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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報

Writer's picture: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Daily Fake News Source © Envato

IMPORTANT 【重要】國安大漏洞

有關俄烏戰事,香港媒體和外部勢力散播的假新聞(國安大漏洞),這絕非在烏克蘭和俄羅斯之間的選邊站的問題,而是在轉載和轉播西方主流媒體和外國情報機構的消息時到底有沒有做過內容核實的問題。 這就是重點。

雖然在香港,就社會運動方面已經沒有反華反俄勢力的活動和發展空間了,但是就傳媒報導的領域仍然有內外部反華反俄勢力發放假新聞,假消息誤導民心的活動和發展空間。 這是應該被杜絕的國安漏洞。

無論偏向烏克蘭或俄羅斯,在轉載和轉播西方主流媒體和外國情報機構的消息時,對此內容先做好核實是任何傳媒的最起碼的基本社會責任,也就是工作。 甚至,這不分任何顏色和立場,傳媒都應該做好的基本功夫。


重點是究竟俄軍飛彈擊中了商場沒有。 到底飛彈擊中了商場還是工廠?

This is not a question of choosing sides between Ukraine and Russia, but rather a question of whether or not the news from the mainstream Western media and foreign intelligence agencies has been verified when it is relayed and retransmitted by Hong Kong media. That's the point.

Although there is no room for anti-China and anti-Russian forces' social demonstrations, there is still room for external forces to circulate anti-China or anti-Russian disinformation. This is a national security loophole that should be eliminated.

It is the basic social responsibility of any media to verify the content of news from the mainstream Western media and foreign intelligence agencies, regardless of whether they are biased towards Ukraine or Russia. This is basic social responsibility of any media, regardless of color or position.

There is other evidence about the fake news circulating in Hong Kong recently that "the Russian army hit the shopping mall".

The main point is whether the Russian missiles hit the mall or not. Did the missiles hit the mall or the factory?

Full Video (English)

NEWS 【事實關係】

1,Security Service of Ukraine (烏克蘭國家安全局SBU)在其社交媒體上2022年6月30日發佈了指控「俄軍擊中了商場」的所謂「證據」。不過,事與願違,該片段反而含有重要的鏡頭,即顯示俄軍確實擊中了工廠。如圖:

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) posted on its social media on June 30, 2022, so-called "evidence" alleging that "Russian troops hit the mall. However, contrary to expectations, the clip contains important footage that shows that Russian troops did hit the factory. As shown in the photo.

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報

СБУ встановила обставини запуску ракет по ТЦ у Кременчуці

The SBU established the conditions for the launch of rockets at the shopping center in Kremenchutsk.


2,除了之前提到的克雷德馬什工廠(Kredmash Plant)受到導彈後的大坑情形之外,

In addition to the large crater situation at Kredmash (Kredmash Plant) after the missiles mentioned in previous emails, there is another new footage.



Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source ©Aleksandr Semchenko





Another footage of the missile-hit plant. (June 29)

We can clearly see the hole caused by the missile.

Zelensky published an alleged missile strike on the mall and here is a real video from the factory where the rocket hit Zelensky screwed up again.

Evaluate the funnel at the plant Where there is no shopping and entertainment center

And most importantly, there is no video from surveillance cameras looking at the mall from the front.

I'm talking about local acquaintances from Kremenchuk who are shocked by Zelensky's nonsense.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source © Ukraine Now

The official Ukrainian media released a photo of Amstor Mall on July 1, 2022, still without the big crater that the missiles should have caused.


Regarding the above SBU footage covered by the surveillance camera footage of customers shopping in the mall, it only confirms why the local parties were condemned for rashly opening the mall under the air raid warning.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source © Intel Republic

烏克蘭總檢察長伊琳娜·薇娜迪克托娃訪問了克雷緬丘格附近的悲劇現場。我們制定了關於加強購物和娛樂中心、商店和其他冠名商在空襲警報期間不遵守疏散規則的責任。烏克蘭正在發生戰爭,忽視空襲警報是一種犯罪,阿姆斯特朗Amstor的悲劇再次表明瞭這一點。這就是為什麼我呼籲所有形式的機構:在空襲期間,遊客和人員應該疏散到避難所。如果違反這一要求,我們將採取措施,包括刑事案件和關閉機構。 p.s.正如調查已經瞭解到的,行政部門已經瞭解到的,阿姆斯特朗Amstor的行政部門在商場的聊天記錄中說,從6月23日起,商場在空襲期間不會關閉。太可怕了...

The general prosecutor of Ukraine Irina Venidiktova visited the scene of the tragedy near Kremenchug. We worked out on toughening the responsibilities of the owners of shopping and entertainment centres, shops and other crowned places for non-compliance with evacuation rules during an air raid alert. There is a war in Ukraine, to neglect an air raid alarm is a crime, which the tragedy in Amstor once again showed. That's why I appeal to establishments of all forms of ownership: during air raids, visitors and personnel should be evacuated to shelters. In case of violation of this requirement, we will take measures, including criminal cases and the closure of institutions. p.s. As the investigation has already learned, the administration has already learned, the administration of Amstor said in the mall's chat that from June 23, the mall will not be closed during an air raid. Terrible...


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source © Intel Republic

據 "Novoe Izdanie"報道,在克雷緬丘格被摧毀的購物中心的管理人員在空襲期間沒有關閉它,該城市當局提到。

''Good afternoon, from today, the shopping centre won't be close during the air raid. The shopping centre is open from 8am to 9pm without breaks.''

Administrators of destroyed shopping mall in Kremenchug didn't close it during the air raid, reports "Novoe Izdanie" with reference to the city authorities.

5,今日俄羅斯在2022年6月30日在內地社交媒體上發表了影片,提到了當地市長譴責了為何商場無視空襲警報而貿然開商場了。 這是烏克蘭和俄羅斯雙方共同的說法。

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報

On June 30, 2022, RT published a video on the mainland social media, mentioning that the mayor of the city condemned why the mall was opened in spite of the air attack warning. This is a common statement between Ukraine and Russia.


Evidence opposes Ukrainian claim of Kremenchug mall attack - Russia


The above is the latest new evidence.

假新聞 Fake News:


On June 30, 2022, Oriental Daily News, a self-proclaimed "patriotic and Hong Kong-loving" media outlet, published a fake news story to support the claim that "Russian troops hit the shopping mall". To the surprise of the Hong Kong public, Oriental Daily News directly reprinted and re-broadcast the anti-Russian accusations from the Ukrainian State Security Service (SBU), a foreign intelligence agency, which destroying the diplomatic relations between China and Russia.

來源 Origin:烏克蘭國家安全局SBU


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報












SSU establishes circumstances of missile strike on shopping center in Kremenchuk (video)

09:30, 30 June 2022

  • State security

  • Russian aggression

The SSU has collected evidence that confirms that the occupiers deliberately committed an egregious war crime in Kremenchuk. This was stated by the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov.

Available data indicate that the X-22 missiles were launched from Tu-22M3 strategic bombers that took off from Shaykovka military airfield in Kaluga region, russia. The missiles themselves were launched in the airspace of Kursk region, russia.

The video, which captured the moment of the missile strike, clearly shows that the invaders hit civilian targets, in particular, the shopping center. This is evidenced by the footage from surveillance cameras inside and around the shopping center - there were many visitors there.

Additionally, satellite images allow to look at Kremenchuk before and after the strike. It is even possible to compare the number of cars that were usually in the shopping center parking lot at different times.

That is, any fabrications of russian propaganda are refuted by facts that are easy to verify.

As for the strike on Kremenchuk Plant of Road Machines, there were no warehouses with military equipment there. The enterprise was producing asphalt mixing plants.

‘If we proceed from the occupiers’ logic, then supermarket shelves and even asphalt mixing plants pose a danger to them. The russian army is a bunch of terrorists who will be punished for their crimes. All evidence is being thoroughly documented,’ Ivan Bakanov added.

On June 27, 2022, the SSU launched an investigation into the rocket attack on civilian facilities in Kremenchuk. Proceedings were opened under Article 438.2 of the CCU (violation of laws and customs of war).

東方日報 Oriental Daily News (Hong Kong):

烏公開商場遇襲片段 駁斥俄方言論

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報
FILE PHOTO: Source © Screenshot





Ukraine opens footage of mall attack, refutes Russian claims

Russia has bombed a shopping mall in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk, killing at least 20 people and injuring 59.

The Ukrainian State Security Service (SBU) on Thursday released closed-circuit television footage of people shopping at the mall before the attack, refuting Russian claims that the mall had long been inoperable. Secretary Bakanov said he had carefully documented evidence of Russian crimes and that they would be punished.

The SBU also showed satellite footage of the mall before and after the attack, which was still in operation in early May, and showed that a Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber took off from Kaluzhskaya oblast and fired a Kh22 anti-shipping missile in Kursk region, hitting the Kremenchuk mall.

The SBU also released a closed-circuit television clip of the attack on the factory, stressing that the factory was a bitumen mixing site and denying that it stored military equipment.

原文網址:烏公開商場遇襲片段 駁斥俄方言論 | on.cc東網 | 國際









雖然在香港,就社會運動方面已經沒有反華反俄勢力的活動和發展空間了,但是就傳媒報導的領域仍然有內外部反華反俄勢力發放假新聞,假消息的活動和發展空間。 這應該是被杜絕的國安漏洞。

If it is professional media, the unnamed 'reporters and editors' of Oriental Daily News' international news department should have done the verification of the clip first.

Hong Kong people have questions about why Oriental Daily News quoted the anti-Russian allegations of the Ukrainian State Security Service SBU. What is the intention? Such a biased report is considered as a foreign agent of SBU.

Instead, the SBU clip confirmed the following two facts.

1. The Russian army hit the factory.

2. It is a crime that the mall was still open when the air raid alert was in effect.

The unnamed 'reporters and editors' of the international news department of the Oriental Daily News should have asked: why the mall was open when the airstrike warning was issued.

This is the real media question and investigation must be done in the first place!

Although there is no more room for anti-China and anti-Russian forces in Hong Kong in terms of social movements, there is still room for internal and external anti-China and anti-Russian forces to release fake news and information in the area of media reporting. This is a loophole in national security that should be eradicated.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #78 香港目前的國安大漏洞是傳媒領域:論烏克蘭國家安全局和東方日報

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