Open-source intelligence (OSINT)
Betrayed Public Health: All of China Forced to "Live with the Virus" in the Midst of Outbreak, Virus and Capital Reign Supreme!
1. 李家超在2023年1月5日的中港免檢疫通關措施發表會時承認了2022年7月上任以來一直著手走上名為‘復常’的「與病毒共存」的路線。中港免檢疫通關的重點是中港兩地要求通關前48小時做核酸檢測,取得陰性結果才可過關,因此,它還不算按字般的全免檢疫。這還算是在中港澳的疫情嚴峻下唯一屬於正面的一點。LINK
At the January 5, 2023, Hong Kong-China quarantine-free clearance announcement, John Lee Ka-chiu admitted that he had been working on the "WITH-COVID" route called "normalcy" since he took office in July 2022. The point of the quarantine-free clearance is that China and Hong Kong require nucleic acid testing 48 hours prior to clearance, and negative results are required for clearance, so it is not quite a full quarantine exemption. This is the only positive point given the seriousness of the epidemic in Hong Kong and mainland.
2. 白紙疫情暴動和中港反清零國策運動後面有什麼勢力?它們是否政治獨立自主的民眾抗議?這證據是2022年12月28日港府斷送絕大部分防疫措施(除口罩令和確診隔離令等外)後,包括親中國家北韓在內的所謂‘國際社會’紛紛表態實施針對疫情大爆發以及隱瞞和低估疫情實況的中港澳旅客的無感染證明,檢測,甚至封鎖等緊急措施時,內地白紙自由戰士們都至今沒有同樣抗議。他們針對中共或‘國際社會’之間確實都有政治雙重標準。因此,足認被想要改變內地防疫政策的內外資本(反中共勢力)選為白紙疫情暴動原型和模式的敵對矛盾是過去屢次爆發工運/暴動的台灣藍營鴻海科技集團的著名富士康抗議事件。譬如,2010年深圳富士康跳樓事件;2012年鄭州罷工事件;2015年中華全國總工會事件;2022年河南鄭州富士康疫情與衝突等。人民內部矛盾,已顯現的敵對矛盾(民怨)被內外資本勢力剝削了。這就是所謂‘外因透過內因起作用’的典型例子。與黑死病大流行時代的疫情暴動與新冠肺炎下的疫情暴動有所不同。後者則是政治化的,高度政治操縱的作品。
What are the forces behind the A4 White Paper riots and the anti-ZERO-COVID campaign in Hong Kong and China? Were they independent political civil disobedience? This is evidenced by the fact that after the Hong Kong government cut off most of the epidemic prevention measures on December 28, 2022 (except for the mask order and the quarantine order), the so-called 'international community', including the pro-China country of North Korea, took a stand to implement no infection certificates, tests, and even blockades against the epidemic outbreak and the Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau where concealed and underestimated the actual situation of the epidemic. When the Mainland white paper freedom- fighters have not protested the same emergency measures. There is indeed a political double standard between them and the Chinese Communist Party or the 'international community'. Therefore, it is sufficient to say that the antagonistic contradiction chosen as the prototype and model of the white paper riots by the internal and external capital (anti-Communist forces) who want to change the policy of epidemic prevention in the Mainland is the famous Foxconn protests of the blue-camp Hung Hai Technology Group (Taiwan), which have erupted repeatedly in the past in mainland. For example, the 2010 Foxconn jumping incident in Shenzhen; the 2012 Zhengzhou strike; the 2015 All China Federation of Trade Unions incident; and the 2022 Foxconn epidemic and clashes in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. The internal contradictions of the people, the apparent hostility (public grievances) have been exploited by the internal and external capital forces. This is a typical example of the so-called 'external causes acting through internal causes'. This is different from the epidemic riots during the Black Death pandemic and the epidemic riots under the SARS-COV2. The latter was a politicized and highly politically manipulated work.
3. 瘟疫暴動(plague riot)是個國安術語。不過,香港市民不難看出目前所謂國安單位的重大缺點之一是其國安定義過於狹窄。簡言之,在執行上,國安概念的內涵和外延為除了「5獨」(分裂主義/分離主義)以外都不是個國家安全問題。這就是為什麼全中國的所謂國安單位都並沒有阻止代表內外資本勢力的港府(行政長官會議 LINK),香港總商會(港府政策幾乎聽從兼任行政長官會議成員的香港總商會立法會代表林健鋒 LINK),衛生官僚,政府疫情顧問以及媒體等上層集團從香港率先推動「與病毒共存」路線來最終斷送動態清零國策。這證實了香港仍然是個滲透和破壞國家政策的前進基地。
Plague riot is a national security term. However, it is easy for Hong Kong people to see that one of the major shortcomings of the current so-called national security units is that their definition of national security is too narrow. In short, in terms of implementation, the concept of national security is not a national security issue except for the "5 Independencies" (separatism). This is why the so-called national security units across China have not stopped the upper echelons of the Hong Kong government (Chief Executive's Council), the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) (HKGCC's Legislative Council representative Jeffrey Lam, who is also a member of the Chief Executive's Council), health bureaucrats, government epidemic advisors, and the media from taking the lead in promoting the "co-existence with the virus" route in Hong Kong to eventually give away the dynamic zero-COVID state policy. This confirms that Hong Kong remains a forward base for infiltrating and undermining state policy.
There is a law in Hong Kong or entire Chinese politics that the political designs/tendencies of internal and external anti-communist and anti-Chinese forces are always first to manifest from Hong Kong.
When the national epidemic prevention policy was targeted by anti-communist forces and attacked from inside and outside at the expense of public health and people's lives, the so-called national security units did nothing and could not stop it. Epidemics and epidemic prevention are not part of national security, so neither the national security law nor the future Article 23 legislation will stop the political machinations of capital that will surely be repeated in future pandemics.
4. 在實際上,對西方情報單位而言,特定政治議題反而成了輿論工具。即不僅是所謂‘分裂主義’,‘顏色革命’云云都原來屬於反帝國主義的敘事如今成了操縱輿論和動員炮灰的敘事了。這些說故事的工具都是為了從真正政治過程轉移焦點的‘愛國騷’。雙方都從這個容易撈取各自政治資本,同時可以隱瞞真正進行的政治作戰。此次,中國正確的國策,動態清零被強迫推翻掉的整個過程(2022年9月24日-)充分證實了這點。(雖在反修例風波上,資本和國策相抵觸的真政治以及上演顏色政治的愛國騷此兩大政治層面重疊,但反修例風波原來是出於本港內外資本對於被移交給內地審判的商業罪行的恐懼)
結局都在愛國騷矇騙眾人之下遭受逐步搞出的猛烈打擊而最終消滅。所謂愛國騷的最新例子是,2023年1月5日有報導指港府控制的港交所終於將在2023年1月12日除去(在2021年12月15日已‘被結業’的)壹傳媒的上市資格(除牌 LINK)。它早就倒閉了。現在才除牌,這十分離譜的。為什麼是在中國被迫免檢疫通關的1月8日前夕才發布這個?誠然,此舉是在民生上面,毫無實際意義和影響,是純屬愛國騷/愛國秀。愛國秀是從真正政治過程轉移焦點以及穩賺政治資本,政治保護和政治信賴的公關。因此,香港市民反對和批判港府和資本,千萬不要被內外資本勢力當作愛國騷所需的小丑和炮灰(過去的所謂民主派,包括資本的造神運動大量製造的所謂網紅及社運明星)。要的是如顧汝德或本土研究社那樣的‘具體問題的具體研究’,以免掉入愛國騷/顏色政治的敘事框架內。那麼,究竟誰在操縱這個敘事框架?就是壟斷媒體和公共資訊領域的內外資本雙方勢力。這才是反修例風波的教訓。同時,這也絕不意味著反對者需要淪為所謂‘忠誠的反對派’此一另類垃圾。
In practice, for Western intelligence agencies, specific political issues have become tools of public opinion. That is, not only so-called 'separatism' but also 'color revolutions' and the like have become narratives that manipulate public opinion and mobilize cannon fodder. These storytelling tools are all 'patriotic shows' to shift the focus from the real political process. Both sides are making easy political gains out of this, while hiding the real political warfare going on. This is amply demonstrated by the fact that China's correct national policy, Dynamic Zero, was forcibly overturned throughout the process (September 24, 2022-January 8, 2023). (While the two major political dimensions of the anti-extradition law amendment bill controversy overlap between the real politics of capital and state policy contradiction and the patriotic shows of color politics, the anti-extradition law amendment bill controversy turns out to be the fear of capital, both inside and outside Hong Kong, of being handed over to the Mainland for trial for commercial crimes.)
Both the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance amendment and the anti-epidemic measures (a policy in the public interest) have become the enemies of capital. So, for the capital behind these two hostile movements, tax evasion and the virus itself are no longer issues. In politics, capital has always been such a perversion of right and wrong and a distortion of traditional human values. Like a vaccine that does not immunize? The new coronavirus infection is the common cold / flu?
Both ended up suffering from the fierce criticism and eventual demise of the patriotic shows that fooled the masses. The latest example of the so-called patriotic show is that on January 5, 2023, it was reported that the Hong Kong government-controlled HKEx would finally remove the listing status (delisting) of Next Digital (which 'wound up' on December 15, 2021) on January 12, 2023. It has long since closed down. It is only now that the license was removed, which is very outrageous. Why is this released on the eve of January 8, when China was forced to harshly resume quarantine-free customs clearance? Admittedly, this move is on top of the people's livelihood, has no real meaning or impact, it is purely a patriotic show. Patriotic show is a public relations to shift the focus from the real political process and to earn political gains, political protection and political trust. Therefore, Hong Kong people should oppose and criticize the Hong Kong government and capital, and should not be treated as clowns and cannon fodder for patriotic shows by internal and external capitalist forces (the so-called democrats in the past, including the so-called net stars and social movement stars created by the capitalist god-making movement in large numbers). What is needed is a 'specific study of specific issues' like Leo Goodstadt or the Liber Research Community , so as not to fall into the framework of the narrative of the patriotic shows /color politics. Thus, who is manipulating this narrative framework? It is the internal and external capitalist forces that monopolize the media and public information sphere. This is the lesson of the anti-extradition law amendment bill controversy. At the same time, it does not in any way mean that the opponents need to be reduced to the alternative garbage of the so-called 'loyal opposition'.
Capital is a personal interest, not a public interest. Capital is also a source of social problems. All social problems are ultimately the product of direct or indirect capital movements. In a class society, the first social problem is the "exploitation of man by man".
5. 有些清零派網紅只顧輝瑞。但是埋葬國策(動態清零)的推手/獲利者仍有復必泰(德國復必泰意味著德國政府和輝瑞)以及莫德納(香港設有辦公室並已獲准銷售新冠口服藥莫納皮拉韋(Molnupiravir)LINK)。不過,輝瑞是中俄兩國議題上都扮演了重大角色。一個是輝瑞參與的烏克蘭的美國國防部生化‘防疫’研究所項目 Some of the pro-ZERO-COVID netizens only care about Pfizer. But the promoters/profiteers of the burial of the national policy (dynamic zero) are still BioNTech(BioNTech means the German government and Pfizer) and Moderna (which has an office in Hong Kong and is authorized to sell the new oral drug Molnupiravir since 2022). However, Pfizer is a major player in both Russian and Chinese issues. One is Pfizer's participation in the U.S. Department of Defense's Biochemical 'Disease Prevention' Institute project in Ukraine;
"Among them are former director of Defense Threat Reduction Agency Kenneth Myers, executive vice president of the CIA-controlled In-Q-Tel venture fund Tara O'Toole, former head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Frieden, former director of the National Institutes of Health Francis Collins, former CEO of the Battelle Memorial Institute Jeffrey Wadsworth, chief researcher and president of the Department of International Research, Development and Medicine of Pfizer, and many others," Kirillov revealed.
另一個是實現全中國「與病毒共存」的社會狀態。輝瑞的新冠口服藥Paxlovid 已經有中港兩地的本地市場了。只剩下,內地疫苗市場全面開放而已。為何港府在2022年12月28日宣布廢掉了疫苗通行證?是因為輝瑞和復必泰實現了全中國「與病毒共存」狀態及1月8日起免檢疫通關。
只要有「與病毒共存」的社會狀態以及疫情持續,疫苗生機就是無窮盡的。新冠病毒的防疫降級(中國官方昨晚宣布明年1月8日將COVID-19降為「乙類乙管」並取消入境集中隔離 LINK)只會服務這個過程的。真正結束疫情暴利的方式是真正結束疫情,而非與病毒共存。
The other is the realization of a "WITH-COVID" society across China. Pfizer's COVID oral drug Paxlovid already has a local market in Hong Kong and China. All that remains is for the Mainland vaccine market to be fully opened up. Why did the Hong Kong government announce on December 28, 2022 that it was abolishing the Vaccine Pass? It is because Pfizer and BioNTech have achieved "co-existing with virus" status in China, and borders will have been exempted from quarantine clearance since January 8.
As long as there is a social state of "coexistence with the virus" and the epidemic continues, the vaccine business opportunities are endless. The downgrading of the new coronavirus (China announced that COVID-19 will be downgraded to "Category B" and the centralized quarantine of entry will be lifted on January 8) will only serve this process. The real way to end the epidemic boom is to actually end the epidemic, not to live with the virus.
在2022年12月31日港府低調發布了具有非常重要意義的通知(向內地人士銷售西方輝瑞和莫德納的新冠口服藥) On December 31, 2022, the Hong Kong government made a low-key announcement of great importance(Sales of Pfizer and Moderna's COVID oral drugs to Mainlanders):
政府早前宣布,爲確保資源有效運用及提升應對能力,會優先為「符合資格人士」確診者提供醫療服務及政府採購的藥物。由於私營醫療機構可直接向有關藥廠訂購兩款新冠口服藥物,「非符合資格人士」的新冠確診病人應直接在私營醫療機構獲取治療及處方有關藥物。如私家醫院和診所向「非符合資格人士」處方透過衞生署及醫院管理局(醫管局)分配的新冠口服藥物,需按機制代政府向病人收取指明定數額的藥物費用,每個療程劑量超過六千元。 同時,政府再次呼籲私家醫院和診所為新冠確診病人提供醫療服務,減輕公共醫療系統負荷。現時在醫健通的系統上,有634名私家醫生登記透過衞生署分配新冠口服藥物。「符合資格人士」確診後,如有需要可透過私家醫生處方由政府提供的新冠口服藥物,不需就藥物繳付任何費用。 發言人強調,公共醫療系統就新冠病人需要的藥物備存量充足,政府會確保有充足醫療資源應付本地需要。衞生署及醫管局會繼續加大採購量並會理順派藥安排,並密切監察透過私家醫生向病人處方口服藥物的情況。
在整個反清零運動的本質是西方疫苗公司的利潤和業務擴大。其終極目標是從香港著手逐漸全面打開內地疫苗市場。香港在2023年1月8日起全面免檢疫通關仍然只是其環節。但後來在‘國際社會’紛紛重啟對華防疫措施之際,中央政府拒絕了歐盟免費提供西方疫苗的政治舉措 The essence of the entire anti-ZERO-COVID campaign is the expansion of profits and business of Western vaccine companies. The ultimate goal is to gradually open up the full Mainland vaccine market, starting with Hong Kong. Hong Kong's full quarantine-free customs clearance from January 8, 2023 is still only part of the equation. But then the central government rejected the EU's political move to provide free Western vaccines at a time when the 'international community' is resuming measures against China:
2023年1月4日報導指 January 4, 2023 reported as:
Admittedly, the EU's offer of free Western vaccines (BioNTech = Pfizer, of course; Biden's offer was Moderna) was intended to smoothly and fully open the Mainland vaccine market. The central government understood its political intention and refused. At present, on the two major issues of quarantine-free customs clearance and the Mainland vaccine market, the former still requires nucleic acid testing within 48 hours; the latter explicitly rejects the politicized, purposeful free Western vaccine aid.
以下就是整個反清零運動的核心(為西方疫苗公司全面打開內地市場)The following is at the core of the entire anti-ZERO-COVID campaign (to fully open the Mainland market for Western vaccine companies):
Beijing has refused to approve any of the western Covid vaccines, instead relying mainly on homegrown jabs made by Sinovac and Sinopharm, which are both approved by the World Health Organization. Experts believe the main Chinese-made vaccines provide high levels of protection from severe illness and death with three doses. But they are less effective and fade faster than the mRNA technology developed by BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna, which are used across the west.
China faces a difficult situation because its domestically developed vaccines are not as effective as Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots. Vaccine coverage among the elderly population in China also lags behind other countries.
“One in seven people on the planet live in China and the acceleration of vaccination, the protection of the health system during this period, is in the interest of seven out of seven people on this planet, Ryan said.
The U.S. has offered China mRNA Covid vaccines and other support but Beijing has declined the offer, the federal health official said on Wednesday’s call.
除了改採「與病毒共存」以外,中國還沒全面投降。就中醫方面,也仍然大力維護和推廣 Except for the change to "living with the virus", China has not yet surrendered completely. As far as Chinese medicine is concerned, it is still being vigorously defended and promoted:
內外資本衝破的第一道防線是「動態清零」國策(2022年9月24日港府張竹君公然主張「與病毒共存」- 12月8日中央政府「突然放開」);第二道防線是「內地疫苗市場不開放給西方疫苗」;第三道防線則是整個「中醫產業」(中國5千年的文化)。
6. 雖早在第5波第一階段(2021年12月至2022年5月)港府逐漸轉為「與病毒共存」的躺平路線。在2022年9月26日以來,港府,內外資本勢力,疫情政府顧問,社團/有限公司公關人物及媒體等最積極聯合起來成功拆除了絕大部分防疫措施,減除監測數次和全中國的動態清零政策後,但有些疫情數據仍有效顯示每日實際疫情惡化的程度。
最重要的數據是,港媒普遍一律不報導的現有個案(active case)數據。
還有單日死亡人數,急症醫院內科病床住用率以及公共醫院輪候等候時間。這些都顯示疫情嚴峻的程度。如李家超自稱,本港疫情已經克服了嗎?疫情已受控?(‘已克服疫情障礙’ LINK)
The first line of defense that has been breached by internal and external capital is the national policy of "dynamic zero" (on September 24, 2022, Chuang Shuk Kwan of the Hong Kong government openly advocated "coexistence with the virus" - on December 8, the central government "suddenly opened up"); the second line of defense is "not opening up the Mainland vaccine market to Western vaccines"; and the third line of defense is the entire "Chinese medicine industry" (5,000 years of Chinese culture).
At present, the second line of defense is being attempted by the combination of internal and external capitalist forces in Hong Kong and mainland China. In fact, it is the entire Chinese medicine industry that is facing a major crisis of survival. What exactly are the national security units doing? What China is facing is the 21st century version of the Opium War. The epidemic is not over yet, and this political war of attrition has not yet reached its ultimate goal.
Although as early as the first phase of Wave 5 (December 2021 to May 2022) the Hong Kong government gradually shifted to a "live with the virus" approach. Since September 26, 2022, the Hong Kong government, internal and external capital forces, government advisors on the epidemic, public relations figures from associations/limited companies, and the media have been most active in successfully dismantling most of the epidemic prevention measures, reduced mass surveillance several times and after a dynamic zero policy ruined across China, but some of the epidemic data still effectively show the actual daily extent of the worsening of the epidemic.
Most importantly, there are active case data that are generally not reported by the Hong Kong media.
There is also the number of deaths per day, the occupancy rate of medical beds in acute hospitalisation, and the waiting time in public hospitals. These are all indicators of the severity of the epidemic. As John Lee Ka-chiu claims, has the epidemic been overcome in Hong Kong? Is the epidemic under control?
NEWS 【事實關係】
港府的政策特色之一是政策金融化。總是把碎步式放寬政策當作股市槓桿。就免檢疫通關而言,把逐步放開出入境人數的舉措是股市槓桿。每一次發放放寬/開放的消息成為炒股槓桿。不管標榜是什麼顏色陣營,香港媒體都是其‘夥伴’。 這主要是美國和港府的深層合作。
2020年1月23日 本港疫情首宗確診個案。
2020年1月24日 香港市民:102663;內地入境客:36705;其他旅客:22872;總計162240 出入境的最多的總是香港市民。
2022年9月1日 香港市民:5328;內地入境客:358;其他旅客:34;總計5720
2022年9月24日 港府張竹君公然否定動態清零政策,而主張「與病毒共存」。衞生署衞生防護中心傳染病處主任張竹君:香港至今每日仍有數千宗確診,相信較難清零,認為除非全球也沒有個案,估計新冠病毒仍會與人類共存。
2022年9月26日 港府撤掉了入境隔離期,此後「外防輸入」此一環節瓦解。
2022年10月6日 港府進一步放寬防疫措施。如食肆每枱人數由8增至12;表列處所如派對房間及卡拉OK等,每組人數由8增至12;酒吧或酒館、夜店或夜總會每枱人數由4增至6(快測要求維持不變);宴會人數由120增至240(快測要求維持不變);取消郵輪公海遊熔斷機制等。 LINK
港府應美國總商會AMCHAM(The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong)的要求撤掉入境隔離日期後,終於破了入境人數1萬大關。
2022年11月1日 香港市民:9482;內地入境客:1600;其他旅客:1617;總計12699
政府今日(十月二十七日)公布,經考慮最新疫情發展及相關因素,將由十一月三日起進一步適度放寬社交距離措施。 香港新冠疫情目前仍然平穩,新增個案數字徘徊於每日5 000餘宗,重症及死亡數字未有因新變異病毒株出現而顯著上升。政府在重視管控疫情的前提下,期望能容許更廣泛的日常活動和更多的參與人數,讓市民生活有序復常,故決定於十一月三日起: (1)解除《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)下對餐飲業務處所和表列處所營業時間及堂食時間的限制; (2)容許在餐飲業務處所、舉辦活動處所和其他表列處所內舉行活動時,於台上拍照期間可以不用佩戴口罩,但處所內其他地方及時段的佩戴口罩規定仍然適用;以及 (3)重開政府轄下的燒烤地點。政府部門會由下周四(十一月三日)起陸續重開有關設施。
11月10日 港府又進一步放寬了防疫措施:
政府今日(十一月十日)公布,經評估疫情風險,並考慮到恢復社會及經濟活動的需要,將由十一月十七日起進一步適度放寬社交距離措施,以期讓市民生活繼續有序復常。 由十一月十七日起放寬的社交距離措施包括: (1)在顧客一般會佩戴口罩的處所,「疫苗通行證」將由「主動查核」改為「被動查核」。換言之,處所掌管人將無須在顧客進入有關處所時,主動檢查顧客的疫苗接種紀錄或豁免證明書。惟顧客進入有關處所仍須符合「疫苗通行證」的接種要求,在執法人員進行隨機抽查或其他執法行動時,亦須按要求出示相關紀錄或證明書。
11月11日 內地20條優化措施,開始具體放棄動態清零。
政府今日(十一月二十四日)公布,經審視最新疫情走勢,決定於現行社交距離措施在十一月三十日屆滿後,維持有關措施至十二月十四日。 香港疫情近日反覆,過去一星期(即十一月十七日至十一月二十三日)每日新增個案達7 000宗至8 000多宗,總體個案為54 266宗,較對上一周(即十一月十日至十一月十六日,共42 215宗)增加約28.5%。感染新冠病毒而需住院的病人數目亦見上升,由十一月十日的2 054人增至十一月二十三日的2 576人,增幅達25.4%。此外,各區污水監測病毒量呈現上升趨勢,情況令人關注。
2022年11月30日 香港市民:14437;內地入境客:2053;其他旅客:2180;總計18267
2022年12月1日 香港市民:11690;內地入境客:1775;其他旅客:2194;總計15659
政府今日(十二月十三日)公布,經評估疫情發展,並考慮到恢復社會及經濟活動的需要,將由明日(十二月十四日)起調整一系列防疫抗疫措施,以期讓市民生活繼續有序復常。 由明日凌晨零時起生效的防疫抗疫措施包括: (一)撤銷市民進入處所時必須掃描「安心出行」場所二維碼的要求
2022年12月17日 香港市民:17539;內地入境客:1734;其他旅客:3028;總計:22301
2022年12月20日 港府積極在疫情十分嚴峻下放寬了防疫措施。
香港近日疫情進入平台期,每日新增個案於十二月十五日超過17 000宗高峰後,及後連續數日徘徊於15 000至16 000多宗水平。因感染新冠病毒而需住院的病人數目有所上升,但當中危殆或嚴重個案的比率維持平穩。
12月29日現有個案:509443宗 現有個案破了50萬宗。
2022年12月31日 入境人數終於破了3萬大關了。
2023年1月5日 中港政府宣佈了1月8日全面免檢疫通關的措施。
香港特別行政區(特區)政府今日(一月五日)宣布,經與中央和廣東省及深圳市政府溝通協調並達成共識,並獲得中央批准後,香港與內地將由一月八日起分階段有序恢復兩地人員正常往來,以逐步、有序、全面實施通關。 通關第一階段由一月八日起實施,涵蓋已經運作的香港國際機場(香港往返內地航班)、港珠澳大橋和深圳灣口岸,以及重開的港澳客輪碼頭、中國客運碼頭、文錦渡口岸和落馬洲支線/福田口岸。為了有序落實通關安排,特區政府除了確保交通配套到位外,亦就個別口岸設定每日人數安排,要求過關人士先行網上預約。此外,往來香港與內地的人士須在出行前48小時進行核酸檢測並取得陰性結果。
1月5日 香港市民:22,534;內地入境客:3,000;其他旅客:4,097;總計29,631 內地入境客破了3千大關。
1月5日 現有個案:601942宗 終於破了現有個案60萬大關了。
Hang Seng Index
Active Cases in China, Hong Kong SAR
Delays in British emergency departments could be causing between 300 and 500 deaths each week, Royal College of Emergency Medicine President Dr Adrian Boyle has told Times Radio.
According to data from NHS England, 37,837 patients waited more than 12 hours to be admitted to emergency departments in November, up from 10,646 in November 2021. Although figures for December have yet to be released, Boyle told the Times that he’d be “amazed” if they weren’t the worst on record.
“What we’re seeing now in terms of these long waits is being associated with increased mortality, and we think somewhere between 300-500 people are dying as a consequence of delays and problems with urgent and emergency care each week,” he said, in remarks quoted by multiple British media outlets on Sunday.
為何烏克蘭戰事是需要的? 它的本質並非為新納粹或民主自由什麼打仗,而是為了美國軍火商的利潤。訓練和武裝烏克蘭戰士的也是與美國國防部合作的壟斷資本的軍火商。應從資本的運動說明敵對矛盾,而不能以表面的意識形態外皮來敘述戰爭。本末倒置。以下就是整個俄烏衝突的核心:
American weapons sales to NATO states nearly doubled in number and value in 2022, Foreign Policy magazine reported on Thursday. With the conflict in Ukraine draining European military stockpiles, the top US arms merchants have all seen their share prices skyrocket.
Raytheon has seen its share price rise by 17% this year, while General Dynamics has increased in value by 18%.
The success of these companies is so intertwined with the demand for weapons in Ukraine that Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, and Lockheed Martin all sponsored a reception at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, DC earlier this month, causing controversy when they emblazoned their logos on the invitations.
有些賣文作家以明斯克協議批評澤連斯基是錯誤的,只會暴漏那些賣文作家根本沒看外文新聞而已。是因為明斯克協議(2014年)及新明斯克協議(2015年)都是歐美烏克蘭為準備戰爭贏得時間(buying time)而設計的圈套。
Thousands of people have lost their lives in eastern Ukraine since 2014 because the West treated the Minsk agreements as scrap paper, the vice speaker of Russia’s upper house of parliament said on Saturday.
Senator Konstantin Kosachev was reacting to an admission by former French president Francois Hollande that the Minsk agreements were actually a ploy to buy time for the Kiev government to strengthen its military. This move should be credited for Ukraine’s “successful resilience” to Russia in the ongoing conflict with its neighbor, he added.
Hollande was echoing a statement by former German chancellor Angela Merkel, who described the Minsk accords in December as “an attempt to give Ukraine time” to build up its armed forces.
The Minsk-1 and Minsk-2 deals were signed in 2014 and 2015 following mediation by Germany, France and Russia. They were designed to put an end to fighting between Kiev and the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk by giving them special status within the Ukrainian state. Kiev’s failure to implement those agreements has been cited as one of the reasons for Moscow launching its military operation on February 24.
BBC: 後來發生的情況簡單來說是這樣的:全球疫情擴散期間,人類對這種病毒產生了天然免疫力,而毒株本身則不斷變異、進化,出現新毒株,殺傷力較之前的版本更輕微,1919-1920年和1920-1921年流感季節出現的主導毒株比疫情初起時致命性低得多,與季節性流感幾乎沒有區別。
然而,第一個敲響警鐘的事件發生在巴圖馬尼鎮。醫生古斯塔夫•奧魯斯(Gustav Orrues)是一名來自瑞典-芬蘭的俄羅斯軍醫,他被派往該鎮,發現該鎮被遺棄。在附近,奧魯斯遇到了一位俄國軍官,他報告說,該鎮3000名人口中約有800人死亡,其餘的人都逃了出來。
1770年初秋,病毒到達莫斯科。起初,大多數病人的病症比較輕微。同時,瘧疾也在城市中蔓延,所以它幾乎沒有被注意到,直到有明顯的氣泡(鼠疫特有的腫脹淋巴結)的病人出現。在莫斯科附近的謝爾普霍夫(Serpukhov)市有一個配備醫務人員的前哨,但在11月,一名來自軍隊的軍官在萊福爾托夫斯卡婭 - 斯洛博達(Lefortovskaya Sloboda)死亡。不久,為他治療的醫生也死了,然後附近房子裡的二十多個人也死了。莫斯科是一個大城市,很難將其完全隔離,特別是考慮到人們從戰爭中返回,並從烏克蘭和波蘭旅行。12月21日,阿法納西•沙方斯基醫生得出了一個明確的結論:這就是可怕的瘟疫。
在莫斯科的所有入境點都設立了前哨站,對商人進行檢查和隔離。這些措施似乎有所幫助,在2月,人們決定,這種疾病已經被打敗了--人們一度認為,它可能根本不是瘟疫。但在3月,扎莫什科雷奇耶的一家布廠開始爆發新的疫情。感染者身上的泡狀物和癰疽對診斷沒有任何疑問。來自摩爾多瓦的奧魯斯醫生從他在軍隊的工作中清楚地知道鼠疫是什麼。很快,彼得•埃羅普金(Petr Eropkin)將軍被任命為抗擊疫情的"總部"負責人。隔離工作加強了。在莫斯科,乞丐被拘留,並被送到有特殊裝備的地方。埃羅普金將城市劃分為幾個區,每個區都有專門的官員負責監督不同的區域。所有可用的醫生,包括退休的醫生,都被動員起來對抗疫情。新的病例被立即報告給埃羅普金本人,病人被警察立即隔離在烏格雷什修道院的醫院裡。病人的房子被封鎖起來,鄰居們也被分別隔離起來。這些都是合理的、果斷的措施。
7月,疫情更加嚴重。到月底,每天都有超過100人死於瘟疫,而且這個數字還在不斷增加。到了8月,它在整個俄羅斯中部肆虐。那些有地方可去的人逃離了莫斯科,使疾病到處蔓延。埃羅普金憤怒地封鎖了道路,但人們沿著鄉村道路步行離開。此外,由於 "潰瘍 "的迅速蔓延,掘墓人和服務人員等流行病工人變得供不應求。那些留下來的人常常試圖逃跑。因此,所謂的'mortuus'[鼠疫醫院的服務人員]被強行從囚犯中分配。
一言以蔽之,內外資本反華反共反清零攻堅戰共有三個階段。第一階段是逼迫中國改採與病毒共存;第二是為西方疫苗公司全面打開內地疫苗市場;第三則是攻陷中醫產業。免檢疫通關(Resumption of normal traveller clearance between Hong Kong and Mainland)只是第二階段的環節之一而已。國安單位還在袖手旁觀?還看不到國難嗎?
In a nutshell, there are three stages in the anti-China, anti-communist, anti-ZERO-COVID war of foreign and domestic capitalists. The first stage is to force China to switch to co-existence with the virus (WITH-COVID); the second is to open up the mainland vaccine market for western vaccine companies; and the third is to attack the Chinese medicine industry. Resumption of normal traveller clearance between Hong Kong and Mainland China is only one of the components of the second phase. Are the national security agencies still standing by? Can't you see the ongoing national tragedy?
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