense disseminated by the terrorist side: 'against Zionism, not against the Jews.' This is a contradiction in formal logic. This is a formal logical contradiction that can be explained. For example, those who oppose China must be anti-Chinese. Similarly, those who oppose the Jewish state must be anti-Jewish. Those who oppose the revival of the Chinese nation must be anti-Chinese. Those who oppose the revival of the Jewish nation must be anti-Jewish. The so-called Zionism is the realized wish of the Jewish nation for revival. The ultimate fulfillment of Zionism was the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. It is a nationalistic aspiration that has been fulfilled.
Israel is still confronted with the national security problem of the Arab states and Iran's support of terrorism to destroy Israel, not the land problem. Israel's territory was legally purchased from Turkish and Arab landowners in the early 20th century, after World War I, and later expanded in part as a result of repeated defeats of the Arab states in their invasions of Israel. However, the criticisms of the United Nations and the United States for forcing Israel to trade land for peace have not been able to extinguish the threat of Arab terrorism.
The so-called two-state solution, which forces Israel to accept the two-state solution on the one hand and the one-China policy on the other, is a double standard. Israel's domestic sovereignty needs to be respected, and on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, if Israel starts to promote the two-state theory, it will surely oppose it. However, the Two-State Solution was originally a land program that Britain promised to the Jews and Arabs during World War I in exchange for war support (the Balfour Declaration of 1917 for the Jews and the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence of 1915-1916 for the Arabs). The later UN resolution to partition Palestine, UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 1947, was mainly opposed and rejected by the Arab group of countries because they, the Arabs, wanted the whole of Palestine, which included the whole of what would become Israel. The problem is that with the continued threat of Arab terrorism against Israel, the end of foreign pressure on Israel to accept the two-state theory must be a true 'genocide' in which Arab terrorism destroys Israel. If Israel, a democracy in which all different races are legally enfranchised, had really intended to commit genocide against the Arabs, the non-Palestinian Arab inhabitants of its territory would have been subjected to so-called genocide. But this has never happened. Even the local Israeli consensus is that Hamas could have prevented its Gaza civilians from being subjected to war, but the Arab states have refused to grant citizenship to locals inevitably associated with terrorism, or at least to prevent Hamas from using Palestinian civilians as human shields. It is unjust and patently hypocritical to turn a blind eye to Hamas's terrorist attacks, human shield tactics, and mass kidnappings. Even to completely ignore Israel's major national security concerns is one-sided in its decision-making. China's position favors the Arab oil states, while Israel's position is being ignored. Such biased diplomacy will not be successful. However, China's two-state approach to the Israeli-Palestinian issue is relatively moderate because the anti-Semitic media in Hong Kong, with their vicious forces, are completely and unscrupulously on the side of the Arab terrorists who want to destroy the whole of Israel. This is the poor 'standard' of the Hong Kong media.
The ranking of foreign donations and their share of professional students at major U.S. universities shows that the slogans of the Soros-backed 'anti-war', anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli movement are a reversal of the facts, i.e., the biggest financial supporter is not Israel, but the source countries of the 'anti-war', anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli movement. Similarly, the use of genocide slogans against Israel is a typical tactic of reversing the truth. Plus, the so-called 'invasion' and 'colonization' slogans are also a reversal of right and wrong. It was the Jews who were originally expelled from the land of Palestine. The return of the original inhabitants to their land of origin is no invasion or colonization, and even the repeated invasions of Israel since 1948 have been carried out by the Arab states and the terrorist forces they support, the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7, 2023, and the Iranian airstrike on Israel of April 13, 2024, being the most recent examples. However, the media and governments controlled by the Arab oil states, Iran, Soros and the like have unilaterally blamed Israel only for their counterattacks. This, too, is typical anti-Semitic manipulation. It simply lacks comprehensiveness.
One of the characteristics of the Hong Kong media and its anti-Semitic sellers is that they do not provide any historical knowledge at all, but only shout slogans and out-of-context, adapted and inverted terms. 'Genocide', 'Judaism', 'far right', 'colonialism', 'Imperialism', 'Zionism'. 'War crimes', 'Jewish financial oligarchs', etc. The funny thing is that although these capitalist lackeys are not themselves-far-leftists, those conspiracy theory props are the far left's traditional favorite propaganda tools. There is a fundamental lack of media responsibility to provide the public with comprehensive knowledge of the whole story and viewpoints. It is simply a case of no king's prerogative.
🔻 NEWS / FACTs 【新聞/事實】
假新聞的例子:亂葬崗 Example of Fake News: Mass Graves
Recent big fake news against Israel is the one – a mass grave allegation – which was proven false as IDF doesn’t have such an operative model of burying civilians in a mass grave. Moreover, it turned out to be the Palestinians themselves that created the mass grave at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in late January, as Nour Naim’s X video (URL) shows.
Unfortunately, the anti-Semitic Hong Kong Chinese media and their paid commentators bought the fake news without any doubt. This anti-Semitism in the Chinese media is rampant at present, yet it doesn’t have any practical forces of influence to launch any activism in Hong Kong. The truth is below:
Officials in Gaza have said a total of 392 bodies, including those of children and women, with signs of torture and executions, have so far been found at makeshift burial sites at two hospitals that were earlier raided by the Israeli military.
IDF spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told Politico on Friday that reports of Israeli troops having anything to do with the burials were “fake news.”
When asked whether that meant that Israel would not investigate the matter, he replied: “Investigate what?”
最近針對以色列的大假新聞是一個‘亂葬坑’指控已被證明是假的,因為以色列國防軍並沒有將平民埋入亂葬坑的運作模式。此外,正如 Nour Naim 的 X 視頻(網址)所示,2024年1 月下旬在汗尤尼斯納賽爾醫院製造萬人坑的竟然是支持哈瑪斯恐怖主義的巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人自己。如此,哈瑪斯恐怖主義分子正如與新納粹主義勢力在俄烏戰爭上對付俄國一樣,把自己親手製造的亂葬崗說成以軍製造的。
加沙官員說,迄今為止,在以色列軍方早些時候襲擊的兩家醫院的臨時掩埋地點共發現了 392具屍體,其中包括兒童和婦女的屍體,這些屍體有遭受酷刑和處決的痕跡。
以色列國防軍發言人納達夫 ·肖沙尼(Nadav Shoshani)週五告訴 "政客"(Politico),關於以色列軍隊與這些掩埋有關的報道是"假新聞"。
The Israel Embassy in India has called any attempt to blame Israel for burying civilians in mass graves "false."
In a post on X, the Israel Embassy in India stated, "Misinformation is circulating regarding a mass grave that was discovered at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. The grave in question was dug - by Gazans - a few months ago. This fact is corroborated by social media videos posted by Gazans at the time of the burial, as seen in the video below. Any attempt to blame Israel for burying civilians in mass graves is categorically false and merely an example of a disinformation campaign aimed at delegitimizing Israel."
以色列駐印度大使館在 X 上發帖稱:"關於在汗尤尼斯納賽爾醫院發現的亂葬坑的錯誤信息/消息正在流傳。該墳墓是加沙人幾個月前挖的。如下視頻所示,加沙人在埋葬時發佈的社交媒體視頻證實了這一事實。任何指責以色列將平民埋入亂葬坑的企圖都是完全錯誤的,只是旨在使以色列失去合法性的虛假信息宣傳的一個例子"。

Soros' financial support for the anti-Semitic student protests: describing the anti-Semitism movement as an 'anti-war' demonstration is political propaganda and brainwashing
It’s overwhelmingly silly to see those ‘anti-imperialists’ in Hong Kong. The Chinese media outlets who are fueling anti-Semitism are in line with Soros (his puppet Pelosi opposes Netanyahu) who funded the imperialist color revolutions abroad -including Hong Kong itself- and also funding the ongoing anti-Semitic student protests in the U.S. , Canada, Germany, and France:
Protests that began earlier this April at Columbia University in New York City have since spread to 40 universities and colleges in the US and Canada, including Harvard, Yale, and UC Berkeley. The Columbia protest was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Within Our Lifetime.
All three have received funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundations through a network of non-profits, the Post claimed, citing its own research. Other major donors to the student groups were identified as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and former Wall Street banker Felice Gelman.
None of the groups responded to the Post’s requests for comment.
The outlet also named three “fellows” of the Soros-funded US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), paid several thousand dollars to organize campaigns on campus. Two of them are former interns for congressional Democrats.
Activists have demanded that universities “divest” from companies such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, as well as Lockheed Martin, that have contracts with the Israeli government. They also want the US government to stop giving any more money to Israel, citing its “genocide” of the Palestinians in Gaza.
4月初在紐約市哥倫比亞大學開始的抗議活動已經蔓延到美國和加拿大的 40 所大學和學院,包括哈佛大學、耶魯大學和加州大學伯克利分校。哥倫比亞大學的抗議活動是由「巴勒斯坦正義學生團體」(Students for Justice in Palestine, SJP)、「猶太和平之聲」(Jewish Voice for Peace, JVP)和 「在我們有生之年」(Within Our Lifetime)組織的。
《郵報》援引自己的研究稱,這三家組織都通過非營利組織網絡獲得了索羅斯的開放社會基金會的資助。這些學生團體的其他主要捐助者被確認為洛克菲勒兄弟基金和前華爾街銀行家 Felice Gelman。
Note that being Jewish is not the same as being patriotic, just as being Chinese is not the same as being patriotic. Among the anti-Semitic money-makers, there are also those who have forgotten their ancestors, such as Soros. Even among the neo-Nazis, there are ethnic Jews. This is not surprising, it is not outrageous, because ethnic traitors are of course common in any country.
Components of the anti-Semitic student protests: a preponderance of publicly-funded vocational students from anti-Israeli national clusters
The anti-Semitic students who are demanding that U.S. universities sever ties with Israel are from anti-Israeli countries, especially Arab countries. In fact, it is their own countries, not Israel, that enjoy the deep financial ties with U.S. universities.
“We are demanding total institutional divestment from Israeli apartheid and Cop City at all Atlanta colleges and universities,” an organizer said. “We are occupying Emory, not because it is the only institution that is complicit in genocide and police militarization, but because its ties are some of the strongest.”
While the university initially claimed that the activists were “not members of our community,” it later acknowledged that out of 28 people arrested in the raid, 20 were from Emory.
Jonathan Greenblatt, leader of the US pro-Israel group Anti-Defamation League, claimed in an interview with MSNBC this week that the wave of protests was organized by “campus proxies” of Iran.
雖然校方最初聲稱這些活動人士"不是我們社區的成員",但後來承認在突襲中被捕的 28 人中,有 20 人來自埃默里大學。
美國親以色列組織"反誹謗聯盟"(Anti-Defamation League)領導人喬納森·格林布拉特(Jonathan Greenblatt)本週在接受MSNBC 採訪時聲稱,抗議浪潮是由伊朗的"校園代理人"組織的。
毫無疑問,這些名校學生的成分是反以色列國家政府資助的產物,同時也按照顏色革命的學運成規混雜了大量校外滋事份子,假學生的參與,這一點在上述新聞和基於美國政府提供的學院外國禮品和合同報告(College Foreign Gift and Contract Report)的信息圖表中可以清楚地看到:
It’s no doubt that the ingredients of the students in those prestigious schools are products of governmental funding by anti-Israeli nations, as the infographic clearly shows:

The Jewish community in Hong Kong
儘管幾個世紀以來,猶太商人出於商業和經濟原因來到香港,但都直到 1842 年該地區成為英國皇家殖民地,才有了定居的猶太人。兩個著名的塞法迪王朝(Sefardí指在15世紀被驅逐前,祖籍伊比利半島並遵守西班牙裔猶太人生活習慣的猶太人)-沙遜家族(Sassoon family)和嘉道理家族(Kadoorie)-將他們的生意遷到了香港。這兩個家族都對香港港口的發展起到了重要作用,並在很大程度上雇傭了猶太人,促進了本港猶太社區人口的增長。
香港猶太社區成立於 1857 年,此後不久,第一座猶太教堂落成。猶太工程師和商人在城市發展中發揮了至關重要的作用,他們幫助建立了重要的商業中心(如彌敦道)和交通網絡的重要部分。英國皇家工程兵中的猶太少校彌敦爵士(Matthew Nathan)在這些發展中發揮了重要作用,後來他在 1904 年至 1907 年期間擔任了香港第一位也是唯一一位猶太總督。
20 世紀上半葉,香港猶太社區緩慢而穩定地發展壯大。20 世紀 30 年代末,日本佔領了中國大陸,許多猶太人離開上海、天津和哈爾濱等主要城市而來到香港。第二次世界大戰以及隨後的日本佔領使香港的猶太人生活暫時中斷。
香港發展成為國際和貿易金融中心,吸引了數以萬計的外國人,包括來自以色列、美國和英國的猶太人,他們有效地振興了當地的猶太社區。目前在香港的猶太社區主要是尋求商業和商務機會的外籍人士。猶太社區已很好地融入了香港社會,沒有受到 1997 年英國向中國移交政權的不利影響,目前幾乎沒有反猶太主義或歧視現象。
Note ⚠️: The following overview is of Hong Kong as it was in 2014, up to 2015, as filmed in the video on the Jewish community's webpage. It is strongly recommended that the organization should update the situation in Hong Kong after the Israeli-Hamas war. Anti-Semitism has been present in the media and literature to a limited extent so far, although the trashy media and pseudo-academics who claim to be part of the establishment have no power to get the masses to take to the streets.
Though Jewish merchants had come to Hong Kong for commercial and economic reasons for centuries, there was no settled Jewish presence until 1842, when the region became a British Crown colony. Two prominent Sephardic dynasties – the Sassoon and Kadoorie families – moved their businesses to Hong Kong. Both families were instrumental in the development of the port, and largely employed Jews to encourage community population growth.
The Hong Kong Jewish community was established in 1857, and shortly thereafter the first synagogue was opened. Jewish engineers and businessmen played a crucial role in the city's development, helping establish vital commercial centers – such as Nathan Road – and essential segments of the transportation network. Sir Matthew Nathan, a Jewish major in the British Royal Engineers, played a notable role in these developments and later served as the first and only Jewish governor of Hong Kong from 1904 to 1907.
The Hong Kong Jewish community grew slowly and steadily during the first half of the 20th century. The Japanese occupation of mainland China in the late 1930s saw many Jews leave its major cities – Shanghai, Tianjin, and Harbin – for Hong Kong. World War II and the consequent Japanese occupation of Hong Kong saw a temporary suspension of Jewish life in the territory.
Hong Kong’s development into an international and trade finance hub has attracted tens of thousands of foreigners, including Jews from Israel, the United States, and the United Kingdom, effectively revitalizing the local Jewish community. The current Jewish community in Hong Kong is mostly expatriates seeking business and commercial opportunities.
Well-integrated into Hong Kong society, the Jewish community was not adversely affected by the 1997 transfer of power from Britain to China and currently experiences little to no antisemitism or discrimination.
The Historical Legacy of the 20th Century: The Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Question in the Light of the First World War
The Jews and Christians who remained in Palestine welcomed the Persian victors in 614, but they barely had time to become acquainted when, in 638, they had a new set of masters, the Muslims. The subsequent five-hundred-year Arab rule was broken by the Crusaders when they captured the Holy Land in 1100. For almost two hundred years, the Crusaders held on to their precarious toehold, until they were ousted by an incredible species of men known as Mamelukes – the Arab name given to the Turkish slaves in Egypt. The Mamelukes rebelled against their Egyptian masters in 1250, seized power in Egypt, defeated the Crusaders, made Palestine an Egyptian province, stopped the Mongol invasion of Genghis Khan, and held the frontiers of Egypt intact for 267 years. They were fine horsemen, but incapable of political organization. Forty-seven Mameluke sultans, either illiterate or insane, held the throne of Egypt for an average tenure of less than six years each, and as a rule vacated the throne the way they had acquired it by assassination. Yet they built magnificent universities and mosques, made Cairo the showplace of the world, and without effort reduced the populations of Egypt and Palestine by one third. Their end came in 1517 when the Ottoman Turks annexed Egypt and Palestine to their ascending empire.
A century of magnificent Turkish rule brought tranquility and Jews back to Palestine. Marranos, Kabbalists, Talmudists flocked to that country to build businesses, establish schools, write books. Then, the Ottoman Empire, aided by corruption and privilege, settled on a course of steady decline. Jewish hopes for an amelioration of conditions revived briefly in 1798 when, having bypassed Lord Nelson’s fleet in a Mediterranean fog, Napoleon landed in Alexandria with 32,000 men, the number Alexander the Great had used in conquering the ancient Eastern world. Napoleon captured Jerusalem and drove north to Acre but was forced to retreat when he could not take that strong hold. Palestine was recaptured by the Turks, and by 1860 the ‘land of milk and honey’ was a barren desert which could barely support 12,000 Jews. It was at this juncture of Jewish Diaspora history that the idea of transforming the Palestinian desert back into a land of milk and honey took hold. Under the stimulus of Zionism, the Jews again became active agents in Palestinian history. But it was not until the 1920s, when the Ottoman Empire was disbanded by the Allies after World War 1, that the Arabs, too, became active agents in Palestinian history.
614 年,留在巴勒斯坦的猶太人和基督徒歡迎波斯勝利者的到來,但他們還沒來得及熟悉起來,就在 638 年迎來了新的主人, 穆斯林。1100 年,十字軍攻佔聖地,打破了阿拉伯人長達五百年的統治。在近兩百年的時間裡,十字軍一直堅守著他們岌岌可危的據點,直到他們被一群不可思議的人, 馬穆魯克人(阿拉伯人對埃及的土耳其奴隸的稱呼)趕下台。1250 年,馬穆魯克人反抗了他們的埃及主人,奪取了埃及的政權,打敗了十字軍,使巴勒斯坦成為埃及的一個省,阻止了蒙古人成吉思汗的入侵,並在 267 年的時間裡完好無損地控制了埃及的邊界。他們是優秀的騎兵,但沒有政治組織能力。47 位馬穆魯克的蘇丹們要麼是文盲,要麼是瘋子;他們在埃及的平均任期不到 6 年,而且通常是通過暗殺奪取王位。然而,他們建造了宏偉的大學和清真寺,使開羅成為世界的秀場,不費吹灰之力就讓埃及和巴勒斯坦的人口減少了三分之一。1517 年,奧斯曼土耳其人將埃及和巴勒斯坦併入了他們正在崛起的帝國。
一個世紀輝煌的土耳其統治帶來了安寧,猶太人重返巴勒斯坦。瑪拉諾人、卡巴拉派教徒、塔木德派教徒蜂擁而至,在那裡經商、辦學、著書立說。隨後,奧斯曼帝國在腐敗和特權的助推下逐漸走向衰落。1798年,拿破侖在地中海的大霧中繞過納爾遜勳爵的艦隊,率領3.2萬人(亞歷山大大帝征服古代東方世界時的人數)在亞歷山大港登陸,猶太人對局勢好轉的希望曇花一現。拿破侖攻佔了耶路撒冷,並向北推進到阿卡,但因無法攻佔這個堅固的據點而被迫撤退。巴勒斯坦被土耳其人奪回,一直到 1860 年,"奶與蜜之地"變成了一片荒蕪的沙漠,只能勉強養活 12000 名猶太人。正是在猶太人散居地歷史的這一關鍵時刻,將巴勒斯坦沙漠變回牛奶和蜂蜜之鄉的想法佔據了上風。在猶太復國主義的刺激下,猶太人再次成為巴勒斯坦歷史的積極推動者。但直到20 世紀 20 年代,奧斯曼帝國在第一次世界大戰後被協約國解散,阿拉伯人也才成為巴勒斯坦歷史的積極推動者。
Bibliographic information ; Author, Max I. Dimont ; Publisher, New American Library, 1962 ; ISBN, 0451161793, 9780451161796 ; Length, 472 pages ; Subjects. Religion, pp. 414-415.
Jews are definitely not 'invaders' or 'colonialists': legal purchases of Palestinian land were made before the founding of the State of Israel
The Zionists decided to redeem Palestine by buying land on a grand scale for all Jewish settlers. Suddenly, the scraggy soil of Palestine, neglected for fifteen centuries by its alien custodians, acquired value. Though prices asked by Arab and Turkish landholders were outrageous, the Zionist Jewish National Fund paid them. By 1948, when the State of Israel was founded, the Jews had paid millions of dollars for 250,000 acres of desert land, had settled 83,000 Jews on the land, had planted 5,000,000 trees on soil on which but fifty years previous had been barren. Before 1880 there had been about 12,000 Jews in Palestine, mostly the pious and orthodox who had come to live out their days and be buried in the Holy Land. From 1880 until World War 1, Hess’s Rome and Jerusalem, Smolenskin’s The Eternal People, Pinsker’s Auto-Emancipation, and Herzl’s The Jewish State motivated 115,000 Jews to settle in Palestine. The ‘intellectuals’ and ‘motivators’ had done their work. After World War 1 the ‘politicals’ took over.
World War 1 almost killed the Zionist movement. Britain had counted on Turkey to come into the war on the side of the Allies. Instead, the Ottoman Empire sided with the Germans, portending calamity for both the British and the Jews. To Britain it meant that her Suez Canal lifeline was in danger. To the Palestinian Jews it spelled physical disaster. Every Jew suspected of sympathy with the Allies – the knowledge of a little English was considered proof of sympathy – was hanged; 12,000 Jews were deported because they were not Turkish citizens; and Zionism itself was declared illegal.
During World War 1 the now famed Balfour Declaration was born. It was an expression of gratitude from the British government to the Jewish people for the part they played in the Great War.
猶太復國主義者決定通過為所有猶太定居者大規模購買土地來贖回巴勒斯坦。突然之間,被外來監護人忽視了15 個世紀的巴勒斯坦貧瘠的土地變得有價值了。儘管阿拉伯和土耳其土地所有者開出的價格高得離譜,但猶太復國主義猶太民族/國家基金還是付了錢。到 1948 年以色列國成立時,猶太人已為 25 萬英畝沙漠土地支付了數百萬美元,在這片土地上定居了 83000 名猶太人,在這片五十年前還是不毛之地的土地上種植了 5000000 棵樹。1880 年前,巴勒斯坦約有 12000 名猶太人,他們大多是虔誠的正統派教徒,來聖地安度晚年。從1880年到第一次世界大戰,赫斯的《羅馬與耶路撒冷》、斯莫倫斯金的《永恆的民族》、平斯克的《自我解放》和赫茨爾的《猶太國》促使 115000 名猶太人在巴勒斯坦定居。知識分子和推動者已經完成了他們的工作。第一次世界大戰後,"政治家"接管了工作。
Bibliographic information ; Author, Max I. Dimont ; Publisher, New American Library, 1962 ; ISBN, 0451161793, 9780451161796 ; Length, 472 pages ; Subjects. Religion, pp.420-421.
Two Tongues:一戰期間,英國給猶太人和阿拉伯人的土地方案的不同解釋
Different Interpretations of Britain's Land Programs for Jews and Arabs During World War I
During World War 1, in exchange for the promise of an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire, Britain secretly also gave her qualified support for Arab independence. The artificial boundaries in the Arab world that we now regard as engraved in stone did not exist until after World War 1, when the Ottoman Empire was neatly dismembered by England and France in a series of clinical lessons known as ‘peace conference.’ The divisions were not made for sound ethnic or geographical reasons but as repayment for favors granted and promises made during the war. Thus, the Middle East was subdivided like pastureland for suburban development into lots called Syria, Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia by a series of treaties anchored in oil wells and tied to Britain and France. This carving up of the Middle East complicated the Palestinian question, but not nearly as much as did the Arabs themselves when they exploded a diplomatic bombshell by making public the secret correspondence between the King of Hejaz and the former British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Arthur Henry McMahon. In this correspondence the British guaranteed the Arabs certain Middle Eastern territories if they would revolt against the Turks, which they subsequently did under the leadership of the famed Lawrence of Arabia. The Arabs insisted that Palestine was part of the promise, though the McMahon correspondence did not mention Palestine by name.
There is no reason to doubt the good faith of either the Arab or the British claims. The confusion stemmed from the wording in the correspondence, which can be interpreted either way. Neither is there any merit in arguing which took precedence, the Balfour Declaration, or the McMahon correspondence, they were documents of equal validity. The subsequent course of Palestine history would have been essentially the same even if neither had existed.
The fundamental issues boil down to this: The Arabs claimed the right to be the sole rulers of Palestine by virtue of Muhammad’s conquest of that country in the seventh century and by virtue of constituting most of the population at the end of World War 1. The Jews claimed the right to Palestine by virtue of their conquest of that country in the twelfth century B.C., by virtue of having been a majority in that country far longer than the Arabs. All else is rationalization.
基本問題歸結為以下幾點: 阿拉伯人聲稱有權成為巴勒斯坦的唯一統治者,因為穆罕默德在公元七世紀征服了巴勒斯坦,而且在第一次世界大戰結束時,阿拉伯人佔巴勒斯坦人口的大多數。猶太人在公元前 12 世紀征服了巴勒斯坦,在巴勒斯坦佔多數的時間遠遠長於阿拉伯人,因此他們聲稱有權統治巴勒斯坦。其他一切都是合理化。
Bibliographic information ; Author, Max I. Dimont ; Publisher, New American Library, 1962 ; ISBN, 0451161793, 9780451161796 ; Length, 472 pages ; Subjects. Religion, pp.422-423.
🔻 COMMENT 【評語】
In a nutshell, whether it is the Hong Kong media controlled by real estate developers, Hong Kong politicians who are agents of the real estate hegemony, or anti-Semitism incited and spread by the Chinese media, they are all the poisonous weeds of the stupidity and immorality of the evil forces, which are enough to jeopardize national security.

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