This the 6th Predator film 《鐵血戰士:血獸進化》which following the events of the master piece Predator (1987), Predator 2 (1990), and is a prequel to the Predators (2010). And its franchise includes Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007).
The Predator (2018) is directed by Shane Black who played the role, a radio guy of the rescue unit, Rick Hawkins in Predator (1987). And he should be remained in that role, should not make this meaningless sequel to the master piece.
Besides this, another surprise for movie goers from 1980s is that the co-screen writer is Fred Dekker who is famous for the well-made horror kids comedy, a The Goonies (1985) -kind version of Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), The Monster Squad (1987).

This film is full of cons and hardly finds any advantages. Such as an overabundance of CGI, a blatantly franchise-thirsty ending, and some winking references to the original.
The only elements made me excited were just Predator images from a Central American jungle of Predator (1987), downtown LA of Predator 2 (1990).
The story line itself is kind of UFO conspiracy theory with covert operatives and solders involved.
The story is taken place in school where the protagonist Quinn McKenna 's son Rory McKenna attends.
A deserter Predator escapes to the earth and accidentally its stolen anti-Predator weapons are gained by a solder Quinn during covert assassination operation outside of US. Then, these Predator weapons trigger hunting of the traitor of Predators in Georgia. A big Predator comes to the town to hunt the deserter and retrieve these anti-Predator weapons before invasion of Earth.
Ethically and emotionally fatal plotting is that these ex solders are too robotically kill antagonists and themselves, too emotionlessly kill characters as a kind of Kamikaze spirit but it is not persuasive and impressive in drama narrative. Furthermore, it does not like a team play, just like a zombie shooting game.

The real team spirit of Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer in Predator (1987) and Lieutenant Michael "Mike" R. Harrigan's LAPD team in Predator 2 (1990) are completely unable to be seen in this latest sequel.
There is no equilibrium in this film at all. I reminisced these master pieces that truly expressed the emotional and humanistic responses to the tragedies happened in their teams.

Shane Black should be remained in the role Rick Hawkins in Predator (1987) and Fred Dekker also should be remained in the director of The Monster Squad (1987).
I love Predator (1987) and we just need the master piece. I'd rather recommend filmmakers to repeatedly see the original than making the sequel to spoil the image of Predator (1987).

If there can be a better sequel to the 31 year old Hollywood film master piece franchise, it will be only possible when the original director Mr. John McTiernan redirects the true Predator film again.

#DirJohnMcTiernan #Predator #Predator1987 #Predator21990 #Predators2010 #AlienvsPredator2004 #AliensvsPredatorRequiem2007 #ShaneBlack #RickHawkins #prequel #FredDekker #TheGoonies1985 #AbbottandCostelloMeetFrankenstein1948 #TheMonsterSquad1987 #overabundanceofCGI #blatantlyfranchisethirstyending #winkingreferencestotheoriginal #downtownLA #CentralAmericanjungle #UFOconspiracytheory #QuinnMcKenna #RoryMcKenna #deserter #Kamikazespirit #MajorAlanquotDutchquotSchaefer #LieutenantMichaelquotMikequotRHarrigan #LAPD #equilibrium #鐵血戰士血獸進化 #終極戰士 #NebraskaWilliams #CaseyBracket #BoydHolbrook #TrevanteRhodes #JacobTremblay #OliviaMunn #CaseyBracket #SterlingKBrown #WillTraeger #20thCenturyFox #JohnDavis #filmreview #Filmmaking #blockbusterof2018 #HollywoodFilm #KeeganMichaelKey #Coyle #ThomasJane #Baxley #AlfieAllen #Lynch
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