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General Statement 


As Eric Hobsbawm wrote, we can say that until independence from imperialism is achieved, it looks as though the alliance between the national bourgeoisie and the left will continue in various fields of society in Japan and other parts of Asia. However, anti-US is wrong. Love the US. I have been living my life by this principle since April 1, 2003.


The most important thing for media literacy is that the only correct political position in capitalist society is the working class, the class consciousness, the class interest, and class war, not any political color created and manipulated by capitalists.  


I love the First Amendment.


 The rakugo movie (2013, Japan) 

The Rakugo Movie (2013)
The Rakugo Movie.
Theatrical Release Announcement of The Rakugo Movie (2013) by Kinema Junpo in 2013

 Democracy of   Genre Filmmaking & 
 Practice of Montage Theory 

Ryota's first three year project in the film and TV industry since 2011 to 2014. This feature film was theatrically released and screened at Egyptian Theatre Hollywood and in Japan.  The cinema complex chain United Cinemas Co., Ltd. screened this film nationwide. They projected it on the Japan's largest film screen at LaLaport Toyosu on April 6, 2013. TSUTAYA also campaigned the DVD release of this film nationally. The main film editor / Dialogue synchroniser is Ryota. Ryota practiced multi-camera editing that used in US filmmaking and Soviet montage especially in the tale 'The Life Rate' which starring the best actors Takayuki Yamada, Ken Yasuda and the best actress Tsubasa Honda. The Rakugo Movie (2013, Japan) is a feature film which won the #1 best seller in DVD sales in comedy and drama in, it also won the top best seller in general sales of DVD in Oricon Inc.'s market research in 2013. The main aim of this film practice was responding to what Sergei Eisenstein suggested to Japanese filmmakers to apply in their specific culture. Thus this is the practical response to Sergei Eisenstein. Ryota actually made it. Practice of true genre filmmaking; Hollywood's multi-camera operations and its typical match cutting that taught by Gael Chandler; applying the Three Act Structure; anti-art film dogmatism are technically and strategically important. However, the most important thing is to create consciousness among other young Japanese filmmakers on these serious issues. TUA graduates still are the most talented forces in Japan. The total gross is 470,000,000 JPY according to IMDb. Ryota's official academic aim was to achieve multi-cultural filmmaking in both film content and film form. It's achieved with this project.  

出演:山田孝之 加藤貴子 田島ゆみか 桂三四郎 安田顕 戸次重幸 音尾琢真 本田翼 西方凌 村上健志(フルーツポンチ) 斉木しげる 田中要次 亘健太郎(フルーツポンチ) 近藤春菜(ハリセンボン) 箕輪はるか(ハリセンボン) 三遊亭小遊三 春風亭一之輔 春風亭ぴっかり 笑福亭鶴光 立川志らく 林家三平 柳家わさび
監督:松井一生 坂下雄一郎 遠藤幹大
脚本: 嵯峨愁二、敦賀零、浦上毅郎

エグゼクティブプロデューサー 堀越謙三
企画・プロデュース 田中雄之
ポストプロダクションプロデューサー 田中直毅
美術:Ice Elloso、栗田志穂、相澤伶美

 Social Movement 

 True Independence of Japan and  

 Scientific Socialism of the 21st Century  

All Japan For Peace and Coexistence is Japan's new type of revolutionary social movement which founded in June 2015.                                          

This is also Ryota's 2nd three year project specifically in the political and social movement field since 2013 to 2016. An antithesis to all Japanese social issues. 

Ryota and the best political economist of Japan Kazuhide Uekusa had cooperated from late 2013 to 2016 on five major social issues of post-war colonial Japan. These major problems were accelerated by the worst imperialist puppet the Shinzo Abe regime (2012-2020). Such as nuclear plants; distortion of democratic constitution; TPP; huge divisions between the rich and the poor (inequality); increasing consumption tax; USFJ imperialist military bases. 


''Down with the Abe regime'' was a common slogan but the true aim still is to overthrow bureaucratic dictatorship that serves stealth imperialism of neoliberal capitalists systematically. 

So called ''25%'' Movement means that at least 25%

of entire voters unite against CIA funded Liberal Democrats and hypocritical religious party Komeitou, Japanese people hopefully can defeat imperialist puppets and liberate Post-War Japan. Ideally it further needs direct democracy not the present framework of voting system of national elections that only serves imperialist puppets. 

We seek true independence of Japanese sovereignty! For this truly patriotic, democratic revolutionary goal, we do not only need to unite all opposition parties and democratic organisations but also they have to unite under the same strategic policies and principles we mentioned in this text above. Anti-Bureaucracy (it means rejecting the bureaucratic tendency and mechanism within social movement), Anti-Imperialism and Anti-War are fundamental positions.  

Ryota contributed to stabilise and conduct the new type of social movement and its most important uprising. General unification of opposition parties has been firmly materialised. This social movement has continued since then. This is part of the post-World War 2 era anti-imperialist class struggles, its genuine existence.

"All-"dissident coalitions like "All-Okinawa"(2014-) and this "All-Japan" (2015-) have common features below:

a. It will keep independence of each political parties. It learned a lesson from The First United Front (1923-27). 

b. It fits Japanese specific political conditions, electoral systems and difficulties. "Parliament" socialism like the Allende regime is the most possible way in Japan for leftists. 

c. It requires coalition government that won't outcast JCP and can accept JCP as a main government member on the common major policies among dissidents. 

d. Its policies are mainly for the working class. 

e. It's against any ideological dogmatism. The workers should be only loyal to their own class interests and identity, not to sectarian dogmatism.  

f. The most important thing is that Japan needs a new political party which can really represent the interests of the working class of Japan. 












第1部   決意表明(敬称略)

開会の辞  原中勝征(オールジャパン最高顧問・前日本医師会会長)

民主党   江田五月(最高顧問、参議院議員)

民主党   篠原孝(衆議院議員)

日本共産党 山下芳生(書記局長・参議院議員)

社会民主党 吉田忠智(党首・参議院議員)

生活の党と山本太郎となかまたち 小沢一郎(代表・衆議院議員)

主権者代表 高田健(戦争させない・9条壊すな!総がかり行動実行委員会)


第2部    重要政策課題の考察(敬称略)




加藤好一(オールジャパン顧問 ・生活クラブ生協連合会会長)










鈴木宣弘(オールジャパン顧問 ・東京大学教授)


安田節子(オールジャパン顧問 ・食政策センターVISION21代表)















総決起集会実行委員(50音順  2016年 6月時点 )















All anti-Abe regime opposition parties attended.
 It is like the Odessa Bay Uprisig in1905!
More than 1,000 opposition leaders attnded.
Representatives of All Japan Peace ad Coexistence
The most successful uprising convenstion.
Japanese Communist Party's newspper 'Akahata' reported the successful upriing.
Ryota monitoring and controling the all lighting of th convention.
This is not  a capitalist league, it including broad range of working class.

 Professional Video 

 Conspiracy Theories of Benjamin Fulford and 

 Kaoru  Nakamaru: The Wonder Campus 5 (2014

Ryota's most monumental video work in 2014 econmic depression.

 Exposing Conspiracies of Stealth Imperialism and Publishing it by Independent Media 

The renowned ex-chief editor of Forbes APAC, Benjamin Fulford and a conspiracy theorist Kaoru Nakamaru gave audiences a special lecture about various conspiracy theories. Ryota mainly created the 9th question of the 2nd part of the entire video which published by Wonder Campus in 2014. Ryota asked Benjamin about the truth behind the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan and Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong which supposed to be backed by the US State Department and its NED. 


Ryota mentioned that the State Department and its embassy in Taiwan published advertisements of TPP during Sunflower Movement to promote both the anti-China campaign and its neoliberalism which betray native workers and peasants. Benjamin said it must be backed by the State Department. For example, the Umbrella Movement patrons were already disclosed by media. 

Ryota is the first person to point out the truth behind the Sunflower Movement publicly in Japan via this published lecture of the most renowned 'conspiracy theorists' of Japan.  

新聞やテレビからだけでは、到底知ることができない世界の真実を暴き出す異色の対談イベント「ここだけの話」シリーズ。今回の対談者は国際政治評論家の中丸薫と米経済誌「フォーブス」元アジア太平洋支局長、ジャーナリストのベンジャミン・フルフォード。テーマはずばり、闇の権力!今回のここだけの話は、第1部「闇の権力の基礎知識」が、闇の権力の構図、中央銀行と貨幣発行権、JAPAN as No.1の破壊、石油利権派vs.原子力利権派、日本の闇の権力、第2部 闇の権力の最新情報が、人口削減、放射性物質の無害化技術、ワクチン、銀行口座凍結、マイナス金利、コブラ・レジスタンス、天皇家と出雲大社、闇の権力との闘争、台湾・香港の市民運動、朝鮮半島の統一ほか。衝撃の裏事情が暴露されています。2014年10月16日に東京・護国寺で開催されたイベント「ここだけの話」のDVD化。

Bemjamin points out some trueaspect of intenational politics.

Q9: Interviewed by

Ryota Nakanishi

 TV Drama and TV Documentary 

 NHK E-TV Judge: TV Movie Obugyo-sama! 
 Part1 and Part2 (NHK, 2015-2016)  

NHK E-TV Judge was TV series of TV drama conpetitions among major TV production compaies.
NHK E-Tele Judge.
Obugyosama! Part 1 and Part2

■放送スケジュール (2015年)
第1対戦 5月5日(火)23時25分から23時55分 
第2対戦 5月12日(火)23時25分から23時55分 
決勝  5月19日(火)23時25分から23時55分 
戦略会議 5月26日(火)23時25分から23時55分 

Ken Matsudaira's Obugyosama Part1.

 From Film to TV: Bringing Democratic Genre Film Policy to State TV Programs with Genre Stars

  NHK Eテレジャッジ 松平健の「お奉行さまッ!」メール編合コン編二本立て(2015年5月、4回放送、NHK)

NHK E-TV Judge (2015-2016) features numerous crafted TV dramas from major TV productions for competition. Winners hit the highest score in selected voters and influencers' judgement. It was an attempt to bring multiculturism to the state TV station program. 

Ryota cooperated with the TV director Kenji Mizoguchi who is known for creating the TV series The Solitary Gourmet (TV Tokyo, 2012-2019) to make two TV comedy dramas of the legendary samurai star Ken Matsudaira.  It was not only a flesh attempt to create unique samurai genre drama in NHK, but also it was homage to Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Western genre which both the director and his editor loved. 

This is the first TV drama work of Ryota that actually played a major role, edited and assisted the entire production as an actor,  professional assistant director and main TV editor.  For being a TV editor, the most important thing is to let the director finalise its director's cut which based on the editor's cut. Not only film editing, but also TV editing follows this flow. This was single camera operation however Ryota had enough materials to make it like multi-camera editing. The TV director Kenji Mizoguchi is Ryota's best collaborator in TV industry. 

Ken Matsudaira's Obugyosama Part2
First Cuts: TV Drama Editing of Obugyosama Part 1 and 2 by Ryota Nakanishi

Editor's Cuts: TV Drama Editing of Obugyosama Part 1 and 2 by Ryota Nakanishi  

TV-program ad.

 Furusato Time: TV Documentary  
 (J:COM, 2015-2017)  

Local Star Matirog in Akita.
Shingo Kazami in Furusato-Time.
Matirog in Furusato-Time.
Popular Japanese actor Kazami Shingo

 Function of Documentary:Revitalising  Local TV / Film Industries and Traditional Culture


  J:COMテレビ 風見しんご、マティログ他出演「ふるさとタイム」(2015年-2017年、J:COM) 

 Furusato Time (2015-2017) is a TV documentary series for J:COM, the largest cable television company in Japan.

 This program introduced local features and local businessmen who decided to fight for revitalising declined local industries that wrecked by neoliberalism. And it's part of Ryota's efforts who planned to re-establish local film industries like George A. Romero did in Pittsburgh in the 1960s. Japan's neoliberal difficulties have been only worsening year by year since 1991. 

 Ryota was in charge of creative special assistance as a cast, assistant director and assistant editor. Ryota's expertise was fully exercised especially in location shooting in local regions throughout Japan with tight co-operation of cable televisions and film commissions. 

 Shingo Kazami Goes to Takaoka Part 1 and Part 2 are Ryota's first TV shows. And it starred the well-known actor Shingo Kazami. It was cooperation among the popular actor, the TV production company of Fuji TV and local video companies. Ryota established the great collaboration and relationships with them. 

 The next episodes are From Akita with Love: Kingdom of Gourmet and From Akita with Love: Beautiful Country which practiced more localised TV show making in Akita prefecture.


 Akita has its vital local TV industry for its citizens. The local star Matirog is the best collaborator for the local TV documentary. Ryota, other crew members and cast strode to recreate and recover the image of the lost golden era of Akita prefecture.


 Ryota loved Akita prefecture because of its local legend, the well-preserved ancient agricultural areas, and its local  foods. These episodes costed the most, however they are still the best ones among all episodes. 


 Finally, Ryota reencountered with 'Namahage' the local legend which has Oni-like look and teaches children the norms of community. During the production of these TV documentary episodes, Ryota actually collaborated with film commissions, and the producer authorised Ryota to have financial management rights which equal with the producer in location shooting to smoothly proceed the entire process despite many obstacles that mainly caused from different directors' uncontrollable requirements. 

 This popular travel documentary series became the top view-rate TV program at J:COM during the era. Moreover, its true achievement was that it proved we can establish efficient management of creative teams against abuse by a director and in other uncontrollable situations typical in this era.

 It also proved that selfish auteurism does not fit TV industry and any team work of today. Producers can authorise assistants to be their representatives. It can prevent incidents during production. 

 ''The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.''    - Nelson Mandela 

Marilyn Burns's message to Ryota.

 Hong KonG

 Film WorK

 Face to Face with Sammo Hung (2019) 

Face to Face  with Sammo Hung (2019).

 Ryota's first Hong Kong film work is a video documentary ''Face to Face with Sammo Hung'' (2019) which starred the legendary Hong Kong action film star Sammo Hung and produced by Hong Kong International Film Festival  (HKIFF). 


 Ryota was in charge of one of interview questions about the film master who has worked with various generations of top Hong Kong film stars and film directors since 1961 until the present. 


 Ryota successfully proceeded the Cantonese conversation with the living legend on favourite films like Mr. Vampire (1985) and Encounters of the Spooky Kind  (1980)  etc.. 

​ Books 

 Hou Hsiao-Hsien Master Class 

The Largest Chinese Film Class and
Practice of Collective Publishing 

Hou Hsiao-Hsien Master Class Book 2009
Hou Hsiao-Hsien Master Class Book 2018

 2008, 2009, 2018, 236 pages (Original) 

 Published by Cosmos Book (HK); 

 Guangxi Normal University (Guangxi); 

 New Star Press (Shanghai)

 ISBN: 978-­9882-­211-­988-­8 (HK); 

 9787563384013 (Guangxi); 

 9787513326650 (Shanghai) 


 All major Chinese film school students  and the professors from the Greater  China Region gathered together at  Hong Kong Baptist University to  discuss many serious film issues in  the region.

 Comment: This book is made by total    contributions of students from all  major film schools, professors  and  critics in the region. Furthermore, the  entire  publication process was  managed by  film students and  professors democratically. As the  result, this book is still unique among  all film books that it provides various  questions and improvisations from  multiple angles. It is impossible in a  sole journalist or critic work. This is  the real team work and collectivist  spirit of filmmaking. Of course, critics  and journalists are hostile to this kind  of collective publishing project done  by both students and professors. 

 Credit: The Chief Editor Prof. 

 Pak Tong Cheuk 


Russian State Media

Ryota's photo work for Sputnik.
Ryota's photo work for Sputnik.
Ryota's photo work for Sputnik.
Ryota's photo work for Sputnik.

 The respected Russian media SPUTNIK used Ryota's direct photo work on Japanese Communist Party. Although JCP's foreign policies are almost the same with the entire ruling class,  Japanese Communist Party's domestic policies are relatively idealistic for the working class of  Japan. Its ''popular  unity'' strategy was and still is effective since the late 2015 but the ultimate goal of establishing popular government is still no consensus among other oppositions who are anti-communists in its nature.

 Ryota only trusts Russian media like RT, SPUTNIK, and thanks them for their efforts for real journalism globally. 


Since 2005 


Studies of Hong Kong Labour Issues since 2017.
Hong Kong Intelligence Report.
Film Writing.
A message of William Blum to Ryota in 2016.
Ukeru Magosaki cited Ryota's book review.

Reviews, analysis and comments are contributions to both international and local news, film-TV productions, culture in general. Ryota's writing is powerful as practice already proved many times since 2005. This is why US tech giants and its puppets spitefully block Ryota from writing about their misdeeds. 

Quotation marks.
Quotation marks.
A Film Review of Men On The Dragon.
Official CIA Facebook Group Post.
Official CIA Facebook Group Post.
RT Post.
Maduro Post.
RT Post.
HKG-Pao Post.
Ryota's Facebook Post.
Aleida Guevara's persona message to Ryota Nakanishi.
Aleida Guevara in 2008.
Orson Welles.
Battleship Potemkin.
Allende, Chile.
Lori Cardille's Personal Message to Ryota.
Chinese central Government cited Ryota's social comment.
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