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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」

Writer: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Updated: Jul 14, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Daily FAKES Source © Envato

IMPORTANT 【重要】反俄假新聞


In short, this is not a superficial issue of choosing sides in Ukraine or Russia's opposing camps, but a question of whether the Hong Kong media has verified the content of the information by the mainstream Western media before they cited and rebroadcast or not.




Full Video Report (English)

















目前Google News搜尋優先顯示反俄新聞。

Google News搜尋

NEWS 【事實關係】

近日香港境內流傳的「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓殺人」後來證實是個假新聞了。2022年6月27日香港時間晚上七點後俄國國防部才在社交媒體上發表正式回應和反證的。 在看到的香港媒體報導中,東方日報最偏頗和粗劣。東方日報照樣又直接轉載了烏克蘭官方的假新聞。 這也就是典型的片面報導



經過證實後,俄軍確實轟炸基輔的軍用生產設施,但擊中民宅大樓的導彈其實是烏克蘭軍自己的防空導彈。 換言之,烏克蘭軍把自己導彈失靈釀成的傷亡歸咎於俄軍了。東方日報幫他們傳播假新聞了。

While the commentary in Oriental Daily News is written by some patriotic commentators, its international news is a completely different story. The unnamed editors and writers irresponsibly reproduce only one side of the story. This is typical of the two-faced Hong Kong media.

It was confirmed that the Russian army did bomb the military production facility in Kiev, but the missile that hit the residential building was actually one of the Ukrainian army's own anti-aircraft missiles. In other words, the Ukrainian army blamed the Russian army for the casualties caused by its own missile malfunction.

假新聞 Fake News

東方日報(香港)Oriental Daily News

俄轟炸機裏海射彈 空襲基輔釀1死5傷 (2022年6月26日)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot




烏克蘭北頓涅茨克市失守後,烏克蘭國防部情報總局局長布達諾夫(Kyrylo Budanov)上周六承認,烏軍在南部城市赫爾松的反攻行動很困難,但仍然持續展開,預計8月開始取得成果。

Russian bomber shoots bombs from the Caspian Sea, killing 1, injuring 5 in air strike on Kiev (June 26, 2022)

The Ukrainian capital of Kiev, which was the target of a Russian attack at the beginning of the war, has been hit by another air strike three weeks later, resulting in at least one death and five injuries.

The Ukrainian military said on Sunday (6/26) that Russian Tu95 and Tu160 strategic bombers fired 14 Kh101 cruise missiles over the Caspian Sea with a range of 5,500 kilometers, making it unnecessary for the bombers to enter Ukrainian airspace.

The missiles hit a residential building and a kindergarten, and rescuers rescued a 7-year-old girl from the rubble. Kiev Mayor Vladimir Klitschko believes the Russian side is trying to intimidate Ukrainians at the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, on Tuesday (6/28). The Ukrainian military said Russia launched more than 50 missiles from land, sea and air against the country on Saturday (25), including a Tu22M3 bomber attack in Belarusian airspace and an Iskander missile launch in Belarusian territory.

After the loss of the city of North Donetsk in Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's General Intelligence Directorate, admitted on Saturday that the Ukrainian army's counter-offensive in the southern city of Kherson was difficult, but it was still ongoing and expected to start bearing fruit in August.

事實 Fact

俄羅斯外交部 / 國防部

俄羅斯國防部關於在烏克蘭的特別軍事行動的進展報告 ( 6月27日)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Russian FM





On June 26, Aerospace Forces launched 4 high-precision air-based missiles at the workshops of Artyom missile corporation located in Shevchenkovsky district of Kiev. This enterprise produced ordnance for MRLS.

According to live recording data, all 4 missiles reached the target. The facility was neutralised. Civilian infrastructure not affected by high-precision armament.

Kiev attempted to intercept high-precision missiles by the means of air defence deployed in the city. Ukrainian S-300 and Buk-M1 system crews had launched over 10 air defence missiles.

Due to lack of interoperability between the launching ramps &electronic facilities deployed in residential areas, 2 S-300 missiles were intercepted by Buk systems. One of the intercepted missiles presumably fell down to a residential building.








Russian aviation destroyed the workshops of the Artyom Rocket Construction Corporation in Kiev.

The main thing is from the briefing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, trying to shoot down missiles with air defense systems, hit a residential high-rise building in Kiev.

The Russian military destroyed Georgian mercenaries involved in the torture of Russian Armed Forces servicemen.

The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is trying to stop the flight of its units in the area of Lisichansk with the help of detachments.

The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed three warehouses with ammunition and rocket and artillery weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Russian air defense shot down 10 drones and intercepted two Tochka-U missiles in the Kherson region.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」



Footage of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the shops of the Artyom rocket-building corporation in Kyiv.

Ammunition for Ukrainian MLRS was produced there. The Russian ministry noted that all four missiles reached their target, and the city's civilian infrastructure was not damaged.

Video of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.







The moment the Russian missile hit the Amstor shopping mall in Kremenchuk.


其標題「烏克蘭中部購物中心遇襲至少18死 澤連斯基指俄羅斯為恐怖主義國家」也是典型的標題黨的武斷手段。 這樣,沒有報導俄方證據的TVB片面斷定了「俄軍擊中了商場」。

結局,只引述俄方的說詞,而沒有全面地轉播俄方的重大證據。 這敷衍和矇騙了市民,也是為了免遭片面報導的抗議。

The recent rumor in Hong Kong that "Russian troops hit a shopping mall" has been proven to be fake news. One of the prominent ones is TVB.

In TVB's report today, they did not report significant evidence and testimony that Ukraine itself admitted that the Russian army hit the factory, not the shopping mall. The main point is whether the Russian army hit the shopping mall itself or the factory.

The day before local media released the news, the director of the factory in Ukraine admitted to them that the factory was indeed hit by the Russian army, and there were even images of the crater caused by the bombs.

However, TVB, which covered up this significant Russian evidence, only broadcast two Ukrainian clips of "Russian troops hit the shopping mall", in which no shopping mall was visible.

Even the TVB, which did the biased reporting, one-sidedly stated that "a CCTV captured the moment when the missile is believed to have hit the shopping center''. TVB one-sidedly believes it.

The headline "At least 18 dead in attack on shopping mall in central Ukraine, Zelenski says Russia is a terrorist state" is also a typical arbitrary tactic of the headline manipulation.

In the end, only the Russian side's words were quoted, but no significant evidence from the Russian side was broadcasted in a comprehensive manner. This was done to deceive the public and to protect themselves from the protest of one-sided reporting.

偏向的報導及假新聞 Biased News with Fakes


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot








At least 18 dead in attack on shopping center in central Ukraine, Zelensky says Russia is a terrorist state

The attack on a shopping center in central Ukraine left at least 18 dead and 59 wounded and 36 people missing, and the Russian side denied that the shopping center was the target of the attack. The president of Ukraine, Zelensky, described Russia as a"terrorist state".

The attack on the shopping center in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchug was captured on closed-circuit television at the moment when the missile is believed to have hit the shopping center.

Staff continued to work at the scene of the attack on Tuesday. The Ukrainian side said more than 1,000 customers and employees were inside the shopping center when it was hit by a missile the day before, and some could not escape and were burned, making it difficult to identify them.

The Russian side denied that the missiles hit a weapons depot, but the blast affected a nearby shopping center and started a fire. The Kremlin spokesman also said that as long as the Ukrainian side ordered its soldiers to lay down their weapons and meet the Russian conditions, the Russian-Ukrainian hostilities would end.

The Kremlin's spokesman also said that as long as the soldiers lay down their arms and meet the Russian conditions, the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation will end. The French President Macron described it as a "new war crime", threatening that the West's support for Ukraine will not waver and that Russia cannot and should not win.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the attack on the shopping center at the request of Ukraine. The president of Ukraine, Zelensky, spoke via video, demanding that Russia be labeled a "terrorist state" and expelled from the Security Council, and that an arbitration body be set up to investigate the conduct of Russian forces in Ukraine since the start of the war on February 24.

The Ukrainian State Security Service revealed that it had arrested a Ukrainian national, a former Soviet agent, for helping to instruct Russian forces to launch missiles and attack a training area in the west in March, killing more than 50 Ukrainian troops and injuring nearly 150. The authorities say he may be charged with treason.


烏公開俄導彈襲商場片段 批恐怖主義行為

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot




Ukraine releases footage of Russian missile attack on shopping mall, criticizes terrorist acts

The Russian military bombed a shopping mall in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchug on Monday (6/27), killing at least 20 people and injuring 59. The president, Zelensky, released footage of the missile hitting the mall on Tuesday (28), stressing that there is solid evidence that Russia deliberately attacked the mall, indicating that the other side is responsible for this act of state terrorism.

Zelensky said that Russia has used 2,811 missiles to attack Ukrainian cities as of Tuesday night, and that the Russian airstrike on the Kremenchug shopping mall was clearly premeditated to kill as many people as possible in an ordinary shopping mall, in a quiet city. Zelensky assured that all Russian diplomats and propagandists who participated in the decision to attack Kremenchug and to defend the incident will be punished. He delivered a video message to the United Nations Security Council, calling for the expulsion of Russia from the United Nations and the establishment of an international tribunal to investigate the actions of Russian forces in Ukrainian territory.

The Russian Defense Ministry denied the claim, stressing that the air force targeted a weapons depot housing U.S. and European military aid at the Kremenchug road machinery plant, where an ammunition explosion caused a fire in a shopping mall adjacent to the plant, which had long been inoperable.



Zelensky says Russia responsible for attack on Ukrainian mall, Russia counters saying using civilians as human shields

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot

烏克蘭總統澤連斯基在聯合國安理會發言,稱俄羅斯要為烏克蘭中部商場遇襲造成幾十人死傷負責,批評俄羅斯是「恐怖主義國家」,要逐出聯合國。俄方則反駁烏克蘭將平民做「人盾」。中方代表表明支持俄烏直接談判。 烏克蘭總統澤連斯基發放日前中部城市克列緬丘格購物中心被導彈擊中一刻的閉路電視片段,指俄方蓄意以平民做目標,事件造成18人死亡。 聯合國安理會周二召開緊急會議商討烏克蘭局勢,澤連斯基透過視像發言,指控俄羅斯是「恐怖主義國家」,要求將俄羅斯逐出聯合國,以及成立仲裁機構調查俄軍,二月底開戰後在烏克蘭的行為。 俄羅斯常駐聯合國第一副代表波利揚斯基,堅持擊中的是烏方儲存西方提供武器的倉庫,購物中心被波及,指責烏方無視風險,故意將軍火庫貼近民居,把平民當做「人肉盾牌」;又稱澤連斯基藉機做「公關騷」,向北約成員爭取更多武器,警告西方國家這樣做只會拖長戰事 中國常駐聯合國代表張軍則敦促北約不要以烏克蘭危機做藉口,挑起「新冷戰」。 中國常駐聯合國代表張軍稱:「對話談判是恢復並鞏固和平的唯一可行途徑,早日停火止戰是國際社會的迫切願望,中方支持俄羅斯同烏克蘭進行直接談判。」 張軍又強調,中方一直就烏克蘭局勢作出獨立自主的判斷,過去一段時間,積極於勸和促談,推動局勢降溫。

Ukrainian President Zelensky, speaking at the United Nations Security Council, said Russia was responsible for the attack on a shopping mall in central Ukraine that killed and injured dozens of people, criticizing Russia as a "terrorist state" and wanting to be expelled from the United Nations. The Russian side refuted Ukraine's use of civilians as "human shields". The Chinese representative expressed support for direct talks between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelensky released a closed-circuit television clip of the moment a missile hit a shopping center in the central city of Kremenchuk, saying the Russians deliberately targeted civilians and killed 18 people in the incident. The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Ukraine, Zelensky spoke through video, accusing Russia of being a "terrorist state" and demanding that Russia be expelled from the United Nations and that an arbitration body be set up to investigate the conduct of Russian troops in Ukraine after the war in late February. The first deputy representative of Russia to the United Nations, Polyanskiy, insisted that the attack was on a warehouse where the Ukrainian side stores weapons provided by the West, and that the shopping center was affected. The United Nations has urged NATO not to use the crisis in Ukraine as an excuse to start a "new cold war". China's permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said: "Dialogue and negotiation is the only viable way to restore and consolidate peace, and an early ceasefire is the urgent wish of the international community. The Chinese side has always made an independent judgment on the situation in Ukraine and has been actively engaged in persuading and promoting talks to cool down the situation for some time.

事實 Facts


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Google Map


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Youtube




РФ обстріляла «Кредмаш» у Кременчуці: наслідки обстрілів


烏克蘭總統沃洛基米爾-澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)聲稱,在襲擊發生時,商場里擠滿了"一千多名平民"。然而,襲擊後不久拍攝的現場錄像顯示,商場旁的停車場幾乎是空的,有幾個穿著軍裝的武裝人員在該地區遊蕩。



Ukraine themselves confirmed that Russia did not hit the mall itself.

The strike left a large crater at a factory that was used to stockpile weaponry, according to Moscow

The Russian military on Monday targeted the Kredmash vehicle plant in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug, the chairman of the factory’s supervisory board, Nikolay Danileyko, has confirmed. The plant is located right next to the shopping mall that was destroyed in a blaze after the missile strike, with 18 people reported killed and over 50 injured.

The factory was a civilian facility and had not produced military vehicles or parts for them since 1989, Danileyko told local media. The plant’s workers were not injured in the attack, he added.

Footage from the scene aired by local media shows a large crater in the middle of one of the factory’s hangars. The strike inflicted heavy damage on the building, blowing away parts of its roofing and walls and rupturing underground piping.

While Kiev was quick to accuse Moscow of deliberately attacking the shopping mall itself, the Russian military maintained it had targeted a stockpile of Western-supplied weaponry on the premises of the Kredmash plant. Secondary detonations of the destroyed weapons sparked a fire that spread to the shopping mall, the Russian military claimed.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed the shopping mall was tightly packed, with “more than a thousand civilians” visiting it at the time of the strike. Footage from the scene taken moments after the strike, however, showed that the parking lot by the mall was almost empty, with several armed individuals in military uniform roaming the area.

The mayor of Kremenchug pinned the blame for the civilian casualties on the venue’s operators, accusing them of ignoring a warning of an imminent air attack.

“Ukraine is at war, so ignoring an air raid alert is a crime, which the tragedy in Amstor [mall] demonstrated once again,” the mayor, Vitaly Maletsky, wrote on social media.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Twitter


One of the two missiles fired yesterday by the Russian troops in Kremenchuk hit the Kredmash road machinery plant.

According to the head of the plant, military vehicles have not been produced there since 1989, only cars for civilians.


維塔利-馬列茨基(Vitaly Maletsky)在社交媒體上寫道:烏克蘭正處於戰爭狀態,因此無視空襲警報是一種犯罪,阿姆斯特朗的悲劇再次證明瞭這一點。他威脅說,如果公共場所在當局發出警告時未能疏散顧客和員工,將受到刑事起訴。








Management at a Ukrainian shopping mall, where 18 people were reported killed on Monday after a nearby Russian air strike, ignored a warning of an imminent air attack, the mayor of Kremenchug reported on Tuesday.

“Ukraine is at war, so ignoring an air raid alert is a crime, which the tragedy in Amstor demonstrated once again,” Vitaly Maletsky wrote on social media. He threatened public venues with criminal prosecution if they fail to evacuate patrons and employees when a warning is given by the authorities.

The mayor posted a screenshot of what he claimed to be the official social media account of the outlet, which informed that it would remain open during alert periods. The policy change took effect last Thursday, according to the timestamp.

Ukraine claimed that a Russian airstrike killed and injured scores of civilians at the mall in Kremenchug. President Volodymyr Zelensky called it one of the “most brazen terrorist attacks in European history”.

On Tuesday, Moscow confirmed attacking the city, but denied targeting the shopping venue. The strike hit a nearby plant where West-supplied munitions were stored before being shipped to the frontline, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed. Detonations of the ammo caused damage to the shopping center, the report claimed. The ministry described the mall as not operational at the time of the attack.

The Russian military regularly launches missile attacks deep in Ukrainian territory but claims it only targets sites of military importance. On several occasions during the four-month-long conflict with Ukraine, it has hit a major oil refinery in Kremenchug, which presumably processed fuel for Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine’s air defense regularly warns the residents of areas that the authorities believe may be hit by Russia, prompting them to seek shelter. The entire Poltava region in central Ukraine, where Kremenchug is located, had been considered under threat on Monday before the mall incident, according to local media.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.




今日TVB如此偽造了不實指控俄羅斯的新聞。標題黨TVB散播了純然的假新聞! 我們香港市民又被香港媒體騙了!

The fake news circulating in Hong Kong recently that "Russian troops hit a shopping mall" has other important evidence.

In TVB's report today, the location of the two clips broadcast by TVB from the Ukrainian official media is not a shopping mall.

The British, American and European ''anti-China and anti-Russian'' external forces, TVB (Hong Kong media) and Ukraine have changed the evidence that could prove that Russian troops actually hit the factory into a false allegation that "Russian troops hit the shopping mall".

Today, TVB falsified the news about the false accusation against Russia, and TVB spread pure fake news! We, the people of Hong Kong, have been cheated again!


證據 Evidence 1 (Footage 片段A):

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Kredmash

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Неофициальный Безсонов "Z"



Video of one of the missiles hitting a plant near a shopping center in Kremenchug. If the target of the missiles was the shopping center, then there would be no survivors and certainly there would not be whole bottles of drinks on the shelves.

Yes, sorry for the injured civilians. However, we did not start this war back in 2014. The entire Ukrainian people was silent when the Armed Forces of Ukraine exterminated Donbass, as a result of which hundreds of children and thousands of adults died. Now the war has touched everyone and this is a natural result of many years of Ukrainian policy.

證據 Evidence 2 (Footage 片段B):


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Неофициальный Безсонов "Z"

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Неофициальный Безсонов "Z"

And here is the place where another missile hit the shops of the Kremenchug plant of road machines, which is located next to the shopping center.


The moment of the explosion yesterday in Kremenchug, after which, something else normally detonated like that.

證據Evidence 3(Satellite Images 衛星圖片):

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」
FILE PHOTO: Source © Неофициальный Безсонов "Z"


Zelya uploads "shocking footage of hitting the shopping center" there, this satellite image clearly shows that they hit the #railway behind the shopping center, the only question is what stood on the tracks, what even touched the shopping center with an explosion.


東方日報又報導了烏克蘭的假新聞。如此偏頗的報導不正確,根本不全面,非不偏不倚。自稱「愛國愛港」 的這個標題黨隨便搶先弄個大新聞,隨意轉載未經證實的消息,之後不管,有錯不改,不知悔改,極為惡劣。結局,市民只能收到偏頗的單方面的消息和假新聞了。 片面報導不僅是消息污染,也就是個嚴峻的社會問題之一。



香港在回歸25週年之際也仍然是如此,香港媒體一邊敷衍做「愛國」 公關,一邊繼續為英美歐外部勢力損害中國的外交關係和核心國家利益。 其採取的手段十分狡猾。



虛假偽裝物據是個傳媒最不該做的反社會行為之一! TVB今日散播了假新聞!TVB虛假陳述了原本可以證明俄軍沒有擊中商場的證據了。 與烏克蘭攜手並肩篡改了物據。這哪裡是專業傳媒所做的事?


TVB did not professionally verify the footage provided by the Ukrainian side. In the end, the evidence that proves that the Russian army actually hit the factory and its railroad was disguised as an accusation that "the Russian army hit the shopping mall".

Fake evidence is one of the worst anti-social behaviors media can do! TVB spread fake news today! TVB falsely presented evidence that could have proved that Russian troops did not hit the mall. TVB falsified the evidence that the Russian army did not hit the shopping mall. It tampered with the evidence together with Ukraine. How can this be the work of professional media?

TVB's "patriotic" public relations on 7/1 could not cleanse this shameful and ridiculous fake news report.


In a nutshell, Hong Kong media do not even verify the news contents of the media, but freely reproduces and rebroadcasts even unconfirmed news from the Western mainstream media. This kind of media, which lack basic media professionalism and ethics, is not media at all, but just an advertising agency that is irresponsible to the country and society. The public needs to monitor the media, and this is the sadness of Hong Kong people.

Hong Kong media are social issues.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #77 反俄假新聞「俄軍轟炸基輔民宅大樓」及「俄軍擊中了阿姆斯特朗商場」

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