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Ryota Nakanishi
Dec 6, 202310 min read
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #112 以巴衝突和俄烏戰爭的相互作用和政治意義
In a nutshell, the indefinite continuation of the Israeli-Hamas War and the Russian-Ukrainian War will only benefit Russia ultimately.
Ryota Nakanishi
Jan 6, 202333 min read
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #97 世界歷史上的瘟疫暴動和動態清零政策
There are three stages in the anti-China, anti-communist, anti-ZERO-COVID war of foreign and domestic capitalists.
Ryota Nakanishi
May 8, 202213 min read
Film Review: The Fall of Berlin (Dir. Mikheil Chiaureli; 1950) – Distorted V-DAY War Film
Dir. Chiaureli tried to make a sharp contrast between Stalin and Hitler on their handling of their generals and military operations in film.
Ryota Nakanishi
Mar 13, 202213 min read
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #62 戰亂的情報 – 反俄反中信息戰:去工業化與去知性化
本文概括和評析的美國紀錄片《揭露烏克蘭 Revealing Ukraine》(2019) 是經典之作《烏克蘭著火 Ukraine on Fire》(Igor Lopatonok導演,Oliver Stone監製;2016年)的續集。
Ryota Nakanishi
Mar 5, 202213 min read
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #59 救國的情報 – 在信息戰中市民需突破封鎖取得全方信息
Ryota Nakanishi
Aug 16, 202129 min read
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #42 A Distinction between Lenin's NEP & CCP's SOCIALIST Market Economy
Lenin's NEP (1921-1928) perfectly explains what Socialism with Chinese characteristics (1979-) and One Country Two Systems are.
Ryota Nakanishi
Jul 1, 202139 min read
Book Review: Be Vigilant on Possible Danger in Peacetime 居安思危 - 蘇共亡黨二十年的思考
The direct cause of the collapse of USSR was kleptocracy. It was technically terminated by kleptocrats from the inside of the party.
Ryota Nakanishi
Dec 27, 202019 min read
Book Review: The 200-Year Untold History of Russo-Japanese Relations (KGB Aleksey Kirichenko)
''Kuril Islands dispute'' is a fake thesis. In other words, it is only reflection of Japan's client state status.
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