Hong Kong Intelligence Report #44 新冠肺炎病毒溯源的情報戰:閱讀新冠肺炎病毒溯源報告
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #43 THE INTELLIGENCE WAR ON COVID-19: Reading COVID-19-origin Reports
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #42 A Distinction between Lenin's NEP & CCP's SOCIALIST Market Economy
Book Review: Be Vigilant on Possible Danger in Peacetime 居安思危 - 蘇共亡黨二十年的思考
Book Review: A City Mismanaged: Hong Kong’s Struggle for Survival/失治之城-掙扎求存的香港 Leo F. Goodstadt 顧汝德
Book Review : Land And The Ruling Class In Hong Kong 地產霸權 (Alice Poon Wai-han 潘慧嫻, 2005) 壟斷資本和國家安全問題
Book Review: 認識香港土地失治現象《逆權佔地》(梁守肫著,花千樹出版有限公司,2020年)ISBN:9789888484300
香港労働法 Hong Kong Labor Issues #47 日本人のための香港労働問題研究:香港の最新のジニ係数と計算方法 Hong Kong's Latest Gini coefficient
Film Review : The Nurse with the Purple Hair (2017) Focusing on Film Death and Real Death
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #29 Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior of Nazi-FACEBOOK Censorship
SNS Review #6:IMDb’s Unspeakable Manipulation of Rating against Film title #4: The Obugyosama! Part2
SNS Review #5: IMDb’s Unspeakable Manipulation of IMDb Rating against Film title #3: The Obugyosama!
SNS Review #4:IMDb’s Unspeakable Manipulation of IMDb Rating against Film title #2: The Rakugo Movie
SNS Review #3: IMDb’s Unspeakable Manipulation of IMDb Rating against Film title #1: Moxina (2012)
SNS Review #2: FACEBOOK and Flicker's PURGE of Different Voices
SNS Review #1 : Facebook Crimes against Humanity and Democracy
哪個單位從事日本國內的情報監控以及對反體制派的網路作戰?Wikipedia 維基百科與總務省關東總合通信局
Who is engaging in violation of freedom of expression and anti-dissident net operations in Japan?