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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #94 港毒問題:將全中國拖入與病毒共存的官商勾結

Writer's picture: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Updated: Jan 2

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #94 港毒問題:將全中國拖入與病毒共存的官商勾結


The flywheel of the disintegration of the country was already spinning at the first cosmic speed. And it's all over...

- Medvedev

It’s regrettable to see China, the last zero-Covid holdout in a world rattled by a once-in-a-century pandemic, capitulate to pressure to abandon its successful policies.

- Blankenship

Georgetown’s Gostin said that through conversations with top epidemiologists in Hong Kong who advise Beijing on its COVID strategy, he believes that Xi understands that China needs to end its zero-COVID policy.

- Voice of America


- 許樹昌





斷送國策,甚至將全中國拖入與病毒共存是自私自利的香港內外資本,帝國主義外國政府和港府官商勾結的結局。從2022年9月26日香港港毒勢力(上層集團)成功撤掉入境隔離期(「外防輸入」瓦解)以來,趁內地進行糾偏/優化防疫措施的兩次重大動作(國務院聯防聯控機制發布會:11月11日 LINK 和12月8日 LINK),位於香港的內外資本及其媒體(實為資本的壓力團體/廣告公司/資方電視/資方日報)大抽水,一邊炒股(12月13日廢掉安心出行和入境黃碼期是為了本週內恢復恆指20000點,資本至上,不過上層集團可以用以炒股的「放寬」材料越來越少了),一邊大力推舉撤除所有防疫措施,資本叫撤就撤,造成了在疫情仍嚴峻之際,市民的正常價值觀的混亂。而它們完全漠視每日死難者,正在繼續猛推撤除維護人民健康生命的防疫措施。此次,示威者的比重較輕,推動中港反清零浪潮的主要推手是美國政府/美國媒體手裏有把握的政府疫情專家顧問,衛生官僚,媒體和商會等。與此同時,陽奉陰違,早就攜手並肩斷送國策(動態清零)的港府和所謂建制派,大肆剝削國歌播錯/標錯以及Google香港國歌搜尋不置頂等毫無影響資本的「愛國騷」來掩飾他們無間道的叛變本色。左右中共未來管治和威信的防疫措施的趨勢和變遷照射了本港官僚,立法會議員,商會,學者,媒體和壓力團體(社團)的虛偽,政治不可靠性。

With-COVID: Withdrawing Precautionary Measures When Capital Demands

The decision to sabotage the national policy and even drag the whole China into With-COVID is the result of collusion between self-serving capital inside and outside Hong Kong, imperialist foreign governments, and the Hong Kong government itself.

Since September 26, 2022, when the Hong Kong capitalists (the upper echelon) successfully removed the quarantine period for entry into Hong Kong ("prevent the spread of the coronavirus from both within and without of a city (or an area)" collapsed), two major moves were made to correct/optimize epidemic prevention measures on the Mainland, then the internal and external capital and its media (actually capital pressure groups/advertising companies/capital TV/capital daily) located in Hong Kong exploited the opportunities, while speculating in stocks (December 13 abolished LeaveHomeSafe application and entry yellow health code period is to restore the HSI 20,000 points within this week, ‘capital first’, but materials that the upper group can be used to speculate in the "relaxation of anti-COVID measures" news are now less and less, while vigorously pushing for the removal of all epidemic prevention measures, capital called for the full withdrawal of the prevention measures, resulting in the confusion of the normal values of the public at a time when the epidemic is still serious. They are completely ignoring the daily victims and are continuing to push for the removal of all epidemic prevention measures that protect people's health and lives. This time, the protesters are less represented and the main drivers of the anti-zero-COVID wave in China and Hong Kong are the US government/US media's well-connected government epidemic advisors, health bureaucrats, media and chambers of commerce. At the same time, the Hong Kong government and the so-called pro-establishment faction, who have been working together for a long time to cut off the national policy (dynamic zero-COVID), have been exploiting the misplaying/mislabeling of the national anthem and the non-topping of the Google search of Hong Kong's national anthem as a "patriotic show" to cover up their treachery. The trend and change of the preventive measures that will shape the future governance and prestige of the Chinese Communist Party illuminate the hypocrisy and political unreliability of Hong Kong bureaucrats, legislators, chambers of commerce, academics, media and pressure groups (societies) in general.



1. 即使內地官方否認「放寬」,港媒及整個香港上層集團也將三十條優化措施描述成放寬/放開。譬如,台灣國民黨/中國時報的夥伴東方日報(台方日報/資方日報)以內地三十條優化措施(LINK)當作逼迫港府全撤防疫措施的藉口(港府「倣效」內地 LINK),但早已走上與病毒共存的香港與已長期實現動態清零狀態的內地和澳門都無法相提並論。其基數和基礎都不同,相差甚遠。香港仍是全中國疫情最嚴峻的特別地方城市。全球230個疫情嚴峻國家地區排名上,香港穩定居第44位;優秀的澳門居224位;內地則居98位 LINK。在長期動態清零下,內地和澳門都有真放寬/調整/優化糾偏的空間,但積極走與病毒共存的重災區香港所做的「放寬」只會是放棄抗疫。放寬防疫措施絕不叫做抗疫

2. 港媒和外媒頻繁發放未經證實消息(在疫情嚴峻下,快會有中港免檢疫通關 LINK;內地放棄了動態清零 LINK,動態清零崩潰了云云 LINK,是為了先製造和準備有利於資本自私自利的輿論,錯誤的期待和社會氣圍,並且逼迫當權者放棄現有的,甚至有效的政策措施或方便無間道的兩面人做出相應的舉措。香港媒體先塑造只合乎資本至上的輿論氣圍再逼迫當局政策回應它。其中不顧的是疫情嚴峻的事實以及每日疫情死難者。資本至上,這是極不負責任的媒體商業操縱。譬如,無恥老鼠的「愛國愛港」港媒不敢直接以作者實名發表反國策的主張,而甚至把美國政府掌握的本港政府疫情專家顧問團隊屬下的大學助教也找來大肆宣傳全撤防疫措施的資本主張LINK)。如此,香港媒體每日都發放損害國策和公共衛生的港毒。

3. 內地和澳門是否走上了優化動態清零防疫措施後可望最終抵達的真復常還是在疫情持續下的與病毒共存?這點尚未確定。香港媒體和外媒塑造的形象是「內地/澳門因應白紙運動而改採與病毒共存,動態清零政策結束」。所以內地和澳門都很快跟上疫情重災區的香港的「與病毒共存」? 這也還不確定。確定的是,香港上層集團的政治本色總是集中體現在國策與資本相抵觸的議題上面,它們以兩面人的手段陽奉陰違,搞言行不一時,為了掩飾其政治本色需要同時上演一系列剝削同一資本安排的反派角色,「反對派」,「黎智英」,「港獨」和「示威者」等的愛國騷。後者都只不過是本港貪婪內外資本的犧牲品和永遠的炮灰。反修例事件和香港違抗動態清零政策都是基於資本利益的。前者主要出於逃稅者被移送到內地的恐懼;後者是為了西方疫苗公司全面開放內地市場的作戰/浪潮。已熄滅的白紙本身絕不是主要的手段,而國安單位不得管制的疫情專家顧問們和衛生官僚才是從內部瓦解動態清零的主力。

4. 這一切反清零浪潮背後有西方疫苗公司的強大利益。不過,這方面,內地與德國肖爾茨11月4日起訪華期間敲定了雙方僑民在各自當地可以接種自己國家生產的疫苗,譬如德國僑民在華可以接種BioNTech的mRNA疫苗(香港,澳門和台灣都使用,但只有內地沒有全面開放)。此外,從2022年12月13日國務院聯防聯控機制發布會及港府廢掉安全出行和黃碼當日起早已在華展開業務的輝瑞網上大力出售了口服新冠治療藥Paxlovid。不少內地網民質疑躺平派與西方疫苗銷情之間的關係是合情合理的。重點是不但是輝瑞或美國國家情報總監(NDI),都並無要求所謂疫苗通行證之類的政策,而要與病毒共存而已。換言之,只要實現與病毒共存的政策和社會狀態,為西方疫苗公司全面打開市場以及獲得暴利於內地市場的目的就會是順理成章,順水推舟的。因此,在與病毒共存的香港,高疫苗接種率(第一針94.5%; 第二針92.9%; 第三針82.8% LINK)之下,反不反對疫苗通行證,對西方疫苗公司而言沒有多大差別的。反正,社會只要長期維持與病毒共存的失控狀態,疫苗需求就是無窮盡的

5. 有的主張香港應仿效新加坡的抗疫,但是這完全漠視了新加坡和香港的疫情都是不相上下的。即新加坡的全球疫情排名為第45名;香港則是44名(LINK)。因此,與病毒共存的新加坡根本不是全中國應該參考的模範,遠遜於澳門和內地。不過,客觀而言,新加坡唯一優秀的一點是其死亡人數比香港少,即1,708名。差不多,香港的十分之一。

There are several key points.

1. Even though the mainland official denied the term "relaxation", the Hong Kong media and the entire Hong Kong hierarchy described the 30 enhancement measures as relaxation. Taiwan's Kuomintang/China Times partner Oriental Daily News used the mainland’s 30 enhancement measures as an excuse to force the Hong Kong government to withdraw all epidemic prevention measures (the Hong Kong government "follows the example" of the mainland). However, Hong Kong, which has been WITH-COVID for a long time, and the Mainland and Macau, which have been in a state of dynamic zero for a long time, are not comparable. The base and foundation are far different. Hong Kong remains the most severe epidemic city in China. Hong Kong is ranked 44th among the 230 countries and regions with severe epidemics in the world; Macau is ranked 224th; and the mainland is ranked 98th. Both the Mainland and Macau have room for real relaxation/adjustment/optimization and correction in the long term with dynamic zero. However, the "relaxation" done by Hong Kong, which is a hard-hit area actively co-existing with the virus, will only mean giving up the fight against the epidemic. Relaxation of epidemic prevention measures is not called epidemic prevention.

2. Hong Kong media and foreign media frequently release unconfirmed news (under the seriousness of the epidemic, ‘fast China-Hong Kong quarantine free clearance in borders’; ‘the mainland has given up dynamic zero’; ‘dynamic zero policy collapsed’ and so on), to first create and prepare public opinions for the favorable outcomes of capital. This is to create and prepare for the self-serving public opinion, wrong expectations, and social atmosphere, and to force those in power to abandon existing, or even effective, policy measures or to facilitate the corresponding actions of the two-faced people who have no control over each other. The Hong Kong media first shaped the public opinion in line with the capitalist atmosphere before forcing the authorities to respond to it. What is disregarded is the fact that the epidemic is serious, and that people are dying every day. This is a highly irresponsible commercial manipulation of the media. For example, the shamelessly ratty "patriotic, Hong Kong-loving" Hong Kong media did not dare to publish anti-state policy ideas directly in the author's real name, but even brought in university teaching assistants under the U.S. government-controlled epidemic expert advisory team to promote the capitalist idea of full withdrawal of epidemic prevention measures. In this way, the Hong Kong media releases daily Hong Kong poison that undermines national policy and public health.

3. Are the Mainland and Macau on the path to optimizing the dynamic zero measures to prevent the epidemic and hope to eventually arrive at a true recovery or WITH-COVID under the severity of the epidemic? This is not yet certain. The image created by the Hong Kong media and foreign media is that "the Mainland/Macau has switched to co-existence with the virus in response to the A4 White Paper Campaign and the end of the dynamic zero policy". So, the Mainland and Macau are quickly catching up with Hong Kong's WITH-COVID in the hardest hit areas of the epidemic? This is also not certain. What is certain is that the political nature of Hong Kong's upper echelons has always been focused on issues in which a state policy contradicts capital, and that they have used the tactics of double-crossers to safely sabotage national policy. The latter are only the victims and eternal cannon fodder for the greedy internal and external capital of Hong Kong. Both the anti-extradition law amendment bill movement and Hong Kong's defiance of the dynamic zero policy are based on capital interests. The former was mainly due to the fear of tax evaders being sent to the mainland; the latter was a war/wave of Western vaccine companies opening up the mainland market. The extinguished white paper itself is by no means the main tool, but the epidemic consultants and health bureaucrats who are not regulated by state security agencies are the main force to disrupt the dynamic zero from within.

4. Behind all these anti-zero policy waves are the powerful interests of Western vaccine companies. However, in this regard, during his visit to China from November 4, the Mainland and Germany's Scholz finalized the possibility for their expatriates to receive vaccines produced in their respective countries, for example, German expatriates in China can receive BioNTech's mRNA vaccine (used in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, but only the mainland is not fully open). In addition, Pfizer, which has been in new business campaign in China since December 13, 2022, when the State Council released the statement of Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism and the Hong Kong government abolished the LeaveHomeSafe application and yellow health codes for entry, has vigorously sold the oral new COVID treatment drug Paxlovid online. The main point is that neither Pfizer nor the US National Director of Intelligence (NDI) has a policy of asking for the so-called vaccine pass, but only to WITH-COVID. In other words, if the policy and social condition of WITH-COVID is realized, it is logical for western vaccine companies to open-up the market and gain huge profits in the market. Therefore, under the high vaccination rate (94.5% for the first dose; 92.9% for the second dose; 82.8% for the third dose) in Hong Kong, which coexists with the virus, it does not make much difference to the western vaccine companies whether they oppose the vaccine pass or not. Anyway, if society remains out of control with the virus, the demand for vaccines is endless.

5. Some argue that Hong Kong should follow the example of Singapore in fighting the epidemic, but this completely ignores the fact that the epidemics in Singapore and Hong Kong are comparable. That is, Singapore is ranked 45th in the world in terms of epidemic; Hong Kong is 44th. Therefore, Singapore, which is WITH-COVID, is not at all a model for all of China to follow and is far inferior to Macau and the Mainland. However, objectively speaking, the only good thing about Singapore is that it has fewer deaths than Hong Kong, 1,708. That's about a tenth of the number in Hong Kong. That's it.

NEWS 【事實關係】







內地總人口 14億1260萬人 LINK

感染人口:現有個案36340人 (12月13日)LINK


澳門總人口:671,900人 LINK

感染人口:現有個案233人 (12月13日)LINK




現有個案(active cases):322,517人



香港總人口:729萬1千6百人 LINK





行政長官李家超指出:「『新十條』下某些位,哪些是地方可以自主能力會較強?我們做這行自己明白有些政策訂了不能動,有些是政策下放少許(權)力給你,你可以在這個空間爭取。大家都覺得是很多空間可以談,希望會有一些正面的消息,但我又務實的,在過程亦要按部就班,看風險、看變化、逐步逐步。」 醫衞局近日曾指,內地與香港免檢疫通關,現時不是一個話題,李家超就透露可能的落實時間,但強調不能增加內地疫情風險,要達到「雙贏」。 李家超表示:「與內地通關,我覺得2023年,在我心目中,是一個現實可能性,2023年整年,當然希望盡早,你知我心急人。(目前)驛站數目可否由二千名額再加多些?你要不斷令對方說可以,說可以說得多,他下次又會說可以,這就是我,你逐步逐步開,加起上來便會有,這是我的策略。」






















1. 港府把第五波分為兩個階段,而死不承認第六波的存在。據此,2022年只有一波而已。即第五波第一階段為2021年12月底到2022年5月;第二階段則是從2022年6月到現在。前者主要由奧密克戎變異株BA.2;後者則由BA.5造成的。其實不同的疫情波動。換言之,港府實際上從年初開始逐漸改採了與病毒共存。

2. 許樹昌的成績單是全中國最差的香港疫情數據。尤其是感染人口2,275,447人以及死亡人數11,021人 (12月13日 LINK)。防止感染是所謂疫情預防專家顧問的工作。放棄防止感染絕非可接受的態度,是因為只要保持零感染,就會達到零重症(住院),零死亡。許的態度正是躺平。默認這個的就是叛徒,黨內小戈爾巴喬夫。

3. 所謂衞生署衞生防護中心已掌握的年齡和疫苗接種狀況資料上有統計詐術(LINK),即它把曾打過第一針的死亡者和未打針的死亡者混在一起,並沒有分開。這就是統計詐術。不能騙所有的公眾。





Beijing’s abrupt dismantling of zero-Covid controls has been welcomed by economists, even as the country braces itself for the human impact of letting the disease spread through a vulnerable population.

The leadership’s abrupt U-turn on how it handles the pandemic appears to have been triggered by protests against controls that began last month, a nationwide show of discontent on a scale China had not seen in decades.

But that unrest came after growing concern about the toll that isolation and regular harsh lockdowns were having on the country’s economy.

China has been an engine for regional growth since last century. However this year it is forecast to lag behind its neighbours for the first time since 1990, with disastrous implications for its people.



雖安心出行沒有追蹤功能,但它紀錄掃描QR code的到訪處所,確診後有助於當局採取對處所的防疫措施。其中,最體現本港資本撤除防疫措施本色的是取消從香港前往內地和澳門人士在口岸、機場的「檢測待行」安排一事。本來保護內地和澳門而安排的離港前的核酸檢測安排被撤除後,港毒侵入內地和澳門的機率大增了。內地和澳門仍不敢與疫情重災區香港免檢疫通關,所以取消它是個黑道作為。足認香港上層集團率先實現本港全面與病毒共存,以把內地和澳門拖進與病毒共存是其險惡政治意圖。

新華社北京12月13日電 國務院副總理孫春蘭13日到北京市調研指導疫情防控工作,轉達習近平總書記對首都人民的關心問候,看望慰問奮戰在抗疫一線的醫務人員和社區工作者,考察北京朝陽醫院、首都兒科研究所、清華大學附屬垂楊柳醫院、連鎖藥房、建國門社區衛生服務中心,實地瞭解發熱門診設置、就診轉診流程、分級診療運行、亞定點醫院建設、藥品儲備供應等情況。她強調,要深入貫徹習近平總書記關於疫情防控的一系列重要指示精神,落實黨中央、國務院決策部署,堅持人民生命至上、人民利益至上,實施好「二十條」和「新十條」,加強統籌、轉變觀念,把工作重心從防控感染轉到醫療救治上來,工作目標是保健康、防重症,確保防控措施調整轉段平穩有序,高效統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展。當前,北京市新增感染者處於快速增長期,但絕大多數為無症狀感染者和輕型病例,目前在院重症危重症患者50例,多有基礎性疾病。

內地會否正式走上了與病毒共存? 但動態清零本身本來就是共存和清零的揚棄。不過,國務院副總理孫春蘭的談話中,防止感染的部分不再是防疫重點了。因此,足認內地越來越接近與病毒共存是個事實。連人民日報也從2022年10月10日以來一直未使用動態清零一詞了。看來黨內躺平派佔了上風。以下是人民日報最後提及動態清零的報導:











1. 中國和德國之間互相承認僑民接種自己國家生產疫苗的協議也會被迫擴大到其他群組和其他西方疫苗公司的:

Two years after the first countries approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine for domestic use, China will finally allow the mRNA vaccine to be used domestically—but there’s a catch.

China finally approves an mRNA COVID vaccine—but only for some foreigners

Beijing will allow BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine in mainland China but limit its use to German nationals, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

“China and Germany had reached an agreement on administering the German vaccine to German citizens residing in China, and the two sides will discuss the arrangements through diplomatic channels,” ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told a news briefing in Beijing.

In a joint news conference then with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Scholz said that approval of the BioNTech vaccine for expatriates in China was on the agenda of their talks and that he was hoping the use could be expanded across mainland China.

Three years into the pandemic, China has not granted any regulatory approval to foreign-made Covid vaccines on the mainland. The German-developed BioNTech vaccine is no exception, even though it had a collaboration deal in 2020 with a Shanghai partner and has been widely used around the world – including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

BioNTech, a biotechnology company based in Mainz, Germany, has repeatedly said it hoped to have its mRNA vaccine used across China, but approval has been delayed due to the regulatory review process.

China has sought to develop its own version of an mRNA vaccine, but progress has been slow. A home-grown mRNA vaccine called AWcorna became available on the mainland at the end of 2021 but has not received regulatory approval.

China’s population, including many foreigners on the mainland, have been given traditional inactivated vaccines developed by Chinese companies, though some expatriates have been able to take BioNTech shots arranged by foreign embassies.

China has 138,100 beds in intensive care units, or 10 beds per 100,000 people. There are 80,500 ICU doctors, with another 106,000 available to be “converted” from other departments, and 220,000 ICU nurses with 177,700 “convertibles”, according to Jiao Yahui, director of the NHC’s Department of Medical Administration.

The NHC has ordered public hospitals across the country to increase their ICU beds, upgrade their facilities and step-up staff training “to have additional 20 to 30 per cent medical resources reserved for ICUs” if needed, said Jiao.

“All these expansions and renovations are required to be completed by the end of December,” Jiao said.





#輝瑞新冠特效藥網售放開#【輝瑞新冠特效藥Paxlovid網售放開 憑核酸或抗原結果購買】#國產新冠口服藥售價330元#財聯社12月13日電,新冠特效藥可以網售了。1藥網旗下互聯網醫院的新冠咨詢門診開始預售新冠口服抗病毒藥物Paxlovid(奈瑪特韋/利托那韋片),定價為2980元/盒。用戶在咨詢問診後,嚮導診員回復新冠,即會被分配醫生,由醫生詢問是否已確診新冠,是否需要購買Paxlovid。醫生強調該藥不能用於預防,僅用於確診患者的治療,需要用戶上傳核酸或抗原陽性證明後開具處方。上傳抗原陽性照片後,被診斷為新冠病毒感染,即順利開出Paxlovid處方,每次口服3片,每天兩次,線上付款後可以快遞配藥到家。(財新)#楊迪#


BEIJING, Dec 13 (Reuters) - A Chinese healthcare platform has started selling Pfizer's (PFE.N) oral COVID-19 treatment Paxlovid in what appears to be the first retail sale of the drug in the country, as China braces for a surge in COVID patients.

The medication sold out just over half an hour after the listing was reported in the media, the platform's customer service said, underscoring surging demand for COVID and flu medicines in China.

The sudden loosening of restrictions has sparked long queues outside fever clinics in a worrying sign that a wave of infections is building, even though official tallies of new COVID cases have trended lower recently as authorities eased back on testing.

Healthcare company started selling Paxlovid for 2,980 yuan ($426.80) per box, the sales page on the app showed on Tuesday.

People can purchase the medication on the app if they submit a positive COVID-19 test result.

It was not clear how many boxes were sold or when sales would resume, or whether other retailers have also started selling the two-drug treatment.

Pfizer in an emailed statement said it is "actively collaborating with all stakeholders to secure an adequate supply of Paxlovid in China and remains committed to fulfilling the COVID-19 treatment needs of patients in China."

The launch of retail sales of Paxlovid in China could be a major earnings boost to Pfizer, which has faced some investor concerns about a sharp hit to its revenue from an expected decline in COVID vaccine demand.

Paxlovid, which was approved by China in February, has been available through hospitals to treat high-risk patients in several provinces, Chinese media Yicai reported in March. Pfizer's clinical trial tested Paxlovid in unvaccinated people at risk for serious disease. It found that the pills taken for five days soon after symptoms onset cut the risk of hospitalization and death by 90%. It has not shown that the treatment is effective in those considered at standard risk, including vaccinated patients. Pfizer signed a deal in April for Chinese drugmaker Zhejiang Huahai (600521.SS) to produce Paxlovid in mainland China solely for patients there. The U.S. drugmaker said last year that it could produce up to 120 million courses of Paxlovid this year, but it is not immediately known how many it has produced so far. In the United States, Pfizer has delivered more than 9 million courses and patients have used over 6 million courses of the treatment, according to government data.

Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, jointly developed with German partner BioNTech (22UAy.DE) using mRNA technology, is not approved for use in China.




The recent anti-ZERO wave, driven by the Hong Kong government, Chinese and Hong Kong health bureaucrats, epidemic experts / governmental advisors, media and domestic and foreign capital, is a 21st century opium war that to open up the mainland market to Western vaccine companies. The so-called protesters are not the main driving force. Although it is not yet certain that the Mainland and Macau will be dragged into a 'defeated' social state of WITH-COVID, the public should not lose sight of the fact that the political nature of the upper echelons of Hong Kong has always embodied on issues in which a national policy contradicts capital. The public should not be fooled by the series of patriotic shows (such as the misplaying of the national anthem) repeatedly staged by the upper class groups in Hong Kong, and should not be treated as participants in the patriotic shows, which are simply not worth it.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #94 港毒問題:將全中國拖入與病毒共存的官商勾結

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